2012-03-10 04:10:35 UTC
I'm aware that making such a statement would label me as being abnormal, because it should be my nature, as it is the nature of most social animals, to like my own kind more than any other. But I've never aimed for being normal or average, for the simple reason that the normal or average person will never accomplish anything of significance in their lifetime.
But raising kids, you say, is no easy task, and is significant. And I don't disagree with the first part, that it's no easy task, because I can tell you from what little experience I have in that department that it's not easy. More on that later. As for being significant, well, there are 7 billion people on this planet, so raising as many as 7 kids is no more significant than squeezing 7 drops from an eye dropper into a swimming pool. Especially if they're just going to grow up to be average, like you.
Raising kids is difficult for the simple reason that, unlike most animals, kids can talk. And aside from the cute things they say from time to time, the high majority of what comes out of their mouth is bullshit. Raising kids is difficult because you have to deal with their bullshit.
Sometimes they have friends come over, and just as with adults, the more kids you have, the more bullshit there is. And you reach a point where you just have too much bullshit. But you have to keep dealing with their bullshit. And you can't tell them to just shut the f*** up, because that's not good parenting. Good parenting, as near as I can tell, is finding a way to channel their bullshit, or just dealing with it.
I guess that if you're normal or average, you probably spew a lot of bullshit yourself, so maybe the bullshit that comes out of your kids' mouth doesn't bother you that much. Maybe you're even proud of some of the bullshit your kids say.
But, if you've reached a point in your life where you've just had too much bullshit, a really bad position to be in is in tending to the needs of kids who, unlike you, relish bullshit as much as the air they breathe. Kids are bullshit artists.
Dogs, on the other hand, aren't capable of bullshit, for the simple reason that they can't talk. Sure, they can bark, but even then, they're not attempting to bullshit anyone. They're simply saying something they believe others around them should hear, kind of like an old person who repeats him or herself. That's not bullshit – it's just annoying after a while. And you can learn to ignore it.
I think that even if dogs could talk that they wouldn't attempt to bullshit you. They'd say things like, “I love you!”, and they'd mean it, and without any ulterior motive. Or they might say, “There's another dog, and it's my nature to point out the fact that there's another dog.”
Or they might say, “I'd really like a bite of that steak you're eating”. And if you hated bullshit as much as I do, you'd say, “let me get you a nice juicy steak. You deserve it, because you don't bring more bullshit into my life like all the people around me who are so much smarter than you, who never say anything I haven't heard 1 million times before in one variation or another.”
Dogs never complain about the food you give them. They sit there and eat it with gratitude. Should they happen to spill something, they clean it up. Yet they're the ones who eat on the floor, while children sit at the table and squawk like hens in a chicken house. And had you not witnessed these highly evolved creatures spread their food to almost every area but their mouths, you might have thought that chickens got up on the table and scratched on their plates, explaining the food scattered all over the table.
But, I shouldn't badmouth kids and their bullshit too much, because we need bullshitters. Where would our country be without politicians, who actually get paid for their ability to bullshit?
Oh, that's right. Our country might not be buried in debt. Yet another reason to choose dogs over people.