what is a good name for a boy dog?
2007-09-06 17:07:32 UTC
what is a good name for a boy dog?
Fifteen answers:
2007-09-06 17:19:38 UTC
Some of the most popular names for male dogs include:
















and of course, Spike, Fluffy, Rex, and Tiger.

Many people also name their dogs after idols (movie stars/singers), close friends and family, and cute characters either from cartoons or advertisements.
2007-09-07 00:19:13 UTC
I Have A Boy Dog And Cat And A Girl Dog..And All My Friends Have Dogs So Ill Give You couple Of Theirs.





















Zedop[i know its a bit strange]







So Yeh.

I Hope That Helps
2007-09-07 00:40:05 UTC
There are many great names for dogs, but make it your own. My dog is blue and we call her river. It fits her perfect.
2007-09-07 00:13:41 UTC
There are many, many, and too many to list. For good results, I recommend you google "pet names" or "baby names". Or go with a classic and name your pup Max... or Judge :)
2007-09-07 00:15:28 UTC


dawn t.
2007-09-08 02:13:54 UTC
2007-09-07 00:39:41 UTC
Ramsey! Ramsey! Or Remy!
Here 2 help
2007-09-07 00:13:38 UTC
I prefer the old standby "REX"! It's a bold name and one that should be back in style, in my opinion.
Jake H
2007-09-07 00:20:06 UTC
Go call Vick
2007-09-07 00:13:12 UTC
what kind of dog?
2007-09-07 00:15:33 UTC
oliver, max, sammy, gabe
2007-09-07 00:24:27 UTC
i <3 lifee.!
2007-09-07 01:18:43 UTC




Roly poly

2007-09-07 00:13:33 UTC











Good Luck with your doggy


2007-09-07 00:40:56 UTC
Aaron - Moses's brother and the 1st high priest of the Hebrews.

Abacus - "I can count to 10 on my paws."

Abba - Aramaic - The Father. You intend to breed this pet one day.

Abbot - The chief of an abbey or monastery. This boy dog prefers peaceful and secluded areas.

Abdul - Arabic - A servant of Allah.

Abel - The 2nd born son of Adam and Eve. A great name for your 2nd dog.

Abner - Hebrew - The Father is light.

Abraham or Abe - Hebrew - The father of many nations. A great name for the boy dog that you intend to breed.

Abraham - Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States.

Abu - The monkey in Disney's Aladdin.

Ace - Latin - One or unity. This dog is loyal to a fault.

Achilles - The hero of Homer's The Iliad. This legendary dog is known all over the neighborhood for his bravery.

Adam - A wonderful pet name for your first dog.

Addax - An African antelope.

Adel - German - A noble person. This boy dog holds his head very high.

Aden - Located in southern Arabia, it's now a part of Yemen.

Adlai - Hebrew - A term that means - my ornament. You just love to show off this boy dog.

Adler - German - Eagle-like.

Adolph - German - A noble wolf. This pet dog always does the right thing.

Adonis - Greek - A very handsome and youthful guy.

Adrian - Latin - The dark one. A great pet name for your dark-haired dog.

Aegis - A protective shield. This dog is your faithful protector.

Aeneas - Greek - Most praised. This male dog is the best of the litter.

Aesop - An ancient Greek author of fables. This dog enjoys telling stories.

Ahab - The king of Israel who married Jezebel, according to the Bible.

Ahaggar - A large mountain range in Africa.

Ahmed or Ahmad - Arabic - The most praised. This boy dog is the pick of the litter.

Aidan - Irish - An extremely fiery person. A great name for your passionate Irish setter dog.

Ajax - Greek Mythology - A hero of the Trojan War.

Aladdin - "Your wish is my command."

Alan - Irish - One who is in harmony.

Alaric - German - The ruler of all people. This dog likes to boss the other dogs around.

Albern - German - A very noble warrior. This boy dog fights fair.

Albert - A very fat and lovable cartoon character. The perfect name for your fat and lovable boy dog.

Albert - The patron saint of scientists.

Aldo - German - Wise one. Other animals come to this dog for advice.

Aleppo - The 2nd largest city in Syria.

