do you think it ok to spank your dog like you spank your child?
2008-03-28 00:02:09 UTC
i was just wondering cuz iv see ppl do that
41 answers:
2008-03-28 03:55:42 UTC
If a person must resort to violence to gain respect, then something is terribly wrong.

There is never a good reason to be violent to your dog or a child.

I can understand 'reflex' hitting, ( as in the first answer) but never used as correction or method of training..

When a person resorts to violence of any kind, concerning a dog or a child, it only means that they have lost control, and don't have a clue as to how to handle the situation. It is a release of pent-up stress, and not schooling.

Firm, calm *consistency* will always work.

I have raised 23 children and Oh, so many dogs.

I have never been disrespected by a child or a dog, or a horse.

Yes, we learn that hitting is OK, from our parents, who also learned it from theirs, who didn't have a clue as to how to handle a situation in a non-violent manner.. It doesn't make it OK. .
Keep Asking
2008-04-02 21:25:48 UTC
Dogs and people rarely need to spanked. The only time they both should be is if their behavior is a danger to themselves or to others. That means the consequences result in physical harm to themselves or to someone else including other dogs. But probably dogs are more trainable than humans because they are able to remember training better and are less apt to think by themselves in rebellion. However, children will do that.

I am a big believer in reinforcing positive behavior with positive rewards. For both humans and dogs. Whether it be petting a dogs head or back, a treat, or a kind word like "good". Frankly, you can do that more easily with a dog than a person.

I think it is important to be positive to your dog so it will be happy. I used to hit him but I have found I get much better results with positive reinforcements. I think it is because he is an unusually sensitive dog and this type of positive reinforcement is very effective and he is happy and I feel better about it. Yes there may be one or two situations where I have to hit him to let him know I mean business but you know he picks up on my vibe and so I even say things like "I'm sorry" if I accidentally hurt him and he senses my respect for him which helps his self esteem and increases his desire to do what pleases me in general.
2008-03-28 00:35:12 UTC
First of all, it is not "OK" to spank a child. Since a full grown dog only has the mental capacity equivalent to a 3 year old child, it is also cruel to hit a dog. Furthermore, it can make them defensive, apprehensive, fearful and aggressive.

DISCIPLINE is GUIDANCE, NOT punishment!!!!!!!

And yes, I AM a mother. I do not spank and my toddler minds very well. When she doesnt it is usually because:

1--she didnt understand (instead of spanking, I try another approach),

2-- I didnt have her attention (instead of spanking, I take her little face in my hands and guide her eyes to my face. Then, assured that I have her attention, I reassert.)

3-- she doesnt feel well, (sympathise and empathise, hold hug)

4--doesnt know how to handle her emotions (you have to learn that, you know) (instead of spanking her for having a temper tantrum I sympathise and empathise verbally. For example: In a soothing voice, "I know you dont want to go nite-nite. I'm sorry, hon. I know it's sometimes hard to do what you dont want to, isn't it." Then once she's calm and gotten herself together, hold/ hug)

5--she's hungry, (miracle tonic= food, not pain nor fear nor violence)

6 -- she's tired and needs a nap. (Nap time)

7 -- or perhaps I've been extra busy and havent given her any attention (solution=quality time)

People should keep in mind a dog's capability to do as told as well as their desire to please their master. Again, a full grown dog has only the comparable capacity of a three year old. A young puppy should no more be spanked for an accident than a child. When a child is physically, emotionally and intellectually ready to potty train, they succeed. A puppy, also a baby, will to.

In some cases, if the dog makes a mistake, try to think how the situation might have looked to them. Why might they have behaved that way? How can I modify such situations to get the desired behavioral reaction from the dog?

The best person, though, to answer your question is probably Caesar Milan, "the dog whisperer". He has a website that you can submit questions to. If you're truly interested in this, you may want to check it out.

BTW, I was spanked. Today, I have considerable issues with a dangerously explosive violent temper which I work dilligently to control. As a child, spanking me did NOT teach me proper behavior, it made me ANGRY, FRUSTRATED, VIOLENT, and OPPRESSED. I HATED my parents to the point of complete loathing. To be forced into compliance at the threat of physical violence is TYRANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will not be a tyrant nor a dictator! I will NOT treat my daughter like a slave, my subject, or an inmate.

