Reno - The dealer in the classic work of art, Dog's Playing Poker.
Renshaw - English - One who comes from the raven woods.
Reuben - Jacob's oldest son.
Rex - The dinosaur toy in Disney's Toy Story.
Rex - Latin - The king. A name for the pet dog that considers himself the master of his domain.
Ricardo - Spanish - Strong ruler.
Richard - German - Strong ruler.
Riddler - "I like to watch you scratch your head in disbelief."
Rider - English - A horseman.
Ridgley - English - The dweller at the ridge meadow.
Rigby - English - One who hails from the ruler's valley.
Riki-Tiki-Tavi - "I'll be glad to kill that cobra out in the yard."
Riley - Irish - An extremely valiant warrior.
Rip - Your screen door doesn't stand a chance with this dog around.
River - This boy dog just loves to play in the water.
Roberto - Spanish - Shining fame.
Robin Hood - The title character of a Disney movie.
Rochester - English - A rocky fortress.
Rocket - "Be careful, I can outrun you to the front door."
Rocky, Rocco - The Italian stallion. Who needs brains with all those muscles?
Roderick - German - Famous ruler.
Roger - German - Famous spear.
Roland - German - From the great land.
Rollie - "I love the circus life."
Roman - "I'd probably look pretty good in a toga."
Romeo - "I'm the most romantic dog you've ever owned."
Romulus - He and his twin brother Remus were the legendary founders of Rome.
Ronald - English - A mighty force. An excellent name for any large breed of dog.
Rookie - "Learning to be a dog isn't always easy."
Rooster - "I'm a big, bad chicken."
Rory - Irish - Rudy - The little dog that could.
Rufus - Latin - A red-haired person. A fantastic name for your Irish setter dog.
Rufus - A citizen of Antioch who was beheaded in the 2nd century for his faith. He became a saint.
Rush - "I give you a big jolt of energy every day."
Russel - French - Red.
Rusty - "My real name is Oxidation, but you can call me Rusty."
Ryan - Irish - Little red king.
Did you know?
Dogs shed their undercoats in the warm summer months and grow them back in the cooler months of autumn.
Sabas - A Goth who was drowned to death in the 4th century.
Saber - French - A sword. This boy dog can really cut to the chase.
Sadhu - Hindu - A holy man.
Sahara - The name of the world's largest desert. It is located in northern Africa. A wonderful name for your sandy-colored boy dog.
Sailor - This boy dog loves to go sailing with you.
Salaam - Islam - Peace. This pet dog will tolerate no discord in his household.
Saleem - Arabic - A term for peace. You'll never catch this boy dog anywhere near a fight.
Salvador - Spanish - The savior.
Salvator - A 16th century Spanish saint.
Samson - The Israelite whose strength lie in his hair.
Samuel - An ancient Hebrew prophet, judge and leader. Has 2 books bearing his name in the Old Testament.
Sanborn - English - A person who comes from the sandy brook.
Sancho - Spanish - Holy and honest.
Santo - Italian - Holy.