Does anyone know about how much these tests cost? I would like to test my dogs for parvo antibodies , since I have read several articles that say they are now finding out the vaccine can last up to 7.5 years. I am interested in getting the blood titter test so as not to over-vaccinate my dogs as I believe it could be harmful. I would like any other info you could give on the test also, has anyone ever got the blood titter test that said the antibodies were present and your dog came down with parvo? Or is it a test that I would have to get every year? We are having a parvo outbreak in this area so I am worried about just trusting some articles that say the vaccine last 7.5 years. Yes I know I could just call my vet but I've called twice already today for other questions about my kitty and they are probably getting sick of hearing my voice, haha! Need to take the kitty in for last round of shots today and wanted to take my dogs along to get either the titter test or the parvo shots. ( by the way if it helps answer my question, my dogs ages are 10, 9, 9 and 3, and they have had parvo shots every year so far, so they should have at least some immunity for parvo, just wanted to know if I could skip it this year, don't want to over-vaccinate.)