How many people actually walk their dog everyday?
2015-05-25 08:52:55 UTC
I know we're all supposed to, but many of us have busy schedules, and I wanted to just ask how many people really walk their dog every day?
126 answers:
2015-05-28 17:25:28 UTC
2 3 times
Little Ollie
2015-05-26 09:59:29 UTC
When my dogs were young they would get 3 walks a day, 1 hour before work, dog walker 30 minutes at noon, 30 minutes after supper. Now that they are seniors, one has arthritis and refuses to walk more than 1 time a day, it s one walk a day for an hour if the weather permits. I actually like to walk and try to get in a couple of miles after supper without my dogs. If the old male won t walk, neither will the other male or older female.
2015-05-26 22:04:36 UTC
I usually run my dogs, I have 3 small breed dogs all under 12lbs.. in the morning for atlease an hour everyday between 7:00am or latest at 8am. My husband works third shift so he would run our dogs in the afternoon when I'm not home. I play with my puppies once I get off work..4:30pm, walk them again for 30-40 mins at 6pm.. feed them after their walk and then play with them some more. Would try to keep them moving around and doing something until bed time 10pm. This is our daily routine for past 3 years and if we don't follow our routine or miss one thing, Our dogs goes crazy.
2015-05-26 02:59:07 UTC
I do what I can. Walks are almost always given, on days they aren't it's not that hard to go out in the backyard ( as it is big ) to work on some extra training, and play a game of fetch, tug-of-war, chase and hopefully soon, a homemade agility course. Both my own dog and parents dog also seem to tire one another out on a daily basis with wrestling around, and do have that opportunity to go outside through the open back door when we are home. The only time I don't take them out is if it's raining heavily/storming ( especially during the colder months) in which it is still easy enough to give the dogs something to do inside the home, or if I am sick ( and I am the only one in this home who does do these things with the dogs, no one else ).
2015-05-25 15:13:56 UTC
I walk my dogs in the woods and fields OFF lead for 2 hours EVERY day...rain or shine.

I often incorporate some training into the walks and do intensive training once a week on average.

They also have outside access 24/7 from a dog door to a large lawned garden,

The fact I am now retired helps as I do not have to commit to a work schedule each day.
2015-05-25 12:55:49 UTC
I take my dogs for a walk at least 1 hour everyday. But some days i don't have enough time. But almost everyday I give them a long run.
2015-05-27 01:39:23 UTC
When growing up my mother owned two energetic dogs (GSD), she also worked 12 hours a day. Walking the dogs was a priority to her, no matter how tired, how sick, how hectic the weather was she would walk the dogs 1 hour before work 1 hour after work..

There would always be someone in during the day, if not she would hire a dog walker.

I know people who hardly ever walk there dogs, I do feel bad for the dogs. They need adventure, they need to get out just as we do. I notice it does affect them in some way (whether they resort to tail chasing, shadow chasing, or other obsessive behaviours).

My dog is walked daily she would probably bounce of the walls if not!
2015-05-26 08:42:16 UTC
I walk my dog as often as I can which is usually 1-2 times a day, she's a Staffordshire Bull Terrier so I'd think that's average for her. She had a bad upbringing though and doesn't like other dogs, except for ones he knows very well, so she can't really be taken where other dogs crowd which is really annoying because there's a huge field next to my house. My other dog unfortunately can't get walked just yet because his leg is healing. I feel terrible only taking one dog, but he'd be in pain.
2015-05-25 21:15:51 UTC
Some dogs get fat without that regular exercise, but some don't for some reason.

Growing up, my parents had a German-shepherd mix that literally just roamed a tiny backyard.

Had to ask permission to do ANYTHING, and they hated stress, so basically I was not allowed to do anything... not even walk the dog.

He pretty-much rotted his entire 9 years back there.

