Greedy Staffy !! Is this normal ?? How often do you feed your dog ? ?
2008-10-26 13:09:19 UTC
Star is always hungry, I feed her in the morning, and within ten minutes she wants whatever it is I am preparing to eat myself.

She understands to leave our food alone, yet the other day she decided to grab a sandwich from my boyfriends plate to scoff down, while he turned his back for a moment to change the channel !!

I am wondering is this normal Staffie behaviour ? Or is this my dog being greedy ?

How many times do you guys feed your dog & how much ? Can you leave food in the bowl all day for them to help themselves or do they eat it all straight away as my dog does.
22 answers:
heart o' gold
2008-10-26 13:40:53 UTC
Stafs are super active and will eat a lot because they naturally have high metabolisms. If you haven't checked her for worms, you may want to do that, this would make her abnormally hungry. Also, feeding once a day is not enough for most dogs.

My dogs get breakfast of two large biscuits (or a piece of ww bread or toast with a dab of peanut butter) then their big meal at dinner. At dinner my larger dog (about sixty pounds) gets a cup and a half of kibble with 1/2-3/4 cup whatever "treat thing" they get that night, the smaller dog gets a cup of kibble with a little less "treat thing". The "treat thing" is either canned dog food, a rice/meat mixture I cook for them or a smaller amount of canned cat food. "Treat thing" is only to get the larger one to eat, she refuses to eat dry kibble, period. Her problem is that she won't eat enough to maintain a healthy weight if I don't make it very tempting.

If' I'm home during the day they also get dog treats or tiny bits of whatever I eat as treats.

I know, I know, my dogs are spoiled rotten.

Different dogs have different temperments regarding eating. My smaller dog (a healer/chow cross) is a total chow hound and will eat anything I put down, including dry kibble. She will blow up like a balloon if I don't monitor her weight and her behavior is why I even measure the food. My larger dog (husky/wolf cross) is a very picky eater, really just wants human food and will turn her nose up at canned cat food if she thinks I have something better on my plate.

The real measure of how much a dog should be eating is it's weight and health. When rubbing their side you should be able to feel their ribs under a layer of skin and flesh. You should not be able to see their ribs, although on a staffy with that short tight coat you will likely be able to see some ribs slightly defined unless they put on a fair amount of weight.

I have had other dogs, and some dogs just can't be left to free-feed or they get really fat. Other dogs never seem to overeat.

My suggestion is to use a cup measure as a scoop so you know what you are feeding, change things as you feel you need to and watch for the results. If she gets fat, cut back the food, if she's skinny, give her more.

It's also very important to be feeding a high quality food. Different brands are available regionally, you'll have a better selection and better quality available at a pet or feed store than the grocery store. I prefer the rice based foods to the corn based foods for too many reasons to go into here.

Best wishes and good luck!
2016-12-15 16:37:24 UTC
Staffy Feeding Guide
2016-06-02 19:59:22 UTC
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2008-10-26 13:17:50 UTC
My dog usually gets fed twice a day, and maybe a treat or two during the day. Often times she'll not eat breakfast, and will eat it that night, meaning she'll only get fed once that day. My first dog would snarf down his food as soon as it was in his bowl. He was a Belgian Sheepdog mix. The second and third would do like my dog now does.

What your dog did is normal. Either put him in another room when you are eating, or don't take your eyes off the table when you are eating.

Make sure neither of you is feeding any tablescraps.
2008-10-26 13:15:33 UTC
All dogs are greedy. They don't know where their next meal is coming from and will eat anything they can get in their mouths. I have had dog all my life and only one of them I was able to leave food out all the time. He would eat as and when. Every other dog has had set meal times. I have 2 dogs at the moment. One isn't that greedy so gets fed once a day the other is a real foodie and so she gets fed twice a day. She doesn't get more than she should though, I just divide it into 2. Weigh your dog and a feeding guide will be on the pack of your dog food. don't give in to the rspca face!
2017-02-18 03:34:15 UTC
2008-10-26 13:30:59 UTC
i feed my staffy twice a day in the morning and at tea time
Reece Braveheart Aussies
2008-10-26 13:15:11 UTC
Twice a day for feeding my dogs, your dog just needs to be taught manners about food. My dogs act hungry the minute they are through eating so I think most dogs do this.
2008-10-26 13:17:01 UTC
my puppy is fed 3 times a day and my 2 adult dogs are fed 2 times a day. they are all golden retrievers and they are really greedy, especially my 2 year old. as soon as she has finished eating she will come in the room i am sitting in, and wait for me to give her some of my food
Truth Hurts, Doesn't It?
2008-10-26 13:21:21 UTC
You're supposed to feed the noted amount on the bag of dog food, broken into two feedings a day. For my aunt's dog (60 lbs) it's roughly 3-4 cups a day and he eats the first two cups leisurely through the day and the second two cups quickly at night.