I . . . did NOT turn out OK. Until my daughter came along and softened my heart, I was a complete screw up. Aside from being dangerous, I was the crash and burn queen.
2008-03-28 08:31:09 UTC
Yes I spank my dog if he goes in the house, or he comes around the table, when I tell her no mulitpuil times, when people are eating. I can stand when dogs llook at you or sniff around while eating... And I have been soanked as a child too, I have turned out fine. But now my dog if grown up, and is perfect. So I say spanking is effictave. Unlike people 'grounding; their child, oh wow like no TV for a week is so convincing... but mostly it's just white people who ground their kids,
2008-03-28 00:18:35 UTC
No a dog should not be spanked, I believe a dog never forgets the mistreatment it endures with its owner and thus causing the dog to become aggressive later in the owner ship,and I think that is why alot of people get bitten by their own dogs due to the mistreatment that has been shoved on the dog.

to those that spank a dog, I think you should take another approach.......

good luck

everyone always says a dog does not know why it is being hit or spanked, if this is so true, then why do it....

Breeder/show/handler 15 yrs

dogs should not be mistreated....DOGS RULE

I also volunteer in a Shelter, if some people could see some of these poor dogs that come in, and have been hit, beaten or spanked and are scared to death, you would never hit or spank your dog again,,,,it is really sad, some take months to get them to trust anyone again......its just sad, sorry
2008-03-28 00:12:34 UTC
There are pros and cons to spanking your dog. Well, the major pro is that it is more likely to respond to the training faster. The biggest con is that it can cause the dog's aggressiveness to develop.

One big reason for this is that sometimes, the dog doesn't understand why he is being spanked. Like in housetraining, if he is spanked after and not during the act of pooing, he won't understand what he is being spanked for. Like all animals, dogs can harbor resentment and eventually snap.

My suggestion is to use positive reinforcement instead. It may take more patience, but it's much better for the dog... and for you in the long run.

It's just sad to see people spanking their dogs. It's an old habit and people do it because they don't know any better. But now that there is much more research and infor about dog training, there should not be any reason to do so any more.

As with spanking children, that should be reserved as last resort, if the child is consciously being defiant and not as the main tool for discipline. And should never be done out of anger.
Abigail's Mom
2008-03-28 08:22:07 UTC
I only use spanking on my son as a last resort. I have only on a few occations had to spank him and I don't have to swat him hard. I have also had to give my dogs swift little swats to get their attention (again not hard and only as a last resort)

If the dog chooses to ignore voice commands a tap reminds them that you are their and that you are boss. The same is true for children.

For those of you who say this will make the animals and the child fear me. None of my 10 dogs show any signs of fear (as I said I only use it as a last resort). Also have any of you watched a wolf pack---if one of the pack refuses to listen to the alpha wolf they get a sharp bite or in extreme occations get the piss beat out of them. And none of my dogs are aggressive. You also have to do it right when it happens-They will not remember if you wait to fuss or swat.

And I never swat harder that a quick tap
2008-03-28 00:25:26 UTC
bjvettech~~good for you.

If i need to i spank my dogs in the act of doing wrong. I also spank my children. I was spanked and i turned out just fine as well. My cousin wasn't and she is a huge mess and always in trouble with the law etc..

I have my fur kids and my birth kids. There is enough research out there that shows most dogs are about a 4yr old mentality and when my kids were 4 they were pretty smart. People also try and say that dogs don't remember what they did after the fact... i call bull on that as well our kelpie gets into the garbage on an occasion (maybe 1 a year) the next morning she will stay as far away from the can as possible. She knows what she did and she knows that it is wrong.

But as stated earlier i relate to my animals probably more then others and i can read them pretty good.
2008-03-28 00:26:47 UTC
no i don't.

dogs and children are alike in many ways as they are different.

and one of the ways in which they are different is discipline. ppl try to speak "human" to a dog when they are training or disciplining their dog, and then they wonder why the dog keeps misbehaving...or they blame the dog saying, "He does it to make me mad" if a dog understands the concept of anger or some ridiculousness.

ppl need to learn to speak "dog". that doesn't including hitting. hitting a dog only teaches him to be afraid of your hand, stick, newspaper...or whatever it is that you are hitting him with. eventually you WILL get bit. i know I'd bite someone if i was repeatedly hit and had NO clue why.

raising your voice is not okay either...they can become scared of loud noises or loud children...and that makes for an accident waiting to happen..and then of course it's all the DOGS fault. even thought it was the human that trained the dog the bad behavior.

course I'm not real big on spanking a kid too much either. there is a time for it, and certain reasons for a quick pop, but i still to this day find it insanely hilarious when i see a parent smack their kid on the butt then say, "Don't hit! it's not nice".

