Here we go with another anti "Pit Bull" rant
1. Defamation. In several of your answers and questions you have called "Pit Bull" supporters and owners "Lunatics" that are "Uneducated and ignorant." That anyone who owns a "pit bull" has a "Criminal record."
That is defamation and character assassination. You can be held liable for such slanderous comments. Not everyone who owns a "pit bull" is a criminal or has a criminal record.
2. Now you claim that no one has done their research. Have you WILT? If you had you know that "Pit Bull" is NOT an actual breed of dog but a common term for a "TYPE" of dog. This type includes but is not limited to:
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
American Staffordshire Terrier
American Pit Bull Terrier (NOT just a pit bull)
American Bulldog Terrier(Miniature)
Bull Terrier
So right there Wilt you are spreading DISINFORMATION by calling a pit bull a breed.
3. Statistics and studies are NOT 100% accurate. In order to be 100% reliable and accurate:
-Every single dog attack needs to be reported. For every attack that is reported there are dozens of attacks that are not reported.
- The news media is not reliable. They are only out for highly controversial subjects or stories that will get viewers.
Not to mention the dozen of articles you mention FAIL to mention a specific pit bull breed. Claiming the dog was a pit bull and not a specific breed hinders the statistics from being able to report accurately.
-Many people cannot distinguish between almost all of the breeds and yes it does happen all the time. For example the fatal attack was committed by a Labrador but was falsely identified as a "Pit Bull." The report is forever etched in history as a "Pit Bull" attack.
Your articles are NOT 100% reliable. They only state "Pit Bull" and like I stated before that is a slang name given to several different breeds. This does not help determine which breed has attacked more.
4. Most people do not know how to behave around animals especially dogs. You have to treat all animals with respect, including your own pets. Many animals may be domesticated but they still retain their ancestral instincts.
Since you want to go there. Let's Discuss the articles you are so quick to use to back up your rant. Several of the articles and reports fail to mention what type of pit bull it was. Either state on of the five more variations of pit bulls directly or don't post it.
Secondly there were several factors that were an obvious clue as to why the dog was provoked and NOT aggressive.
If people have children they should NOT have pets until that child is at least 4 years old or how do they understand how to treat a pet.
~Parents and caregivers should NEVER, NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER leave a baby or small child alone with ***ANY***animal.
That article about the family with the two month old child you talking about did just that. The father was fiddling with the sprinkler system and where was the mother? In another part of the house doing what? The father could have asked the mother to come in and watch the child while he fiddled with the sprinkler system or he could have simply waited until later.
~It is the parents or caregivers responsibility to be ALERT for potentially dangerous situations (this means do NOT leave alone, keep eyes on the situation, STOP texting, reading, talking to other people,watching T.V. or anything else that diverts your attention)
And that is exactly what happened in several of these reports, something that diverted their attention and kept them from being alert.
~Most people who own any animal especially dogs buy or adopt them on impulse. DO NOT DO THIS. How many puppies and kittens are returned or put in shelters especially around the holidays? People buy animals without thinking. It is a CRIME how people treat their pets. If you want to own a dog(or ANY animal) make sure you have the:
-TIME if you cannot spend some serious time with the pet then you should not get the animal. This also helps to socialize them, getting them accustomed to being handled and touched by all and creates a bond with them. Not only that but this time spent playing with them that wears down their energy.
-MONEY if you cannot afford to take your animal to the vet for regular vet checkups and emergencies that come up DO NOT GET ANY ANIMAL. Animals can become aggressive when they are in PAIN. Its their way of telling use they are hurting and need help. Take the animal to the vet regularly.
-ADEQUATE SPACE If you do NOT have space for example you live in an apartment do NOT get a German Shepherd. They require lots of space to be able to roam and play.
People get animals without thinking. People who live in apartments get an animal that suited for a large house and property. People who are not active get pets that need a lot of exercise.
