Puppy help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
2008-10-18 06:18:47 UTC
well i just got a morkie puppy (maltese/yorkie mix) and when she is my room and we go to bed when i wake up i always see poop all over my room!This morning there was 3 piles of it!!!!!!!!!!!she is only 11 weeks old but how long will it take for that to stop!
i bought her a cage for night but she barks but doesnt that help with the going to the bathroom?
Thirteen answers:
2008-10-18 07:41:31 UTC
At 11 weeks of age, you cannot expect your puppy to hold her pee/poo for more than 3 hours at a time. The general rule for puppies is age in months +1. For your pup, 11 weeks = almost 2 months +1 = 3 hours MAX. Puppies are still developing sphincter and bladder control, so this is the maximum time they can hold it, not the number of hours they *will* hold it. So take your pup out every 2-3 hours or more often if necessary. As she grows older, the time you can leave her alone will increase.

Take your dog out on a leash each and every time she needs to potty. Go to the same spot every time, and give her the potty command. Don't let her play and get distracted. She needs to associate the command with her going potty. When she does poo or pee, praise her like she laid a golden egg and give her treats. Only after she eliminates should you reward her with a walk or play time. If she doesn't go within 5 minutes, then take her back inside but confine her (a crate or bathroom or pen). After 20 min, repeat the process of going outside.

If she every pees/poos inside, don't scold or punish her. Just clean it up with an exzymatic pet odor/stain remover like Nature's Miracle. It's your fault for not taking her out sooner. At the same time, you're not rewarding her with treats and praise, so you're not providing any incentive for her go inside.

Expect puppies to have to eliminate after waking up from any sleep/nap, after every meal, after any rigorous play, and generally whenever you switch activities. It's a lot at first, but consistency and patience will pay off.

Also, your puppy does not need full run of the home unsupervisded until potty trained and housebroken. When you can't supervise her, either put her in the crate or get an exercise pen on top of vinyl sheets to place in your bedroom. Remember you still have to take her out ever couple of hours.

A few words on CRATE TRAINING:

Crate training is not cruel if you use it properly, and can be a valuable training aid as well as a safety den for your pup. A puppy should not be crated for longer than 4 hours at a time. That's a long time for a pup. For an adult dog, I believe it's no longer than 6-8 hours.

If you choose to use a crate, here's how to get your dog accustomed to it. There are a few cardinal rules:

1) Don't leave a dog confined for too long.

2) Ignore all whining/barking.

If you give in, the dog will learn that barking/whining=attention and getting her way and you will have created a monster. Completely ignore the dog, meaning no eye contact, no talking to the dog (no poor babys, no shut ups), absolutely no attention whatsoever. This may take a week for her to catch on. My pup started out barking/whining for 40min straight before falling asleep. I just tuned it out completely. By the end of the week, she would bark for a couple minutes and then be fast asleep. Now she doesn't fuss anymore at all.

3) Only let the dog out of the crate when she is calm and quiet.

Be consistent, and she will learn that the sooner she behaves properly (calm and quiet, not barking/yappy), she'll be let out. My pup will now bark/whine when she needs to be let out to go potty in the middle of the night, but otherwise, she stays quiet. She knows whining/barking won't help her get her way.

4) Always be matter of fact when putting dog in the crate.

Don't coddle, don't baby, don't be angry. Just pick up the pup and place her in there. Give her a treat and a favorite safe toy though.

5) Never use the crate for punishment. Keep it a happy place.

Don't use excessive force to put the pup in there. Don't show any anger when sending your pup to her crate. If she's being rowdy and needs a time out, then pick up the pup, say in a sing-song voice "you get the crate prize!" and plop her in there. You want the pup to associate the crate with good things so that she'll learn to seek it out and use it as her den.

6) Never make a big deal of getting out of the crate.

In fact, just open the door and walk away and ignore the dog for a couple min when released. You don't want her to think that getting out of the crate is such a huge reward, because that only makes being in the crate a negative thing. After a couple min, give her attention and praise.


During the day, place your pup in there for short periods of time (~5 min). Give her a treat and a favorite safe toy. If she's quiet at the end of the time, open the door and let her out. If she's whining/barking, leave her in there until she is calm and quiet. Once she's stopped barking (even for a few seconds), let her out. Repeat this several times throughout the day, every day and slowly increase the duration that she is left in there.


