Nope, No free medical advice from me. Don't know your dog, or what is normal for your dog, however if I may suggest, and if you're concerned begin by calling your vet for advice, phone calls are free in most areas, and follow the vets advice, especially whenever there are any changes in behavior, and/or possible indications of illness.
Or bring them in to be examined as you're required to do by law as needed in a timely fashion. Failure to supply vet care is a felony, punishable by fines/jail time.
Once medically cleared, provide sufficient daily walk elimination times outside, supervise constantly when indoors, correct immediately when caught in the act, not punish and/or after the fact, which doesn't teach them a darn thing. No need to cut or change the diet unless vet recommended or prescribed, due to a specific illness.
Try taking them outside, not letting them outside, stay outside until they've completely eliminated, praise profusely once they have eliminated before bringing them inside.
Minimally all dogs should be walked, 3-4 times daily 30-40 minutes each time or until they've eliminated. A refresher course in house breaking maybe in order, along with more frequent walk/elimination times outside, once medically cleared, not cutting back on how much food/water is taken in, unless vet recommended.
Adult dogs that are fed properly, not free fed, on a set schedule, twice daily, am/pm, split in equal amounts into those two meals, no human foods, scraps or over treating a set amount according to body condition activity, water should be available free choice 24/7 however, generally have one bowel movement for each meal, plus one. Your job to provide to supply the sufficient daily walk/elimination times outside, not their job to let you know when they need to eliminate.