Alexander - A Macedonian king and world conqueror. This pet dog loves to divide and conquer any territory.

Alexander - The patron saint of Corsica.

Alfred - English - Small, wise counselor. A good name for any small breed of dog.

Alger - German - A noble spearman.

Ali - Arabic - Lion of Allah.

Ali Baba - A poor woodcutter in the Arabian Nights story. He finds treasure hidden in a cave by 40 thieves.

Alistair - Greek - Guardian or protector. A great name for any guard dog.

Alonzo - Spanish - Noble and prepared. Nothing catches this male dog by surprise.

Aloysius - Latin - A famous warrior.

Alpha - The prototype of any dog breed.

Alphonse - German - One who is noble and always ready.

Alva - Latin - Fair haired.

Alvin - German - A true friend to all. This boy dog never meets a stranger.

Amasa - Hebrew - A person who carries heavy burdens. An appropriate name for your shepherd dog that is a tireless worker.

Ambrose - Greek - Immortal. You wish that this male dog could live forever.

Ambrose - A 4th century saint who heavily influenced St. Augustine. He is the patron saint of students.

Ammon - Egyptian - Something that is hidden. An appropriate name for the boy dog that won't always respond when called.

Amos - An Old Testament prophet with a book bearing his name.

Andre - French - Masculine.

Andrew - Greek - Masculine.

Andrew - An apostle of Jesus Christ and the patron saint of fishermen.

Androcles - A legendary Roman slave who ran away from his master. He came across a lion suffering with a thorn in his paw. Androcles pulled the thorn from the lion's paw. He later faced the same lion in the Roman Arena and the lion spared his life.

Angelo - Greek - Angel.

Angus - Scottish - A strong man.

Ansgar - The patron saint of Scandinavia.

Anthony - Latin - Priceless.

Anthony - The patron saint of those with lost items.

Antipas - He was mentioned in the New Testament as a friend of Paul. He was burned to death for his Christian faith.

Antony - The patron saint of domestic animals and butchers. A terrific pet name for the dog that loves raw meat.

Anubis - An ancient Egyptian god with the head of a jackal. His responsibility was to judge a man's deeds after death.

Anwar - Anwar Sadat was the president of Egypt during the 1970's.

Apollo - Greek and Roman Mythology - The god of the sun. This boy dog is very powerful indeed.

Aquila - A Jewish man who was prominently mentioned in the New Testament as a Christian convert and provider to the early Church. He was martyred by the Romans.

Archibald - German - Royal and bold.

Ares - Greek Mythology - The god of war. This dog was built for battle.

Argus - Greek Mythology - The giant with a hundred eyes. A wonderful name for your very-large guard dog.

Arion - An ancient Greek poet.

Aristotle - An ancient Greek philosopher who studied under Plato.

Arlen - Irish - Promise. This male dog shows a lot of potential.

Armand - German - Guardian. An excellent guard dog name.

Arnett - German - Small eagle.

Arnold - German - Eagle's power.

Arthur - Welsh - Courage of a bear. A great guard dog name.

Asa - An early king of Judah, as told in the Old Testament.

Asher - Hebrew - One who is a happy blessing. Also one of the 12 tribes of Israel. You feel truly blessed to have this boy dog in your life.

Aspen - "I like to ride on the ski-lift."

Atlas - A large mountain range in Africa.

Atlas - Greek Mythology - A giant who supported the heavens on his shoulders. Another good pet name for the large breed of dog.

Attalus - A 2nd century Roman citizen who was burned to death by the Romans for his Christian faith. He became a saint.

Attila - The legendary king of the Huns who invaded Europe in the mid 400's A.D.

Aubrey - French - Fair leader.

Augustine - He lived during the 4th and 5th centuries. He is considered the most influential scholar and writer of the Catholic Church. His ideas and writings continue to influence Western thinking to this day.

Augustus - The 1st emperor of Rome. He was the grandnephew of Julius Caesar.

Austin - He's an international dog of mystery.

Avatar - The Hindus believe that this is a god who comes down and takes human form.

Avery - English - Small, wise counselor. A good name for any small breed of dog.

Axel - German - Peaceful.

