Can you tell me what website I can go on that will show me pictures to tell if my puppy is male or female?
2005-12-10 07:29:50 UTC
My dog has just had a litter of seven puppies, I am new to this raising puppy thing, but I am trying to find out which puppies are female an which are males
Four answers:
2005-12-10 15:00:09 UTC
It is quite tricky with little ones! Especially since male puppies' testicles probably haven't descended yet (they normally descend anywhere from 8 weeks to 3 months). So, If you are looking at the puppy's belly, a female's genitals will be lower down on the abdomen than a male's. And, you can always ask the vet to check for you when you take them in for their first shots.
2005-12-10 15:38:35 UTC
Try Humane Society Website
2005-12-10 15:32:17 UTC
I'm no veterinarian.. but did you look for a penis? That ususally helps in the whole sex determination thing
2005-12-10 15:37:31 UTC
lift up his or her tail, I assume you know the difference

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