I couldn't go out with friends or anything. My parents didn't want to stress about anything, so I, too, was cooped-up in my room, with a few religious books and an old piano.
Pete K
2015-05-29 20:10:22 UTC
Oh come on, I live in a condo and work full-time, and I walk my dogs (two!) at least twice a day, at least 30 minutes each walk. Plus inside very active play time. It can be done, and it must be done, for a total "active" time of at least 2 hours a day. Most dogs are pretty amenable to any situation, but even the crappy dog-food brands base their feeding recommendations on an expectation of two hours of exercise (meaning not just a slow walk, but actual high-energy play/activity for 2 hours,) per day. And think about that... just two hours out of 24 per day. BUT, that is *every* day of the year, rain or shine, heat or cold. If you can't, or are not willing to, provide that but still want a dog, consider a truly elder dog that is at a stage of life where little exercise is needed and just would enjoy your daily companionship and belly-rubs.
2015-05-27 06:38:24 UTC
I have a very lively,energetic Jack Russell who demands walks everyday. I try to walk him 45 mins in morn & around an hour off lead in evening, Lately I have been poorly with my chest & having bad asthma attacks so I have been unable to do morning walks & so had to walk him longer in evening otherwise he is bouncing off the walls.

I think all dogs are different tho, Some are happy with just one walk a day (my last dog was like this) I dont see any harm in playing a game of fetch or chase in a yard/garden instead of a walk occasionally.
2015-05-26 03:22:43 UTC
I walk all of my dogs twice a day. I got seven, but they are trained so I take them out in in pairs of two. My boyfriend takes them out too. Plus, they have a vast garden to run around,dig,play and unwind. I feel that since someone gets a dog he must already know that walks constitute a major part. It's a way for the dog to exercise,stay healthy and interact with its owner, by spending quality time together. A great bond is created between the owner and the dog so they are both satisfied. Of course, it doesn't matter if sometimes it's not feasible for it to be taken out due to the owner having a busy schedule, but it mustn't happen on a regular basis.

I do my best to make it and take my dogs out for at least 1hour and a half to run,play with other dogs and spend time with me. I am fortunate to have a great dog park just 5 minutes walk close to my house so i take them there to play with other dogs. Generally, I don't like leash walking. I prefer the dogs to be trained and have the chance to stretch their legs without being pulled and controlled: And that's what walks are for, to relax and play, so being leashed isn't nice. And that's why i definitely advocate training - in order to make the dogs able to obey and be more free close to their owner.

2015-05-26 17:01:30 UTC
In reality, hardly anyone walks their dogs EVERYDAY. It really is dependent on the environment you live in and whether or not your dog gets the opportunity to go outside. If you have an invisible fence or a real fence, dogs are fine just going outside, getting fresh air and running around. If you live in a more urban area or do not have a yard, it is probably best for your dog to get walked at least three times a week because they need the exercise and fresh air. Hope this helped :)
2015-05-26 21:58:09 UTC
I think my dog would actually prefer not to be walked everyday (he is a very lazy Golden Retriever) but I still walk him at least once a day. It is good for both the dog and yourself.
2015-05-27 05:55:10 UTC
I can which is usually 1-2 times a day, she's a Staffordshire Bull Terrier so I'd think that's average for her. She had a bad upbringing though and doesn't like other dogs, except for ones he knows very well, so she can't really be taken where other dogs crowd which is really annoying because there's a huge field next to my house.
2015-05-25 21:26:38 UTC
I take my dog for a walk, usually a long walk, in the morning. Then at night, my husband takes her for a short walk. I have more time than he has. Also, I'm bit scared to walk around at night since our dog isn't really a guard dog or anything(nice way to say she's a coward lol).
2015-05-25 09:05:04 UTC
But that is part of the responsibility of owning a dog. With our last dog - our Greyhound - she was walked daily rain or shine. Only exception was sub-zero weather (had two coats and boots!) and thunderstorms. Often got evil looks from people who saw us walking her in the pouring rain - but it was her choice, not ours, LOL! Many times she got two walks a day, as I would come home at lunch time as it was my exercise too, and then again after dinner. Weekends would be three walks. That is what we commit to - or should - when we get a dog.
2015-05-28 08:35:47 UTC
My family walk my dog most days - sometimes not everyday, but at least every other day. Dogs need regular walks in order to get exercise, so it's important for you to walk your dog everyday or every other day.
2015-05-26 01:53:26 UTC
I have a busy schedule but I wake up early everyday to take him for a quick walk and than at night I let him play in a big yeard and we run around and tRain him it is very important that u walk your dog even if u r going to the bakery or something just walk him with u
2015-05-26 19:06:50 UTC
I usually just walk my dog once every other day. He s a tiny little 4 lb Maltese, and he s not the active kind, so he doesn t need to be walked too often. We also have a 5 acre backyard where he can run around and get enough exercise on non-walking days.
2016-03-10 03:19:20 UTC
Even with small dogs, activity levels vary. Ideally, a yorkie or pom should get a daily walk of 1/2 to 3/4 of an hour. With lots of play and yard time, you could probably cut this to every other day.
2015-05-27 13:46:54 UTC
I don't walk my dog everyday, but we have a large fenced in back yard. When I can I like to walk him, but not everyday. You're not a bad owner if you don't, just try to when you can and always make sure it gets some exercise.
2015-05-27 22:57:58 UTC
I do, religiously for the last 15 years and I am very busy with two jobs. If you can't squeeze walks in then you shouldn't own a dog. That is like keeping a dog in a prison or solitary confinement. It is simply cruel. Its like keeping a parakeet in a tiny bird cage with no ventures outdoors on pleasant days. How would you feel if you weren't allowed to leave your house for your entire life??? You'd become mentally ill.
2015-05-25 10:29:46 UTC
I actually like to walk. So if the weather is cooperating I will walk the dog. It's also a time for me too, I don't just think of it as something I have to do.
2015-05-28 22:59:17 UTC
Hello there mate! Good question here. I personally do it on rare occasions and that’s mostly because I have a rather big yard and since my dog is a 1 year old Dachshund, it really enjoys itself running all over the place and chasing birds and critters. However, I do know that it’s not enough and I am trying really hard to adjust my schedule for the walks!
2015-05-26 10:43:22 UTC
Yes, they are walked twice a day for 1-2 miles each time. If you do not have time for this you should not own a dog.