Bacchus - Greek and Roman Mythology - The god of wine and good times. Also called Dionysus. This dog will never spoil your good time.

Baikal - A huge lake in Siberia. The world's deepest freshwater lake. A great name for your Siberian Husky dog.

Bailey - French - A bailiff or steward.

Baird - Irish - A traveling ballad singer. This boy dog likes to roam around and bark.

Balboa - A Spanish explorer who discovered the Pacific Ocean. A wonderful name for your water-loving dog.

Baldwin - German - A fearless friend and protector. This boy dog will lay down his life for his master.

Balfour - Scottish - One who hails from the pasture land. A good name for any shepherd breed dog.

Ballard - German - Strength.

Baloo - The big bear character in Disney's Jungle Book.

Balthasar - Greek - May God protect the king.

Bambino - An Italian child.

Bancroft - English - A person from the bean field.

Bandit - "I just made off with the neighbor's kitten."

Banjo - He's your favorite little banjo boy. This name sent in by Lori and her special Boxer dog.

Bantam - A small, spirited fighter.

Banzai - The hyena in Disney's The Lion King.

Bard - Irish - A poet.

Barkley - English - The man from a birch tree meadow.

Barlow - English - A person who lives on the bare hill.

Barnabas - An early Christian who introduced St. Paul to the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ and the patron saint of Cyprus.

Barnaby - Aramaic - Son of sympathy.

Barney - He loves you and you love him.

Barnum - P.T. Barnum was a famous American promoter and showman of the 19th century.

Baron - A European nobleman. A logical name for your distinguished pure-bred boy dog.

Barrett - German - Bear-courage.

Barry - Irish - An expert with a spear.

Bartholomew - One of the 12 apostles of Jesus Crist and the patron saint of plasterers.

Barton - English - A landowner.

Bashful - This dwarf-dog likes to hide.

Basil - Latin - Royal. This male dog comes from champion blood lines.

Basil - A 4th century saint who was tortured and martyred for his preaching against the pagan gods.

Baxter - English - A baker.

Bazooka - "Even dogs like to chew bubble-gum sometimes."

Bear - This dog is big, round, and cuddly.

Beast - A mean-looking boy dog with a heart of gold.

Beau - French - A very handsome man. All the girl dogs think he's hot.

Beaufort - French - A beautiful fortress. A fantastic name for the pure-bred guard dog.

Beaumont - French - A beautiful mountain. A wonderful name for any pure-bred large dog.

Beck - English - A brook. This boy dog loves flowing water.

Beckham - This dog enjoys chasing soccer balls.

Beecher - English - One who lives by the beech trees.

Beeman - English - A professional beekeeper.

Bellamy - French - Your pretty friend.

Benedict - Latin - A blessing.

Benedict - The patron saint of those who have been poisoned.

Bengal - "My brindle coat looks just like a tiger's."

Benito - Spanish - A blessing.

Benjamin or Ben - Hebrew - The son of my right hand. This boy dog will be your valued helper.

Benjamin - A 5th century saint who was tortured and impaled by the Persians for preaching his Christian faith.

Benoni - Hebrew - The son of my sorrow. A wonderful name for the dog that you adopt to replace another dog.

Benson - English - Son of Benjamin.

Berkley - "I'm the most liberal dog on the block."

Bernard - German - A person that's as brave as a bear.

Bernard - A mouse in Disney's The Rescuers.

Bernard - The patron saint of candlemakers and skiers.

Bernardine - The patron saint of advertising.

Bishop - "I always stalk my prey diagonally."

Bjorn - Swedish - Courage of a bear.

Blackjack - "I plan on living to the age of 21."

Blaine - Irish - Lean. This male dog keeps himself in good shape.

Blair - Irish - Of the field. A great name for any sporting breed of dog.

Blaise - The patron saint of those with throat problems.

Blake - William Blake was a great English poet who died in 1827. Among his works are Songs of Innocence and Jerusalem.

Blitz - This dog comes at you from all angles.

Blizzard - A forceful, solid-white dog.

Blue - Old faithful. You could set your watch by this boy dog and never be late.

Bluto - "I have more than just a good pair of forearms."

Bogart, Bogey - This boy dog has a scruffy sort of charm.

