Why are people so annoyed at cross breeds?
9 years ago
Particularly the ones that don't do work? Honestly, I read a question and the answers were outrageous.
Saying, only breed a dog if it has a true meaning. (As in rounding sheep up, helping people with difficulties ) a dog doesn't have to do work? Many people adopt a dog to have a companion.
Aswell as that, I read that people are saying cross breeding should be illegal?
I don't care if a dog is cross breed or not.
Even if you breed a Labrador with a Labrador, does that make you professional? No.
But who cares, it's a purebred so let's adopt it anyway?
It could have hip problems, but who cares?
How about a German Shepard and a poodle? Both bred together aren't pure bred but the outcome is what matters! It's about care and being professional about how the dogs are now!
Before u get me wrong, I don't agree with people who Breed without checking up with a vet.
Sorry for my rant, but what's your opinion, I'm just getting annoyed at all these ignorant people.
Twenty answers:
9 years ago
Idk about you, but I'm annoyed at 3-4 million animals being euthanized each year. The number one breed to die in a shelter each year is what you ask? Mutts. Could you imagine the lives that could be saved if people quit breeding these cross breeds? What's really ignorant is that people continue to, either purposely or by "accident", breed these dogs, who often end up in a shelter and/or riddled with health and genetic defects that will cost more money than most people are willing to spend to manage, or will make its quality of life so poor that euthanisia is the kindest thing you could do. But let's just ignore that fact and get annoyed at people who don't support unethical backyard breeding.
9 years ago
People do this a lot to any breed, really. I've had people cross the street upon seeing my older labrador, who's sticks by my side, and being blind and deaf usually doesn't even seem to realize people are there in the first place. You don't know why the person is really crossing the street. Maybe they're horribly allergic to dogs and even the smallest of dandruff will cause them to break out into hives. Maybe they suffer from Cynophobia (fear of dogs), Maybe their destination was on the other side anyway. Maybe they have knee problems and don't even want to risk someone's poorly trained "friendly" mutt jumping or bumping into them. Maybe they happen to be walking another dog that IS aggressive and are crossing so /they/ wont attack. Maybe you're dog is pulling and doesn't seem to be under control at all. Maybe they're jogging/biking, and know that many dogs have a tendency to chase after fast moving people. Their are a lot of reasons to move out of the way of a dog waker. Unless they specifically tell you why they are crossing the street, you shouldn't assume it's because they're afraid of your dog, reguardless of his breed. Personally, I have some very easily bruised skin and my right knee keeps failing me, not to mention I've been battling vertigo for a long tiem. It hurts when a dog simply bumps into me. It's very painful for a dog to jump up on me. If I see a dog pulling their owner around, and running up to greet everyone, you bet I'm crossing the street. A friendly dog =/= well trained, and no matter how friendly your dog is, if it seems to be poorly trained, I wont be getting close to it, reguardless of breed or size.
9 years ago
I have absolutely nothing against mutts. They make awesome pets. They may have genetic defects that are out of the ordinary, however, because you're taking a shot in the dark without knowing what the result will be.

I think that all people should ADOPT mutts.

I do not think people should BREED dogs, period. I understand (kinda) people breeding and buying AKC registered dogs. But those aren't usually the ones who wind up in shelters. Mutts are. Breeding any dog just because you love puppies is like popping out kids willy-nilly because you love babies. There is a SERIOUS pet overpopulation problem. Puppies grow up to be dogs. They stop being cute. People don't want to keep them. They get abandoned. They get put to sleep. Every day, thousands of dogs are put to sleep. Biggest reason? People just keep on breeding them for the heck of it.
9 years ago
Having spent best part of 40 years with my main breed, occasionally breeding (for the next generation only), showing and judging, clearly no amount of trying to explain why people like me can't go with BYBing is going to make much difference. I'm not against any dog, but I am totally at a loss to understand (other than the obvious - MONEY) why people would spend their time producing mongrels. If the dog comes from a Shelter, excellent. If not ............... I give up. 'Ignorant people'? Hum.