And be a great dog owner and pick up after them!!!
Nancy-Marie Knight
2015-05-30 08:59:56 UTC
I can't walk my dogs everyday because I have so many responsibilities. We have a big back yard and they always get exercise. honestly I walked my dogs twice this week but they are fine.
2015-05-27 05:30:37 UTC
My family and I take my dog out at least three times a day. My dog is a Lhasa Apso so she is quite small and not very energetic but every dog needs at least 2 walks a day depending on there size, age and breed.
2015-05-25 22:08:52 UTC
I see some people walk there dog in morning and evining
2015-05-26 14:44:07 UTC
We live in an apartment, so dog gets a walk 4 times per day. In the morning, I take him in a short round-the-block before work, the husband is home and does afternoon, a longer slower walk, then as soon as I get home from work, another round-the-block, and then another right before bed. This is plenty for him as he is just a little guy, pug and chihuahua mix.
Frances Whiteley
2015-05-25 12:43:32 UTC
I walk my dog at least 3 times a day and also let him out in the garden multiple times as exercise is a key part to their lifestyle
2015-05-28 11:54:41 UTC
Well I'm unemployed home schooling my kids, so at the time I assign to their lunch we always take the dogs out to the woods and sit with our food. It a great bonding activity for the dogs and the children.

Walks are also given out on lead around the village in the evening for an hour.
2015-05-26 05:23:37 UTC
I haven't walked my dog lately coz I have been super busy lately (last couple of weeks) but generally I try to take my dog on a half hour walk per day.
2015-05-25 12:41:59 UTC
I would walk your dog at least 2-3 times a week. It really depends on what breed it is though. If you had a Lab then I would walk him as much as I could.
2015-05-25 09:14:24 UTC
Of course. They'll go crazy if they're cooped up all day, but they're also way more likely to have accidents and have health problems. I take my dog on two walks a day during school days and four or five a day during weekends.
2015-05-25 19:54:28 UTC
I see a lot of people walk there dogs in the morning and I would too if I had a bigger dog to run with.
2015-05-26 11:20:35 UTC
I walk my dog everyday before i head to my school
2015-05-25 09:35:46 UTC
I have a Pug and I walk her everyday for a long walk. In Summer we may have to wait till 9 or 10:00 as the heat is bad, but we do , do it. It is in their DNA to hunt for food, that instinct, pack mentality that will be forever in any dog. Myself, it makes me get off my butt and I love my dog and have fun with her.
2015-05-27 15:06:19 UTC
about 2 times a day
2015-05-26 23:13:56 UTC
You're abusing your dog if you don't walk them everyday. They need to pee and take a dump just like humans do. They also have the need to see other dogs once in a while.
2015-05-25 09:23:59 UTC
My dogs have access to five secure acres from sunrise to sunset to run and hunt everyday. I do exercise them with my mobility scooter for 1-1/2 miles, take them swimming three times a week, and put one on a treadmill twice daily.
2015-05-26 02:47:58 UTC
I walked my dogs at least 4 times a day. Once in the early morning hours before I go to work, then the dogsitter walks them around 12PM in the afternoon, then again at around 3-4PM and lastly, they get their last walk at nigh when I come home from work.
2015-05-25 20:30:06 UTC
My dogs get walked 3 times a day, ever single day. 2 are for exercise, bathroom and socialization and the last one is for bathroom before bed.
Isaac Diaz
2015-05-27 09:11:47 UTC