Crate training will help with house breaking because you have a safe place to put your pup when you can't supervise her (while sleeping, cooking, taking a shower, running an errand, etc) and she can't hurt herself or destry anything while crated.

It will also help with potty training because dogs naturally do not want to soil their sleeping quarters. Your pup will try to hold it in as long as she can while in the crate. If she soiled the crate, then you left her in there too long or the crate may be too big (if she can pee/poo in a corner and sleep in the other end).

If ever your pup needs to be boarded or kenneled, she is already familiar with being in a crate-like environment.

If she ever is injured and needs to be confined and her mobility restricted, she will already be comfortable with staying in a crate.

If traveling in a car, it's safer for the pet to travel in a crate. In case of an accident, you're pet won't be tossed around if in the crate, and is less likely to be running loose in traffic.
2016-05-27 05:22:14 UTC
Congratulations on your new puppy! To teach the puppy to obey commands you must be consistent. Always use the same phrase or word and always speak in the same tone of voice. Speak in your normal voice. Do not yell. Yelling frightens the puppy and will not teach him/her a thing. You may think that it does, because just as an example say the puppy has done something that he/she isn't supposed to do and you become frustrated with Puppy and you yell "No". The puppy will move away from you and you may think that you have taught him/her something and this won't happen again. Well, you would be half right. You have taught the puppy something by yelling at her/him and that is to be afraid of you because the puppy won't understand why you're yelling. Please speak in a normal voice or a soft voice when you speak to the puppy. In order to teach the puppy the command "No" first decided what the puppy can do and what the puppy isn't supposed to do. Some of this is obvious to you and your family. Some may not be if you have children such as you don't want the puppy on the furniture because it (the furniture) will get dirty and it will get dog hair. After you establish with your family what is O.K. for the puppy to do and what is not O.K., then everyone should use the same word or words to teach the puppy. Puppys learn by repetition. Just keep at it and pretty soon you will have a nice well behaved puppy. Also, please do not hit the puppy--even with a rolled up newspaper. People say that if you do this the puppy or the dog will not associate it with you but this is not true. The puppy can see who is holding that newspaper. If you want to discipline the puppy you should not hit or yell. I had a puppy that I crate trained and when she would not obey me after many times, then I would put her in her crate for what is called a "time out." I would not put her in the crate and then put her in a room by herself--she would have felt abandoned. Instead I put the crate in the room with me and I sat and talked to her until she calmed down and then I immediately let her out. You may try this. As to teaching the puppy not to bite, and not to bark-- puppys bark--this is normal but to teach her to stop barking, just speak in your normal voice and tell her "No" or "Be quite" or "Hush" or something like that. As far as teacher her not to bite, first be sure that the person is not teasing the dog. Biting is one of the ways that dogs and puppys have of defending themselves. If the person had not teased the puppy, just speak in your normal voice to the puppy and tell him/her "No" or "The postman is our friend" or something along these lines. This will take awhile, but dogs are smart. Keep at it as I said earlier and pretty soon you will have a well-mannered puppy. I almost missed the last part of your question. Since the puppy is white some names might be Snowball Frosty (male) Also you should make a list of names that you like and names that suit the puppy. Take a few days and watch the puppy and you will notice the puppy's personality and you may want to make a name from a characteristic that he/she has. For instance, I had a mixed breed terrier. The name she had when I first got her was totally inappropriate. I made a list of names that I liked and I watched the puppy and I noticed that she walked like a lady and held her head just like a lady and so my new puppy became Lady.
2008-10-18 06:31:14 UTC
Try no food 3-4 hours before bed time. Take her out a few times before bed. Always praise her for pooping outside, a lot of praise at first! And yes... she really needs to be in the crate. A stuffed animal toy, a ticking clock, music or TV might help settle her. Give it time.... a few nights of barking a whining and all should be well.
2008-10-18 07:36:15 UTC
Don't feed her before bed or she will poop in the middle of the night. You also need to take her out to the bathroom more and let her poop outside. You need to potty-train her. Take her outside before she goes to bed, around midnight, and right in the morning. Dogs tend to go to the bathroom more when they're puppies. When she gets older she'll be able to hold it, but now she will have to go to the bathroom a lot. Good lock with your pup:)
2008-10-18 07:30:16 UTC
They just want to be loved. Dont put her in a crate. Dont feed her right before bed and make sure you take her on a longer walk before bed time. Their bladders and bowels are not that strong so she she doesnt have as much control now as she will when she gets older. Having a puppy is hard work, but she over time will calm down.
2008-10-18 07:00:51 UTC
The crate should be just big enough for him to stand up and turn around in, then follow the directions below.