Add "Even if you breed a Labrador with a Labrador, does that make you professional? No. " It wouldn't make that breeder 'professional' in any case, but it doesn't necessarily make them a BYB either! And at least putting a breed with the same breed, is a step in the right direction so more mutts are not brought into the world.
9 years ago
I don't think it's that they are annoyed at the breed itself, my last service dog was a rescue, golden / Labrador, 2 different breeds accidentally bred and surrendered. She was a super smart and super calm dog that loved being with people. My first service dog, beagle, shepherd, springer and something colorful, our best guess. Again they found her at the humane society, her breed was mis sakes but they thought she was cute and tried training her, she passed all the puppy tests and she was super social with all snimsls. So I have no problem working with mixed animals, however many of the designer animals are just that,mother common sense or good personality has been bred out of them.

Take the Italian greyhound/pug cross or the chihuahua /Great Dane - the idea of that was to breed a mini Dane but that's not how it's done. You had asked why people are annoyed at cross breeds especially ones that don't work? If I were to get a herding animal say I want to chase Pygmy goats in to the barn, I buy a dog, train it, spend hundreds of hours teaching it all it needs to work and let it out with the goats. The dog either chases after the goats and bites them rather than just nipping and barking to get them going, such as they crossed the boarder collie with a bulldog, one is bread for taking care of stock and their welfare, the other eas bred for baiting bulls and helping taking them down for the owners. Put both breeds in one body, can you tell which instinct the pup will get? Imagine 2 pups from the same litter both look identical however the first pup is stubborn, slow to learn and bites the livestock to the point it draws blood, it's half boarder collie so why is it so aggressive? Take the second pup have it do the same trial, it's in with the livestock and watchful over it, can move them as directed and no problems so what's the problem? We will pretend that I know nothing about dogs so I take dog number 1 out in the cattle pen to help get a rogue dos out of the group, the dogs duty is to keep all the other cattle away from me and the dog does an excellent job nipping and chasing them away. Dog 2 from same litter takes over in the afternoon, and not only does the dog not work the cattle, it refuses to protect me by. Upping at the cattle and gets itself kicked and me endangered by its running away. With a mix you don't know which parents gene pool is going to come through even though it's the same litter.

With all the mixed puppies we have seen born by the time they are 8 to 12 weeks old some pups can be very friendly and outgoing, they can have long wavy hair and are long legged gangly pups, the other half of the litter are short squat dogs, stubby legs, short tails, short hair, but they both had the same mom and dad so what happened? What will pass to the next generation and to the next?

Cocapoos were all the rage in the 60's and 70's. Conversation was like - hey do you have a cockapoo? Today is, Do you have a Labradoodle yet?

There is nothing wrong with mixed breeds other then you cannot depend on which parents traits the pups will get, making more and more pet quality puppies to the point more are being euthanized daily then are being born currently. Dogs that are accidentally bred a one thing, but to bread your dog back to back to back for the whole 9 years the dog is breeds le isn't fair to the dog, breeding the same dog to s different dog breed to see ehst comes out the cutest and makes the most amount of money sent right either. Breeding for a good temperament, sound body - eyes, hips, elbows etc no degenerative diseases, No bad backs,,hips,,shoulders, no missing teeth or undershot or overshot, blind and or deaf dogs. Yet people breeding the designer dogs have not been paying attention to how healthy the pup is and how they can improve on the "new breed they invented" when the pups come out and they are fragile, get sick at the slightest whatever, break bones too easily, such as when they are just running, and worst yet have such high risk of organ failure, cancer and other more rare diseases seem to affect the designer breeds more then the standard dog, I'm not saying purebred are healthier, but w good solid dog from s good solid bloodline that has been hip, elbow, etc certified is less likely to pass on bad hips etc to its offspring, and the good breeders spend their money to get these dogs tested, not just "hey let the dogs out and see who takes her first!" Style of breeding.
9 years ago
There is nothing really wrong with crossbreeds, but what IS wrong is the people who deliberately breed them to make money or are too lazy to spay/neuter the dog and then "accidentally" have a pregnant dog.