i take my dog out for walks every other day because i come home late sometimes and can not take him out. but on those days i play with him in the yard since i do have a big yard playing either tough of war or running around him. i try to this as much as i can because i love my dog
2015-05-27 14:16:14 UTC
We have a large, fenced-in backyard in which we just let one dog out to run as she pleases. The other dog is 15 and can't always hold it in. I let her out into the OTHER yard (front), but we also have a pad for her. Sometimes she'll use the pad even when other people are in the room who could let her out. She won't even say anything first.
2015-05-25 17:16:41 UTC
I walk my dog 3 times a day! it is sooo important to walk your dog. if you really don't have time then take him to a dog park and let him run around it's better than nothing ...
Emory Traylor
2015-05-25 09:38:27 UTC
I try walking my dog everyday but I get to lazy sometimes.
2015-05-27 02:44:23 UTC
Having a dog is like having a child, it's supposed to be nurtured, and I think that walking him, instead of having a backyard as a permanent toilet, is a must.
2015-05-27 19:46:57 UTC
I run my Shih Tzu's on average 2 miles per day. YES, they are in excellent shape for Shih Tzu's. Hate to be graphic here but you will notice most over weight humans walking their dogs, also have dogs that are over-weight.
2015-05-25 12:15:42 UTC
I do, about 6 times a day around my neighbour hood.

And if I take her out on a long walk on the beach or glen. Then I walk her around the neighbour hood 2-3 times a day. Aswell as taking her out to do her business ASWELL as playing fetch in the garden. Fun life :D
2015-05-26 02:31:06 UTC
I walk my dog twice a day
2015-05-25 10:18:22 UTC
As far as putting on a leash and walking them down the road... I rarely do that.

I DO play fetch with my dogs. I'll take them to the beach. I do obedience training. I do agility training. I take them to my sister farm and let them run with her dogs. One of my dogs has regular play dates with our neighbors dog. I take them for runs on my bike.

My dogs get plenty of physical and mental exercise. It just isn't always in the form of an actual walk.
2015-05-28 10:22:33 UTC
I walk my dog everyday for about an hour to an hour and a half and he loves it ;)
2015-05-26 05:38:29 UTC
Not me I walk the grandaughter twice a day. Only lucky people get to walk dogs. They can put them on leash's.
2015-05-25 08:56:54 UTC
Of course I walk my dog MULTIPLE times a day. He gets a 45 minute walk in the afternoons, a 15 minute walk in the morning, and a 25 minute in the evenings. Sometimes longer, I don't watch the time.
2015-05-29 17:35:37 UTC
As long as you have a big back yard with a fence or an invisible fence, you should be fine. Otherwise walking them is necessary. Or taking them out to a country field and letting them run in the field.
2015-05-26 10:55:48 UTC
I walk my dogs every day for an hour. never skip one. even on a rain or snow.

Its my dogs favorite thing in the world. More than food!
2015-05-26 11:57:15 UTC
I walk my dog at night and someone else walks her for me in the morning as I am always in a rush.
2015-05-25 16:26:24 UTC
I think a lot of people lie and do not walk them... but it is probably in most dogs best interest to keep them active to a fair amount.
2015-05-28 14:06:16 UTC
I don't walk my dog, I pay someone to walk my dog..... but on weekends I might take my dog out. I don't think I'd have a dog if I couldnt' walk it...... so not fair to the dog. pending size. if very small I don't think it matters, they get too tired anyways walking to end of the road.
2015-05-26 18:26:12 UTC
Few people.

