The question is naive - more to the point is that Yanks should get their own-opinion-worshipping rebellious acts together and have JUST ONE Registry, ONE set of requirements for each kind of title, ONE set of qualifications for each type of training activity, etc. (And NO WAY should existing champions be removed from the competition for championship points!)
I have not the SLIGHTEST interest in what the ARBA, Con.KC, IKC, IRBA, UKC, Uncle Tom Cobley & All do & offer. That's for one very simple basic reason:
Those organisations count for NOTHING, their codes & "papers" etc are worthless - each has recognition from NO organisation except itself.
Try exporting a pooch to a breeder or show-competitor anywhere outside the USofA without first getting it an AKC Registration number and see how far you get! Try getting UKC-etc titles and qualifications gained by an AKC-regd pooch recognised by the KC of whichever country you are wanting to export to.
It's got nothing to do with "better" or "quality" - in the last 30+ years I don't normally recognise the AKC's "Champion GSDs" as actually even being GSDs, let alone QUALITY GSDs! A friend in SC with about 5 pet GSDs decided to have a look at a dog show about 5 years ago, so chose one of those big 3-day affairs - and was SHOCKED to see about a third of most classes piddling themselves in the ring as soon as the judge approached, and surprised to see that almost every GSD class was won by whatever a particular tall N=gro handled. At GSD shows in my own country I rarely see more than a couple of males that fit my strict "reading" of the International Standard of the GSD: ( ), but at least I cannot recollect ever seeing one piddle with fright - not even in my all-breeds daze before 1976.
As for claims that pro-handlers don't handle in UKC rings - oh really? In such a corrupt, venal system as the USofA has developed? So the UKC regulates that every exhibit must be handled by its registered owner, does it? - and has secret marshals watching each class & recording who handles what?
Pro handlers are not allowed in my country - but certain handlers are kept VERY busy at shows. Some of our top breeders cannot gait a GSD because they have had, or still need, hip or knee replacements or heart bypasses. A few have a son/daughter or grandson they talk into handling for them, but most "persuade" one of the fit teens or 20s accompanying other breeders to handle for them.
There is ONE canine organisation that counts in the world - the FCI (see ). Sadly for Brits, Canucks & Yanks, THEIR official KCs are too arrogant to actually belong to the FCI (horrors - they MIGHT get democratically outvoted by the rest of the world!) Use that nomenclature link to see what the Standard used for your breed by the rest of world looks like, folks. If your breed wasn't developed in Britain, Canada or the USofA you are sure to be surprised at just how much "tougher" (LOTS of DQs!) and more precise it is than what you (& the judges you have been paying for) have been ignoring at home! If your breed fits into any definition of a "working breed", you might also be unpleasantly surprised to discover that in FCI nations your pooch CANNOT become a champion without first passing a courage-&-aptitude test!
[Gilb]: Grow up. Mongrels are not capable of competently performing the specialist tasks that actual; functional breeds were developed for (before show-is-all and pet-is-all people set about ruining those breeds....)
Les P, owner of GSD_Friendly:
"In GSDs" as of 1967