There is no sense in "experimenting" in what results when you let 2 dogs breed that are not purebreds. The shelters are full of backyard breeder "experiments" now and for anyone to keep adding to the shelter problem is wrong and not ethical in any way.
9 years ago
I think you can put your point of view over without having to resort to

" I'm just getting annoyed at all these ignorant people "

when it is clear that the people who are against crossing breeds such as designer mutts, as I am also are definitely not the ignorant ones.

I'm afraid you show your naivety throughout your post. (notice I called it naivety and not ignorance)
9 years ago
The problem is the "designer mutts" bred to create cutsie names and sold for outrageous prices - these are created by back yard breeders totally for profit. They do not do any of the health tests on either dog prior to breeding. Same issue with back yard breeders of "purebred" dogs - people breeding for money and money only. The issue isn't with mutts, it's with the intentional breeding of mutts and passing them of as something special. There is no "Jug" (JRT/Pug mix) nor "Chiweenie" (Chi/Daschund) etc. recognized by the AKC, and never will be. In fact these cutsie named mutts make reputable breeders of the involved breeds shudder, as it undoes the careful breeding and genetic selection they have done. Reputable breeders have their dogs OFA certified for hips and elbows, and other issues that the breed may have - back yard breeders don't, and don't care. Paying $1500 for a well bred lab put who's parents are OFA certified is cheaper than that BYB lab at $500 who's going to end up costing at least $4K for hip surgery.

I do not support back yard breeders or puppy mill breeders of any breed - and that's what you support with these mixes.
9 years ago
Let me be clear so that you understand me completely and fully. I am one of those who believes that dogs CAN be worthless, unless they can or are actually working. That means that a lab should be able to jump in a frozen cold pond off a skiff and get that dead duck, a BC should be able to jump a 5 foot fence, sideways too, to get to the next paddock to herd, a GSD should be able to do guard/military/police work, etc.

If these dogs and all other breeds cannot do the work they are meant to do, they are indeed USELESS and defective.

Mutts like the ones you mentioned, useless, what kind of purpose can they serve? You want a companion, get a human one, that you can actually have a decent discussion with or a hamster or fish or a damn cat.

Mixed breeds that are bred SPECIFICALLY for working purposes, I am all for it, I fully support it and I buy them all the time and use them. Yes, those are the ONLY dogs that should ever be bred, end of all discussion.

Lastly, this BS about people in here "not hating the mutts, just the people who make them"...that is the biggest horseshit answer, ever. Its like saying, I dont hate the drugs themselves, I just hate the drug dealers.

Regardless of where the useless dog comes from, the pound, the show ring, whatever, no purpose is no purpose, full stop. Oh, one more thing, we BUY and SELL dogs, livestock, not adopt, thats for human children.

I hope I made myself very clear and left no ambiguities in my answer.
9 years ago
I don't know. this is my dog! shes a mutt and I got her from the pound b coz her mother got pregnant by mistake and they didn't want the pups so they were gonna b put put down but the animal shelter took them in so I got Bella! I love mutts but don't breed them. Bella does no work at all. she is a westie x bichon frise. she is just a companion. I really don't understand y ppl don't like mutts! it doesn't matter the breed or if its a purebred or mutt as long as they love you!
9 years ago
If you are looking for a generic pet mongrel, there are approx. 5 million that enter US shelters and rescues every year. No need to breed more of them. What SHOULD be bred are dogs that are *objectively better in some way* than a generic shelter dog. This doesn't mean that they are more worthy of life or of love, but it DOES mean that they have a better shot at a great life.

Think about it this way - EVERY dog on the planet exists because of human interventions and decisions. EVERY dog on the planet will depend on humans for its entire life. We aren't "playing" God when we breed - for all intents and purposes we ARE God.

Now, when we breed we need to think about making animals that have the best chance at the longest, healthiest, most pain-free, most stress-free life. That means dogs that fit well into their homes/jobs, don't have genetic health conditions, have body parts that fit well together and work in harmony, have temperaments and instincts that let them have a place they fit, and that have bodies that can happily and easily do what their brain tells them to do.

