Ally, Allie, Ali for Alexandra, Allison, Alison or Alice
Al, Alex, Lex, Xander, Sasha for Alexander or Alexandra
Ann, Anna, Anne, Annie, Bella for Anabelle
Andie for Andrea
Andy, Drew for Andrew
Ant, Tony, Toni, Tone for Anthony
Barb, Barbie, Babs for Barbara
Ben, Benny, Benji for Benjamin
Bert, Bertie for Albert, Herbert, Bertram
Betta for Elisabetta
Billy Bob for William Robert
Chuck, Chaz, Charlie, Charley for Charles
Chris, Chrissy, Tina for Christina
Chris, Chrissy, Chrissie for Christine
Chris for Christopher, Christian
Donna for Donnatella
Dan, Danny for Daniel
Dave, Davey for David
Den, Denny, Dino, Dean for Dennis
Dot, Dotty for Dorothy or Dorothea
Ella, Ellie, Elle, Nell, Nellie for Eleanor
Beth, Bess, Bessie, Betsy, Betty, Bette, Eliza, Lisa, Liza, Liz for Elizabeth
Eli, Lige for Elijah
Eli, Lish, Leesh for Elisha
Em, Ems, Emmy for Emily and Emma
Rikki, Rikkie, Ricky for Erica
Frank, Frankie, Franky for Francis and Franklin
Gerry for Gerald or Gerard
Ginny, Gina, Gena for Ginger
Harry, Hal, Hank for Henry, Hazel and Harold
Isa for Isabella
Jack, Johnny for John
Jackie for Jacqueline
Jake for Jacob
Jay, Jayce for Jason
Jeff for Jefferson or Jeffrey (originally for Jefferson but now more often Jeffrey, a new form of Geoffrey)
Jerry for Jerome
Jess, Jessi for Jessica
Jim, Jimmy, Jamie, Jock for James
Joe, Joey for Joseph
Jon for Jonathan
Josh for Joshua
Judy for Judith
Jules for Julie or Julia
Kat, Kate, Katie, Kathy for Katrina, Kathleen or Katherine or Kaitlyn
Kels for Kelsey, Kelsie
Ken, Kenny for Kenneth
Kev, Crank for Kevin
Kim, Kimber, or Lee for Kimberly or Kimberley
Larry, Lar, Laurie for Lawrence or Laurence (male only)
Laur, Lauri, Laurie for Laurence, Laura or Lauren (female)
Leo, Leona, Len, Lenny for Leonard or Leopold
Mandy, Mandi, Manda for Amanda
Maddie, Maddy for Madeline
Marge, Marg, Maggie, Mags, Meg, Peggy for Margaret
Matt, Mattie for Matthew
Meg, Mog, Gog for Megan
Merv for Mervin
Mo for Mohammed, Moira, Maurice, Morris, or Maureen
Moll, Molly Dolly, Good Golly Miss Molly for Molly
Nate, Nat for Nathan, Nathaniel, Natalie
Ned, Ted for Edward
Nick for Nicholas
Pat, Patsy, Patty, Trish, Tricia for Patricia
Pat, Paddy, Pa for Patrick
Pete for Peter
****, Dickie, Dicky, Rich, Rick, Ricky for Richard
Bob, Rob, Robbie, Bobby, Rab, Butch for Robert
Ron, Ronnie for Ronald
Rosie, Rose for Rosemary
Rube for Reuben
Rusty for Russell
Ry for Ryan
Sally, Sadie for Sarah
Sam, Sammy for Samuel or Samantha
Sandy, Al, Alex for Alexander
Sandra, Sandy, Al, Alex for Alexandra
Sophie, Sophia for Sophronia
Steph, Stephie for Stephanie
Steve for Stephen (or Steven)
Stewie, Stew, Stu for Stewart, Stuart
Sue, Susie, Suzie for Susan/Suzanne (most often Sue or Susie for Susan and Suzie for Suzanne)
Ted, Teddy, Theo for Theodore (or Edward)
Teddie, Thea, Theo for Theodora
Tom, Thom, Tommy for Thomas
Terrie for Teresa
Ty for Tyler, Tyann, Tyrone
Vicky, Vicki, Vickie, Tori for Victoria
Vince, Vin, Vinnie for Vincent
Vivi for Vivian
Wen, Wendel for Wendy
Will, Wils, *****, Willie, Bill, Billy, Liam, for William
Zach, Zack, Zac for Zachary