Everyone teaches children about:
-Fire safely
-Stay away from strangers
Respect their elders<(Well they used to)>
But yet we do not teach how to be around animals. Animals react to body language.
~Teach children(or ANYONE) to be careful around pets. Do NOT approach strange animals or try to pet them.
~DO NOT REACH THROUGH OR OVER FENCES. Guess what? That happened in several of the dog attack reports. ALWAYS ask permission from the animal's owner before approaching and pet the animal.
~NEVER EVER run past a dog. Dogs naturally love to chase and catch things. Don't give them a reason to become excited or aggressive.
Happened in several dog attack reports.
~NEVER disturb a dog that is caring for puppies, sleeping or eating. (DO NOT startle an animal) and what did you know? This happened in several articles.
~If any animal approaches you to sniff you, STAY STILL. In most cases after determining you are not a threat they will move on.
~Always try to remain calm. DO NOT scream or yell. Avoid eye contact. DO NOT run. Try to remain still. These things will provoke the attack further. Speak calmly and firmly. Try to stay still until the dog leaves. Or back away slowly until the dog is out of sight. DO NOT turn and run. DO NOT wave or jab your fingers in any animal's face. They are likely to bite and attack. All of these things are what children could have done unintentionally to provoke an attack. Like I said people need to be taught how to behave around animals.
~If you fall or are knocked to the ground curl into a ball with your hands over your head and neck. Protect your face. Its like the stop, drop and roll in fire safety. People should be taught this in case they get attacked by **ANY**animal including a dog.
~DO NOT lock animals in small spaces for long periods of times. Several articles talked about dogs being locked up in a kennel or pen outside or in a small bedroom for several hours to well over several months and then people want to know why they were aggressive. Animals need stimulation and exercise and loads of playtime.
Name and link one dog bite study that shows "pit bulls" are the number 1 breed for severe attacks, mauls, maims, disfigurement, hospitalizations and kills. You CANNOT because there is NO such study. All you have are OPINIONS of various people and biased opinions at that.
You have stated and quoted from several various person that made statements against "pit bulls." CASE IN POINT-Cesar Milan. So where is the link that shows us when and where he said this? Well WILT where is the link to the article where he said it? Yeah we cannot take that seriously because there is a high chance that while he may have said that, he could have also explained or simply stated something further that goes against your beliefs that would have completely null and voided your entire opinion. Anyone could have claimed he said it(as you just did) without evidence to back up this claim.
Again your links to a search page means NOTHING. Anyone can post anything they want on the internet. It does NOT make it true. This is why there are several jobs for fact checkers and research experts. Finding something posted online does NOT make it true or a fact. You other post about the archival record about fatal "pit bull" attacks, that is done by I will get to that in a minute.
If you want to start quoting from them, then I suggest using more than one news source. For further information you will need to do your own research. Call around and talk to the people involved. When you do that you will find some things start to fall apart rapidly.
You think everyone BUT YOU is ignorant and uneducated. Well show us how educated you are. Show us PROOF! Show us links others all you are doing is postulating. Do you know how to do REAL research? It is more than 10 minutes online.
So you think the "pit bull" is the only type of dog that man has bred to be more aggressive and dangerous? Oh my friend Wilt you have so much to learn. Are you aware that they are asking for more dog breeds to be added to the banned list. One of those happens to be the Yorkshire Terrier.
Now lets get to the The founder Colleen Lynn was attacked for approximately 5 seconds by a leashed "pit bull" while jumping. Here are the red flags. She was RUNNING! That "pit bull" was probably had not been socialized and this lady COLLEEN has turned all of her hate and fear onto the dog.
What should be done:
-closer inspection of people who own animals
-More Stringent licensing laws
-Make those own any animal carry insurance like they do for cars
-A system for keeping track of owned animals
-Requirements for socialization and obedience class
-Classes for how to behave around animals and safety tips on how to be safe in case there is an attack and what to do.
-Organize a national and international organization dedicated to helping them and their breeding to help them