Bojangles - A good name for a Cocker Spaniel dog.

Bolivar - A Venezuelan revolutionary who led forces against the Spanish rule of South America.

Bombay - An Indian port on the Arabian Sea.

Bonsai - A runt of a dog.

Boo - "I sometimes bump into things in the house at night."

Boogie - "I could have danced all night."

Boomerang, Boomer - "I'll always come back to you."

Boone - "My abilities to live off the land are legendary, but please feed me anyway."

Boreas - Greek Mythology - The north wind god.

Boris - Slavic - A proud fighter or warrior.

Boris - The patron saint of Moscow.

Boss - "Baby I was born to run."

Botswana - An African country.

Boyd - Irish - Fair haired.

Bozo - The circus beckons this boy dog.

Bradley - English - Broad meadow.

Brady - Irish - Fiery one. This male dog is full of passion.

Brahma - The Hindus believe that Brahma is the spirit who created the Universe.

Brando - He could very well be a contender.

Bravo - "I deserve praise all the time."

Brendan - Irish - A sword. A good name for any guard dog.

Brendan - The patron saint of sailors.

Brian - Irish - Strength.

Brice - Welsh - A person who is awake, alert, and highly ambitious. This boy dog never sleeps while on duty.

Brock - English - A badger.

Bronco - This boy dog can't be tamed.

Bruce - "I was born in the USA."

Bruiser - "I love the smell of a good dog-fight in the morning."

Bruno - The dog in Disney's Cinderella.

Brutus - An exceptionally large dog who stands his ground.

Bubba - "I'm just a big ol' redneck."

Buck - The prototypical male dog.

Bushido - The code of conduct of the Japanese Samurai. A great name for your Oriental breed of dog.

Butkis, Butkus - "There's nothing like tackling my master."

Buzz - This boy dog is light-years ahead of any other dog.

Byron - French - From the country.

Caballero - A Spanish horseman.

Cactus - This boy dog is a bit prickly at times.

Cadby - English - The settlement of a warrior.

Caddock - Welsh - One who is desirous of war. A good name for the boy dog who is always spoiling for a fight.

Cadmus - Greek - A person from the east. An appropriate name for your Oriental breed of dog.

Caesar - The title of the Roman emperors from Augustus to Hadrian.

Cain - Adam and Eve's eldest son. A great dog pet name for the 1st born of the litter.

Cairo - The capital of Egypt. An unusual name for your unusual dog.

Cajun - "I adore crawfish flavored treats."

Calder - English - One who dwells near the brook or stream. Your water-loving dog would appreciate this name.

Caleb - Hebrew - As faithful as a dog.

Calhoun - Irish - A resident of the narrow woods.

Caligula - The mad Roman emperor who claimed to be all gods at once.

Caliph - This used to be the title of some Muslim rulers. A great name for the boy dog that thinks he's the king of the house.

Calvert - English - A person who herds calves. A wonderful name for any shepherd breed of dog.

Calvin - Latin - A bald person. A great name for the pet dog that has very little hair.

Camden - Scottish - A person who comes from the crooked valley.

Camelot - The legendary site of King Arthur's court and palace.

Cameron - Scottish - A crooked nose.

Cameroon - An African country.

Canuck - This french poodle dog loves his country.

Canute - The patron saint of Denmark.

Capone - "I own Chicago."

Capricorn - The 10th zodiac sign - a goat. If your dog resembles a goat, then this is the perfect name.

Carl - German - A man.

Carlin - Irish - The little victor. A wonderful name for any toy-breed of dog.

Carlisle - English - Tower. A great name for any tall breed of dog.

Carlos - Spanish - A man.

Carmine - Latin - Crimson. A great name for your deep-red-colored dog.

Carpus - A 2nd century saint who was tortured and burned at the stake for his Christian faith.

Carrick - Irish - A dweller of the rocky land.

Carroll - Irish - A winner. This male dog is a future champion.

Carter - Jimmy Carter was a Georgia peanut farmer who became the president of the United States in the late 1970's.

Caruso - "My canine operatic abilities are legendary."

Cary - Latin - Of great value. You paid a lot of money for this male dog.