Breeding a well-bred purebred is like a master chef following a recipe he has been apprenticed to know and practiced before with consistent feedback from experts every time he makes it. He is making the kinds of dogs where at 8 weeks someone can say "this dog will almost certainly fit me for it's entire life" and then the dog can go to ONE home where it will live happily and healthily for the next 10-15+ years.

A crap-bred purebred is an 8-year-old kid trying to follow the same recipe - but maybe not realizing that the milk has gone bad or that you can't substitute potato flakes for flour, perhaps spilling the vanilla extract or the salt along the way. The thing produced is still sort of the same dish that the master chef prepared, but not nearly as good and maybe not even edible. These are the dogs where people think "I need a Labrador" and buy the counterfit crap-bred purebred, then the dog suffers when it has health conditions and both the dog and their family suffer when they can't live up to what their breed should be able to do (the reason that family chose that breed to begin with!).

Someone cross-breeding is like someone taking two random recipes, scrambling the text and ingredients, and going from there. Maybe you end up with a great curry-fruit fusion crepe, but maybe you end up with chocolate over your basmati rice, and maybe you end up with pickles in your sheet cake. Now, there are "tastes" for everything just like almost any basically healthy dog (which is another problem with cross-breeding) probably has a home where it will work out. BUT, how many of those traits are evidenced by 8 weeks old? Adult coat, size, energy level, temperament, working instinct, etc - NONE of that can be more than guessed at in a mongrel pup. So how many of those pups will go to a home where they really, truly are the BEST fit and will bring joy and not frustration for the next 10-15+ years?

I personally work at a rescue and love my rescue dogs and look forward for when I have space to rescue again, but let me tell you, there is NO SHORTAGE of mongrel pups in this world. Our rescue averages 3-6 LITTERS of mixed-breed pups at all times. When we adopt them out every one goes with the caveat that we CANNOT predict size, shape, coat, temperament, or anything else. We will only adopt them out to families that are able and willing to deal with it if the dog ends up 30 lbs or 130 lbs, hyperactive or sedentary, prey-driven or marshmallow. The rest of the adopters? We steer them toward our lovely adult mongrels (and purebred-ishes, we take all sorts) where the traits are there to be directly assessed. Do you know why most of those mongrels were dumped in the first place? Because they grew up *just wrong* for their initial placements as puppies.

Breeding mongrels is not producing exceptional dogs that predictably and reliably fit into the home where they were placed as pups for the next 10-15 years. Dogs suffer for that, and so do people who try to love a dog that will never be able to be happy in their home. I can't support that. Neither should anyone else who cares about ALL dogs - it is because I love my mutts that I am so mad that people keep making them to suffer and too often to die alone when rescues like mine can't bail them all from the shelter.
dorothy s
9 years ago
Dogs love to work, working helps them to communicate with their owners. They don't want to lie around and sit on your lap, unfortunately that is all that some dogs do.

My dogs have always enjoyed their lives, their work includes Agility, heel-work-to music and games. In addition to this they have at least two hours of exercise a day. They are my companions.
9 years ago
Annoyed? No dog annoys me be it purebred or crossbreed. It's the people that annoy me.

There is an over abundance of dogs (by people) being put to death in shelters, dogs abandoned, dogs abused, all not the dogs fault but the fault of the people.

"I'm just getting annoyed at all these ignorant people." Aha! You finally saw the error in your question! Get annoyed at the people not the dogs!
9 years ago
"I'm just getting annoyed at all these ignorant people."

Well stop being one then. Nobody respects a ranter.
9 years ago
And relax! A dog is whatever you want to to mean to you. There is no one over the other. Working or just a pet, they are all loved.
9 years ago
some people are that way.... i have a mixed breed myself wouldn't trade her for another dog.

received her when someone couldn't care for it anymore.
9 years ago
Mutts are not only worthless, they have MORE health and temperament issues then any pure bred that has been shown, titled and has all its genetic and health testing done and they are bred by people who care nothing for the dog. BYbers and mills only care about money
9 years ago
Because people don"t like it
9 years ago
I agree with you Anna.
9 years ago

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.