One guy in England was once ticketed for driving while walking his dog.
2015-05-26 14:38:42 UTC
Twice a day for my two beagles, a longer one about 30-40 mins and a shorter one about 20 mins. sometimes I'll take out just my bigger beagle for a more intensive walk (he has a lot more energy to burn, and that way my little one isn't getting dragged around :)P
2015-05-28 05:24:37 UTC
I walk my Jack Russell every day for about forty five minutes to an hour, although their is the odd time (about once a month) where I don't walk him, I make up for it the next day.
2015-05-29 23:10:24 UTC
and if you had a child.... would you wake up early enough to get their stuff ready to go to school/daycare or you just be lazy about that too?

my dog used to get 3 leash walks every day & that was on top of other activities we did & each day at least one of those walks was a minimum of 3 miles (regardless of weather)- now that he is old & arthritic he gets 4 short walks because that works better for him
2015-05-25 23:42:34 UTC
I take my dog out about 3-4 times a day. Before , in between & after her meals. Everytime it take her out to pee i take her on a 10-15 min. Walk around the court to kind of sniff around & have some fun. I take her out after i feed her in the morning... Then another time when i come back for my lunch break & then another time after i feed her in the afternoon & then once at night before bed.
heart o' gold
2015-05-25 19:26:07 UTC
I take my dogs to the dog park at least once, sometimes twice, and every so often even three times a day.
Teensy and Jacob: Terrier Terrors
2015-05-25 12:24:58 UTC
I don't but we have our own fun. If it's raining, I let them play in the puddles afterwards, roll in mud, chase each other, take them to the park, stalk and eat cicadas, obedience training, etc. With my puppy, he holds a stick in his mouth while walking, trotting or running on leash and he leaps in the air trying to take the stick if I have it. He's a joy! I also play fetch, let them dig, play fight, bark while playing, attaching them to the double leash to race each other with me holding the leash, etc. We don't walk much as I find it boring, but we do many other things for mental and physical stimulation.
2015-05-26 00:49:23 UTC
If you don't have time during the day, take the dog out at night. Dogs need that constant movement, or else boredom will set in.
2015-05-27 01:59:58 UTC
I usually only walk my dog once a week... I feel terrible. Although we do live on 62 acres so they wonder free all day.
2015-05-25 16:49:36 UTC
I walk my dog at least once a day.
2015-05-27 10:24:41 UTC
i have some puppies and i love them,but idon't have enough time to walk them because i work a lot and always arrive home late in the night.But if i could i would take them for a walk everyday because they deserve some spare them
2015-05-27 10:55:37 UTC
I want to have a god. If I have a dog, I'll walk him/her one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I love dogs.
2015-05-27 02:06:33 UTC
I used to walk my dog Bailey every day !!! He was great !!!! He's buried in the hole he dug in the back garden !!!! Then I had Bindi - the crazy dog !!! I walked her every day !! Then I had Lou - the dog I got 1 day before she was going to be put down !!!! I used to walk her every day !! But then again - I wasn't working !!!!
2015-05-26 14:05:18 UTC
Mine is walked 30 minutes in the morning, 1 hour in the afternoon and another 30 minutes in the evening
2015-05-27 06:02:19 UTC
A lot of people say they walk their dogs here, but everyone I know who owns a dog rarely do. *shrug*
2015-05-30 05:20:57 UTC
I do 2 times almost
2015-05-25 12:21:26 UTC
I walk my dog twice every day
2015-05-28 01:43:22 UTC
Two times a day.
2015-05-25 09:13:41 UTC
Of course, if you get a dog you HAVE to make time to exercise them. That's what you singed up for!
2015-05-26 13:08:46 UTC
i walk mine 2 times a day and he has a play time indoors and outdoors for 20-30 mins too.
2015-05-26 09:31:48 UTC
4 times a day for about 15-20 minutes each time.

Rain, shine, snow, wind, cold.