Casanova - This boy dog has a girlfriend on every block.

Casey - The brave engineer who couldn't slow down.

Cash - Latin - Conceited. This male dog enjoys staring at his reflection in the mirror.

Casper - "The backyard is my favorite haunt."

Cassidy - Irish - A crafty person with wavy hair. A great name for a poodle dog.

Castor - Greek - A beaver. This boy dog loves to chew on just about anything.

Castro - He'll be Red until he dies. This dog just loves to socialize.

Cato - Latin - The person who is knowledgeable and very wise. Other dogs value this dog's advice.

Cecil - Latin - Darkened.

Cedric - English - A chief of the battle.

Chad - An African country.

Chaim - Hebrew - Force of life.

Chance - You took a risk by adopting this boy dog.

Chandler - English - A professional candle maker.

Chaos - "I'm always in a state of disorder."

Charcoal - This black dog is always close at hand when you barbecue.

Charon - Greek Mythology - The boat pilot who escorted dead souls across the river Styx to Hades. A good name for any water-loving dog.

Chase - French - A hunter. This dog is always on the trail of something.

Chaucer - The famous English author of the Canterbury Tales.

Cherokee - A tribe of Indians forcibly moved from the SE United States to Oklahoma on the Trail of Tears.

Chester - English - From the fortress. A good name for your guard dog.

Chief - This dog is always on the lookout and first on the scene.

Chip - The cup character in Disney's Beauty and the Beast.

Chopin - A boy dog that's very agile, with tons of ability.

Chopsticks - A great name for your Oriental breed of dog.

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Christian - Latin - Follower of Christ.

Christopher - A name meaning Christ-Bearer. An Italian saint who lived in the 15th century.

Christopher Robin - The little boy character in Disney's Winnie the Pooh.

Churchill - Winston Churchill was the prime minister who led Great Britain through World War II.

Cian - Irish - Ancient.

Cicero - A famous Roman statesman and orator who lived from 106 - 43 B.C.

Clarence - Latin - Renowned. This boy dog is famous all over the neighborhood.

Clark - Latin - A student. This male dog just loves to learn.

Claude - The patron saint of sculptors.

Clay - English - Of the soil. This canine delights in digging holes.

Clement - The patron saint of stonecutters.

Clifford - The red runt of a puppy that grew into a giant red learn.

Clovis - German - A very famous warrior.

Clyde - Welsh - One with much warmth. This boy dog is welcome in your arms on winter days.

Cobalt - Another good name for your blue-eyed boy dog.

Cochise - A famous Apache warrior and chief.

Codger - "Some people say that I'm set in my ways."

Cody - The little boy character in Disney's The Rescuers.

Cogsworth - The clock character in Disney's Beauty and the Beast.

Colonel - The Sheep dog character and one of the heroes in Disney's 101 Dalmatians.

Colt - The dog who is rough and ready on the dusty trail.

Columbus - "I like to discover things that are already discovered."

Cochise - A famous Apache warrior and chief.

Collin - Scottish - A puppy. You hope this male dog never grows up.

Confucius - "Confucius say - More dog biscuits please."

Congo - A large river in Africa.

Conrad - German - A fearless counselor.

Coon - An appropriate name for the gray-colored dog that resembles a raccoon.

Copernicus - The famous Polish astronomer who discovered that the planets revolve around the sun.

Coptic - The orthodox Christian church of Egypt.

Corbin - English - Raven. A great name for any solid-black dog.

Cordell - French - A professional rope maker.

Cortez - A Spanish explorer who conquered Mexico.

Cosmo - "My friends usually call me Kramer."

Cotton - "It ain't easy being the fabric of your life."

Creeper - A very strange character in Disney's The Black Cauldron.

Creole - "How y'all are?"

Crispin - Latin - The one with curly hair.

Crispin - The patron saint of leatherworkers.

Cupid - A good name for the boy dog adopted on Valentine's day.

Curtis - French - Respect. This male dog has the best manners you've ever seen in a canine.

Cyclops - Greek Mythology - The giant with one eye.

Cyprian - A 5th century bishop in Africa who was driven into the dessert, tortured, and then executed. He became a saint.

Cyril - The patron saint of Moravia.