...seriously? LOL
2008-03-28 14:48:51 UTC
I have a 200 lb bullmastiff and I have spanked him since he was 6 weeks not hard tho just enough to let him know he was bad. He minds me wonderfully. I dont hit him with anything but I have no problems lifting up his tail and spanking him.
2014-04-17 11:13:19 UTC
Hey hey people, they are dam dogs! Stop being wimps, dogs originally where wild animals before we domesticated them, if I get in my kids *** you think the dam dog is special, people dogs are not babies, put your dog on the street I bet the dog will survive its a dog, and just so you know ,I spank my kids when needed not all the time but when needed.
Mrs Francis
2008-03-28 00:16:00 UTC
No I gotta say we all feel like doing that but I don"t , and don"t recomend it because it causes the dog in most cases to turn on the owner or a kid in retaliation or the owner some times get to angry and end-up taking it to far then it becomes animal abuse , I have seen many of these cases and read about how it becomes a very bad situation for the owner and other people as well.I guess some people haven"t seen or read about these cases. But people some times don"t think about the consaquences because they are usually angry when doing this.Just sharing info.
2008-03-28 10:22:22 UTC
I think it is fine to swat your puppy on behind with a piece of rolled newpaper or something that doesn't do any damage. The noise from it is at least half the punishment and they learn to stop misbehaving because they don't want to feel or hear that scary thing any more. I am middle aged and have trained all my puppies and my childrens when they were little this way and we have never problems with aggression.

Dogs are smart like children in this area, if you are consistent and are calm when you swat your dog it will learn. If you are screaming and going berzerk chasing them with a paper because they just ate your favorite shoes they won't learn anything because you are not in control. How ever you disipline puppies it only works when the trainer is calm and in control.
Dog Section Regular
2008-03-28 00:30:50 UTC
No. It is never ok.

A dog does NOT understand what a "spank" is - they don't understand they're being "punished"

I don't believe in hitting children either. While I don't have kids, I have been hit as a child, and I learned nothing from it but to fear the hand that feeds me.

Pain and violence isn't the way to get your point across.

On the other hand, a child understands "You are being spanked for punishment because you wet your pants"

A dog does not understand "You peed on the floor so you are being hit to punish you so you don't do it again"
Vicki D
2008-03-28 00:13:53 UTC
No, I don't think it is Ok. I spanked my dog once and then I felt so guilty about it that I cried. The dog was scared after I hit him and hid for the rest of the day. Now I follow the dog training philosophy "Ignore the bad, reward the good."
2017-02-25 19:16:14 UTC
We have had mid-back to waist length tresses most of my life.
mr rofl
2008-03-28 01:09:51 UTC
Ummm, don't spank it...

I get down to my dogs level and tell them what they have done is wrong. LOL. It's like it is a kid or something...

I also tend to ignore the bad behavior, my dogs normally realise they aren't getting attention being destructive....
Sydney T
2008-03-28 01:06:11 UTC
Obviously you were hit as a child otherwise you wouldn't even be asking such a question. The answer is absolutely no it is not ok. I hope you will take that answer to heart. Getting physical in any situation is what people do that haven't enough education to work through problems.
2008-03-28 06:36:20 UTC
Neither one is alright, and with animals... dogs OR cats if you spank them you can actually jar their little bones out of place.
2008-03-28 00:28:14 UTC
HELL no.

dogs have no idea why they are being spanked.

when dogs behave well, they need to be rewarded with a small to tiny treat.. they dont care if it's a morsel, they love rewards.

when dogs misbehave, a big, fat NO is in order. sometimes i even crate my dog for 20 minutes when she misbehaved (as a pup).

these days my dog is pretty good... i have tried to be consisent and kind to her.
2008-03-28 06:02:12 UTC
You should not spank your kids nor your dogs.
Im So Rad
2008-03-28 00:47:17 UTC
well dont hurt ur dog..ive spanked my pup for makin a mess or gettin into things she werent supposed to either a newspaper, slipper, and u have to give them that "look" and say no! pup isnt afraid of me i love her to death....and well...she knows when she has done something wrong i will give her the "look" maybe hit her one time but not like with all my power dont try to kill ur dog lol..some ppl do and some dont jus dont try to hurt them..all it takes is a newspaper
Rochelle T
2008-03-28 00:29:20 UTC
Dogs are not children, not HUMAN. spanking is not what pack leaders do in the wild.

