Your in luck I am a certified dog trainer here is what to do:
It is the owner’s responsibility to be sure the puppy eliminates in the correct area. So whenever the puppy is in the house he should be on a leash and in the owner’s presence to avoid accidents. Management of this behavior cannot be overemphasized. It is probably the single most important component.
It is futile and counter productive to spank a puppy or rub his nose in an accident. This will typically cause the puppy to be hesitant in eliminating in front of you. This makes praising the puppy for going in the right spot impossible because he is afraid to go in your presence. In addition, many puppies will often learn to just sneak off into an out of the way place to avoid your detection.
If an accident does occur the owner should make an inconspicuous noise to startle the puppy, without frightening him, and then immediately take him to his potty spot. The noise is intended to interrupt him before he finishes going potty. When he resumes eliminating in the correct area, praise and reward him for the proper behavior. If accidents are occurring in the house the owner needs to supervise the puppy more closely or it will take a very long time to successfully housetrain him.
Creating daily housetraining routines for a puppy in training will go a long way in creating consistency in the behavior. For example, feeding the puppy at the same time every day, taking the puppy potty through the same door every day, and going to the same spot every time are all good examples.
It is important to always clean up any "accidents" with an odor neutralizing product, such as Nature’s Miracle. Soap and/or other cleaning products will not get rid of the odor and that increases the chance that the dog will relieve him/herself in the same area again.
Whether you are housebreaking a puppy or an adult dog that has never been housebroken, take the puppy or dog out immediately after each of the following events: waking up, getting up from resting, drinking water, eating, playing, training and actively sniffing.
Once the puppy has been "accident free" on your housebreaking schedule, you must teach the puppy to hold his bladder a little past the time he may need to go. While crate training helps develop his ability to hold his bladder, he must also learn to do that even when he is loose in the house. By tying him close to you or to a table leg, at or near the time he is normally scheduled to be taken out, he will be forced to "hold it" for a bit longer. You can also watch the puppy closely when he is in the same room with you and when he starts to sniff; you distract him for a few moments by tossing a toy before taking him out.
Before teaching the puppy to hold his bladder, the puppy should be accident free for a minimum of 14 days in a row. Every ‘mistake’ the puppy makes sets the owner back 3 days. For example, if a puppy has been accident free for 8 days and then makes a mistake on the 9th day, the owner must begin counting from the 5th day.