At least two hours before bedtime pick up all food and water. Just before bedtime take puppy out, wait for him to eliminate, then praise quietly and put to bed in his crate.

First thing in the AM when puppy wakes up, outside, wait for it, praise! Then start your day. Keep puppy in the same room with you at all times, when you see "potty" behavior, sniffing, circling, sqwatting, scoop puppy up, outside, wait for it, praise! Say something like "get busy" or "go potty", when praising, say "good get busy/ go potty"!

If you can't watch puppy, in the crate with a few chewie toys, the minute puppy comes out of the crate, outside, wait for it, PRAISE!

If puppy has an accident, don't say anything, just quietly clean it up and watch him closer next time. The key to this is consistancy, EVERY TIME puppy goes outside, lots of praise. Set him up to succeed and he will.

Eventually you will be able to take him, say the "magic" words and he will go for you. If eliminating outside ALWAYS gets praised he will start to let you know when he wants to go out. You will have to learn his signs, some dogs will sit and look at the door, some will whine and scratch, some will bark and run from you to the door.

Hope this helps.

2 months ago
2008-10-18 06:46:10 UTC
Make sure when you let her outside to potty through out the day, give her enough time. Puppy's get quite distracted... so even if it seems she may be done, she may not be.

As well as Make sure you always take her out 15-20 minutes after eating.

Don't feed her very close to bedtime, and try to get her on a set schedual for eating/going out that'll have her poo before bed time.

Also , since she is not in a crate at night, if she tries AT ALL during the night, to wake you up, get her outside RIGHTAWAY! dont just ignore it or else you'll keep waking up with piles in your room.

(my puppy did the same thing, woke me up for awhile, she eventually stopped)

But eventually they will learn to hold it through out the night.

hope i helped :)
Sharon C
2008-10-18 07:22:41 UTC
It won't fix itself. You need to housebreak your dog. There are several ways to do this (even ones ta ht don't involve a crate). Try taking her out every hour and try paper training or a cage where she can roam. Always reward her for doing business outside. If all else fails consult a trainer. Good luck.
Owned by Rocco the Staffy.
2008-10-18 06:30:11 UTC
Try toileting last thing at night before you go to bed, like at 9 or 10 p.m.

I woke up at 3am every morning to take my dog to the toilet, you may only need to do it for a month or so but give it a try.

Good Luck.
2008-10-18 06:33:02 UTC
oh please dont put her in the crate. ): i have a yorkie puppy, shes almost 7 months now, and she used to have that problem when i first got her. the messes are normal, but you can get special mats, that are used for training small dogs, theyre called "peepee pads" lol. you can buy them at your local petco or any pet store, along with some grocery stores, and kmart, and such. We use the pee-pee pads, and shes doing great, but you have to keep rewarding her, with puppy treats, and praise when she does a good pee-pee or poo-poo. Also, this problem of pooping at night may be because her sleep isnt consistant, which is normal for new puppies as well. She wont always be like that, trust me. My yorkie sleeps on the same schedule as me now, and she doesnt wake up much throughout the night. <3
Grey's Anatomy FANATIC
2008-10-18 07:31:44 UTC
house train her and relocate her to a crate fit fo her size

1st you need to know how long he can hold it..........

take how many months he is and add 1 ( my dog is 7months so 7+1=8 hours)

take him out at least every 2 hours .......

don't give him too much water or else.............

because he is not altered he has an urge to mark his territory......
2008-10-18 06:25:26 UTC
Try not feeding your pup as late and take her out before bedtime. after awhile she will get the idea.

good luck
Ty B
2008-10-18 06:23:22 UTC
That behavior won't stop on its own. You need to stop it. You do so by crate training

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