For every dog it's different - if you THINK your dog is hungry break the feedings into three a day. However if your dog is begging (which is a normal behavior for ay dog) for your food right after eating his, then he is probably being an opportunistic scavenger (IE he is begging for the sake of being able to eat yummier food) or may just want more kibble.

Greed is not a known emotion in dogs - dogs eat when they are hungry or when it pleases them to. Some dogs will eat anything and everything you give them, others will only eat when they feel hungry. If the begging is bothering you then teach your dog to wait in a certain spot while food is being prepared so he doesn't get in your way.

I would also stop feeding him table food - he wouldn't have an obsession with it if someone hadn't started slipping him food.... (my dog never knew what it was for almost a year, then my dad started feeding her from the counter. Now she begs.)
2008-10-27 01:54:49 UTC
It doesn't matter how much or how often I feed my Staffie, he is always ready to scoff more if it's available.
Jessie Q
2008-10-26 13:28:09 UTC
Most dogs always want to eat. I have 2 dogs. I could leave 3 bags of food on the floor, they would open it and eat it all. Dogs eat, they like food, They really like your food because it smells so good to them.

The amount to feed your dog depends on the size of your dog, the type of food, and the activity your dog gets. On the back of most bags of food, it has a feeding chart.

I feed my dogs origen, its Canadian made. I feed my dogs twice a day, once in the morning around 6:30am, and I feed them again at 5:00pm. They get 2 cups at each serving.
Loki my springer!
2008-10-26 13:22:59 UTC
Loki gets two meals a day. Once in the morning just before leaving for school and work and then again at night. During breakfast, yes he will sit there watch us eat our own breakfast with his big puppy eyes waiting for a taste, but he doesn't get any. It will teach him bad habits. He waits and gets his later.

During night, he eats his dinner outside, just as we are eating ours and then gets let back in when we have finished. That way there is no food feeding problems or jumping up on the table.

Once Loki's food has been put down it is gone in five seconds, however, he has to leaving it until "you can have it" is said. If not he has to sit there staring at it. It is very tempting for the dog but take a lot of training to get it perfect
2008-10-26 13:15:13 UTC
i feed my dog about 3 times a day but its never satisfied. my parents told me i should get a gf. i dont think that would satisfy my dog either.
Glen M
2008-10-26 13:15:50 UTC
the ammount you feed the dog depends on it's body weight. Weigh the dog first. then read feeding instructions on the bag. If the dog is still youn that would be expected behavior.
2008-10-26 13:15:17 UTC
Are you feeding her enough? If so it is just normal doggy scrounging behaviour. I have pedigree Whippets & feed the puppy in the morning & leave her bowl down until bedtime & the older ***** in the evening. They do not fight over food. I feed dry food not meat though.They are always scrounging but get nothing unless they behave & then it's not people food.
2008-10-26 13:23:51 UTC
I feed my dogs twice a day, about three cups total for the whole day. Most of the time they eat what's in the bowl within 10 or 15 minutes, although both of mine have been known to leave food in the bowl on occasion (particularly if the weather is changing or if they think I'm upset with them). While we can generally leave food unattended because both of the dogs have been highly trained to leave people food alone unless specifically given permission to eat it. However they WILL steal food if they don't think we're around because it's just too tempting for them.

I'd say your dog is being perfectly normal. Just like people, many dogs just like to eat because eating is a pleasant and enjoyable experience for them and they will beg for food even if they are not hungry. Dogs like this should never be free fed because they don't know when to stop and will quickly become obese. And remember that dogs are opportunists by nature and instinct...very few dog will pass up a chance to steal food from your plate if they think you aren't paying attention (and people food is usually much yummier than dry dog food, so most dogs would happily help you eat your breakfast/lunch/dinner even if they have just eaten an entire bowl of food).
2008-10-26 13:14:35 UTC
normal no, cute yes....however its is behavior you have to stop hes obviously dominant if he thinks he can do this....i free feed seeing as though my two dogs share a bowl and they dont woof it down..
2008-10-26 13:12:54 UTC
do you wanna feed my dog - lol
2008-10-26 13:34:06 UTC
Sure it's normal ....... she is a dog .... it is food

just have to train her more .............

What does the bag of dog food say ?????

I would read that ........................

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