Admitting I have zero interest in these dog show actor trainers - the little bit I have watched, I can say the guy is a troglodyte. What is new about kicking, hitting, pinning or otherwise man handling a dog into submission? Its been around since man invented the wheel.
CM reinvents this wheel with (a) very white teeth and (b) ad-speak to the unwashed masses that hits their PC button. Things like : everyone spay and neuter.
What self-respecting PETA freak could argue with that. Yes, he does have some basic principles that all people can agree with - he advocates, exercise, training, and then love. He realizes a dog is a creature - not a human. He's not a COMPLETE idiot.
The fact that he trains a dog with stupid little sounds (what's this sssshhh sound....its like he farts through his mouth) a personal pet peeve. Its annoying. Its silly. And its actual an attraction for my dog to bite .
Anyway, I guess your ABPT is truly tolerant of humans, because if you tried grabbing my Doberman and pinning her when she was ready to lock and load on another dog , you would leave with a very different face.
While I do not disagree with requiring your dog to "submit" to another dog - its HOW you accomplish it that makes us different. In training, a dog that was aggressive was (for example) required to lie down and all other dogs jumped over him and he was also the last dog to leave the field.
Requiring a dog to lie down is done with human standing straight and tall and using the command "down". If the dog will not down, and assuming he is trained to know the command, he is corrected with a leash correction.
He is asked to submit to others jumping over him and must not bite. He is not "held" down - but if he moves, he is again corrected, and commanded "down". You could assume that in some cases, it may take 15 -20 commands , corrections and repeated commands before a dog realizes no matter what , he must down. On command.
And he does it. With no kicking, no jabbing, no yelling, screaming or pinning. Its just patience, calmness and perseverance.
We do not arm wrestle with dogs and call that training. That is what cave men did. We've evolved.
To sum it up, I care less really what the CM followers think. I am truly amazed the guy has that much appeal - it must be the teeth.
And reading your posts Domino (whatever ones I"ve seen in the last few months anyway) my impression is, I think you have a good heart, and you mean well. And I don't think you are cruel, or intentionally abusive. And yes, I use prong collars. Yes I correct my dog.
But if CM is what you or other people equate to good training technique, I really feel you are missing out on a lot. And so is your dog.
PS: Dare I ask what the "bite" is to correct a dog. Are you actually telling me you bite your dog? Please tell me I am wrong.
Dangerous breed is a bad word here in Ontario. I recently had the drill with my insurance company - they specifically asked if I had a PB, a Rotti - or a cross and did I train my dogs to bite.
Fortunetly for me, I can answer no to all the above. Life must be interesting for those that live on the edge.