(My cat usually follows me and the dogs too!)
2015-05-27 09:14:46 UTC
Twice a day, or you could just starve your dog so they won't need any exercise, and you can stay to busy to even care. Job done.
2015-05-25 21:07:44 UTC
Well I dont need to walk my dogs as they are constantly with me in the fields as we work together on a daily basis. ( they herd and drive my sheep)
2015-05-25 22:58:21 UTC
I walk mine twice a day
2015-05-30 08:15:53 UTC
Every day - once at 6.30 a.m. Once at about 10.30 p.m. and often about 5 p,m. for a run off lead at a park. If you cant exercise your dog then you really shouldnt have one.
2015-05-26 04:39:25 UTC
i walk our dogs once a day and my partner walks them again in the evening.
2015-05-29 23:23:00 UTC
I do, but it really depends on the breed. Typically with the larger/more energetic your dog is, the more you'll have to walk it.
2015-05-30 09:46:36 UTC
Are you serious? ALWAYS! If you don't have the time to care for your dog correctly, let somebody that does have him/them. Get a cat!
2015-05-30 06:37:56 UTC
I do 3 + times a day have them train to ask whenever they have to go out
2015-05-26 04:16:01 UTC
I have a small black Labrador and she goes out 3 times a day.
2015-05-28 10:22:20 UTC
I do, what ever the weather at least twice a day. I enjoy walking with him
2015-05-25 18:52:42 UTC
Me, I walk my dog every day, cause he pee and poo outside, I walk him from 1 to 3 times every day

THen let me ask you a question do you go to the toilet every day?????XD cause dogs make toilet outside and cant flush the toilet....XD
2015-05-30 03:43:17 UTC
as difficult it is I walk him everyday expect if the weather is too bad cause he doesn't even enjoy it then
Verulam 1
2015-05-25 09:17:37 UTC
The only time mine don't/didn't get exercised was if they had an injury/were recovering from surgery.
2015-05-26 10:02:43 UTC
i have a australian shepherd on a chain all the time cause he runs to my neighbors house all the time so to ensure he gets his exercise i walk him .8-1.6 miles daily more on the weekend although im not sure the recommended amount of exercise
2015-05-27 16:34:48 UTC
I never walk my dogs :(
2015-05-25 15:27:38 UTC
We would be guilty of that - usually every other day - rest of the time we'd play with her in the yard.
2015-05-25 17:05:02 UTC
Not me. But I do bike with my GSD every couple weeks.

She gets exercise in the backyard daily.
2015-05-27 09:39:03 UTC
I walk mine 7am,12pm,and 5pm
2015-05-29 07:53:59 UTC
We live on the countryside so the dogs can run loose around the yard all they want, all day long. :)
2015-05-25 23:23:12 UTC
Yup every day, otherwise he gets super crazy and whines.
2015-05-25 17:15:22 UTC
I just let mine run outside, then I continue my work
2015-05-26 21:15:05 UTC
Who cares.
2015-05-27 20:28:39 UTC
I don't , but I at least make sure he gets out to do one and two. '-'
2015-05-28 20:55:18 UTC
my dog drinks beer
2015-05-25 20:23:59 UTC
walking them make the meat tough to chew.... unless slow cooked
2015-05-30 11:25:50 UTC
I walk just at weekends

Help me?Give me likes?
Arsalan Mehboob
2015-05-26 22:29:45 UTC
hahhaa i scared of dog so much
2015-05-27 02:36:59 UTC
Doughnuts are delicious.
Media Express
2015-05-25 15:05:26 UTC
I do twice day sometimes three.
2015-05-27 10:04:56 UTC
I try weekly
2015-05-25 08:56:31 UTC
id guess around 3448400
2015-05-26 16:12:43 UTC
they're lazy so i just carry them around everywhere in my purse.
2015-05-26 09:39:52 UTC
Art G
2015-05-26 21:04:19 UTC
2015-05-26 06:20:50 UTC
a lot i guess
2015-05-30 09:29:28 UTC
I do
2015-05-27 15:52:04 UTC
Not me.
2015-05-29 04:22:52 UTC
2015-05-25 19:13:40 UTC
2015-05-27 06:02:50 UTC
2015-05-27 13:46:29 UTC
A lot !!
2015-05-25 21:27:35 UTC
i do
2015-05-26 00:03:56 UTC
2015-05-25 09:47:39 UTC
I do.
2015-05-27 08:59:30 UTC
I do!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.