check out Cesar Milan's website, and read up on disciplinary methods...
2008-03-28 05:29:32 UTC
yes it is a must,,,let your dog dont get spoiled,do spank your dog the way people spank their child so as to make him/her realise the rules and controls.......feel as if he/she is a child of yours.....
2008-03-28 00:55:43 UTC
it is never ok to spank your dog; that's abuse. because dogs aren't human, they don't understand this method of discipline. an alpha dog doesn't spank a misbehaving member of its pack.
Machal S
2008-03-28 00:14:54 UTC
No, I don't really think spanking is very effective with dogs. Try the Caesar methods, they work amazingly.
2017-01-18 18:39:45 UTC
Well, I have in order to admit I love girls with lengthy hair... for me, the longer, the particular better... I honestly can't think associated with anyone who looked better with brief hair
Dog Rescuer
2008-03-28 10:19:00 UTC

The dog needs to be taken away and given to a family that will love it not assault it!!!

That kind of assaulting on animals is abuse....and needs to be reported to the ASPCA in your area....
Richard P
2008-03-28 00:28:05 UTC
NO!!!!!!...It's all based on LOVE. Have you ever heard that saying before, because it is ever so true, and REMEMBER that when training a dog, that they have short term memory. That is if you reward you pet after they preform a command correctly (repetition,repetition,repetition), THAT IS WHAT THEY remember, also, you pet lives to please you, and that you chose it.
2008-03-28 00:16:30 UTC
Is it OK to spank children?

As for dogs, my dad, who used to be a dog trainer sometimes hits my dog, more as an intimidation thing than a pain thing. My dog really respects my dad, my dad is like the alpha male or something. But I wouldn't do it that often, and nothing vicious. It also has to be clear that the dog knows they've done something wrong (normally they do, they're pretty intelligent animals).
2008-03-28 23:56:01 UTC
all people and animals should be treated the same way you treat your parents with respect the best way to punish your dog is to alwas remind him/her verbally never physically soon the dog will respect you and show that your the alpha-male also
2008-03-28 00:08:41 UTC
Dogs aren't as intelligent as children. Children realize, "Hey, I drew on the wall, so now I'm getting spanked." Dogs don't realize they did something wrong. It's not like, "I pooped on the carpet and now I'm getting spanked." It's more like, "Oww!! Why did she just hit me?! Owwowww!"

That being said, I don't believe in spanking children OR pets.
2008-03-28 00:07:12 UTC
If a dog nips me, I'll tap it on the nose. And I know I will get thumbs down for that, but I will NOT allow a 40kg GSD entire male to nip me without a consequence he understands. (having said that, it has only happened once, and it was more of a reaction than a thought out process.) I do NOT supprt beating a dog.

As for smacking children, each to their own. I was smacked as a child and I turned out fine. My parents didnt smack my sister and had a whole world of behavioural problems with her at school and home. Draw your own conclusions.
2008-03-28 00:18:34 UTC
Yeah, for sure - that's how every mother dog gets obedience from her puppies!

Never had to do it with my dog - a Border Collie - many other ways to get your message across.
2008-03-28 00:25:56 UTC
Not unless you're doing it for the right reason not just for the fun of it.
2008-03-28 00:10:24 UTC
I don't think it hurts the dog (when I do it) because of all the fur cushioning the blows. I think spanking a dog (when I do it) more scares them than hurts them, which is the main thing.

I usually don't have to, though, because my dog is extremely intelligent. I do get mad when he barks arbitrarily, though, because the neighbors have complained.
☺Smiley Pitbull☺
2008-03-28 00:47:48 UTC
hitting dogs is awful ,

even if it is only soft!

same goes with kids
2008-03-28 00:37:31 UTC
i use a rolled up newspaper, it doesnt really hurt them, the noise scares them. soon enough you dont even have to hit them , just by picking it up they know whats up. good job spanking your kids, they wont come out spoiled bitchs
2008-03-28 00:26:59 UTC
2008-03-28 00:11:33 UTC
Sure, if you want a dog that doesn't trust you and act scared every time you make any swift movements... yeah, great idea
2008-03-28 18:27:07 UTC
please dont hit your dog. they wont realize why you did it.

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