Hate to tell you this-but their is NO such thing as a Minature Border Collie, Border Collies come in 1 size.
Height: Dogs 19-22 inches (48-56 cm.) Bitches 18-21 inches (46-53 cm.)
Weight: Dogs 30-45 pounds (14-20 kg.) Bitches 27-42 pounds (12-19 kg.)
If there smaller than the medium then they haven't been bred by professional breeder. they been bred by poor breeders SUCH as Puppy mills and small backyard breeders or they been crossed with another small breed to retain the look of the border collie on a smaller scale.
They are generally a hardy breed, but some are prone to hip dysplasia, PRA and an eye disease common to Collies known as Collie Eye Anomaly. Many Border Collies are allergic to fleas and some are prone to epilepsy and deafness.
Sound like a flea allergy-give her a bath with medicated shampoo! Sounds like its mange to me!
Dogs that have flea allergy dermatitis are hypersensitive to the saliva a flea passes into the dog’s skin when it bites. The bite from a single flea will have a minimal affect on a normal animal, but dogs with flea allergy will experience immediate itching, redness and swelling. It is the dogs themselves, and not the fleas, that typically do the worst damage. When a dog scratches its fleabites excessively, hair loss and skin abrasions can result. Some dogs will develop circular, red, painful sores called hot spots that can occur anywhere on the skin, but commonly are seen along the back and tail base.
The most common canine allergic skin disorder, flea allergy only can be resolved by preventing the dog from being bitten by the flea and removing all the fleas from the dog’s environment. There are medications available, however, that will alleviate the itching and discomfort until complete flea control is achieved.
Clinical Signs:
Pruritus, alopecia, barbered hairs, papules, erythematous macules with crusts, and acute moist dermatitis can be seen in a typical dorsal lumbar and tail base pattern. The lesions can extend to the thighs and caudal abdominal areas. Secondary pyotraumatic dermatitis, pyoderma, and seborrhea are commonly noted. Chronic skin changes include thickening of the dermis with acanthosis, hyperkeratosis and lichenification.
Common findings in a dog that is allergic to fleas include increased scratching or itchiness, loss of hair, hairs that appear broken, crusts and erosions of the skin, and pimple-like bumps. Thickened skin with darkened areas can be seen in severe cases. Fleas or flea feces, which can be difficult to detect, indicate the presence of fleas. Hot spots sometimes can be seen along the dog’s back and tail base. These sores are usually circular, red, oozing, and very painful, often requiring medical attention