Cyrus - The founder of the Persian Empire. A fantastic name for your first dog.

Did you know?

Dogs were the first animals to be domesticated by man.

Dacca - The capital of Bangladesh.

Dacey - Irish - One who comes from the south.

Dag - Scandinavian - A person who shines as bright as the day. This dog lights up any room that he enters.

Dagan - The Babylonian god of the earth. This boy dog loves the outdoors.

Dagwood - English - A person dwelling in the bright and shining forest.

Dakar - The capital of Senegal, in Africa. It lies on the Atlantic Ocean.

Dalbert - English - A radiant person. This boy dog brightens any room that he enters.

Dalen or Dale - English - A valley.

Dallas - A large city in Texas, USA.

Dalmatius - A 4th century French bishop who was martyred by the Romans. He became a saint.

Dalton - English - The person from the valley town.

Damek - Slavic - A form of Adam. A great name for your 1st pet dog.

Damian - Greek - A person who tames.

Damian - The patron saint of barbers.

Damocles - The legendary courtier in Syracuse who was given a lesson in the dangers of being a king.

Damon - Greek - A steadfast and loyal person. This dog will always be true to you.

Dane - English - A person who comes from Denmark. A fitting name for any Great Dane dog.

Daniel - The Hebrew prophet who escaped from the lion's den.

Dante - A great Italian poet of the Middle Ages. He wrote the Divine Comedy.

Darby - Irish - Liberty. This canine is always trying to escape.

Darius - An ancient Persian king. Another fantastic name for the boy dog that's the ruler of the house.

Darren - Irish - Famous. This boy dog might one day be a champion.

David - The mighty king of Israel. He was their 2nd king and first gained fame by slaying the giant - Goliath.

DaVinci - A great artist of the Italian Renaissance. The Mona Lisa was one of his most famous paintings.

Dearborn - English - One who dwells in the deer brook.

Dedrick - German - The ruler over all the people.

Delmar - Latin - The person from the sea. A wonderful name for your water-loving dog.

Delphi - This was a town in ancient Greece containing the oracle of Apollo.

Demetrius - Greek - A follower of Demeter (the Greek fertility goddess).

Demon - "My intentions are not always the best."

Dempsey - Irish - A person with much pride. This boy dog carries his head high at all times.

Denis - The patron saint of France.

Denver - A large city in Colorado, USA.

Derry - Irish - The one with red hair. A great name for any red-haired pet dog.

DeSoto - The famous Spanish explorer who "discovered" the Mississippi River.

Desperado - "I'm a rough and tough, outlaw dog."

Deuce - "I'm sometimes wild."

Devin - Irish - A poet.

Devlin - Irish - A fearless warrior. A fantastic name for the boy dog that won't back down from any fight or challenge.

Dewey - A good name for the boy dog that has webbed feet like a duck.

Dexter - Latin - Clever. This male dog learns easily.

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Diablo - The dog who seems to embody pure evil.

Dickens - A famous English novelist who lived during the 1800's. He wrote A Tale of Two Cities, Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol and many other great works.

Digger - "I don't know why I have the urge to bury things."

Digits - This boy dog can count to ten on his paws.

Dillon - Irish - A faithful companion. This dog will never leave your side.

Dingo - A wild, tough mate. Just try and tame this dog.

Dino - Your little furry dinosaur-dog.

Dionysus - Greek Mythology - The god of wine and good times. Also called Bacchus.

Dionysius - A 3rd century Pope. He was the first Pope who did not die a martyr for the Christian faith.

Dismas - The good thief crucified beside Jesus Christ.

Ditka - The iron dog.

Dixie - "My heart lies in the south."

Dizzy - "I love to run in circles - chasing my tail."

Doc - What's up - with your dog's bedside manners?

Dodger -"I'm often artful."

Dolan - Irish - Dark one. A great name for any black dog.

Domingo - Spanish - Born on Sunday.

Dominic - The patron saint of astronomers.

Dominick - Latin - Godly.

Domino - The perfect name for your Dalmatian dog.

Donald - Another good name for the boy dog that has webbed feet like a duck.

Donovan - Irish - The dark warrior. A great name for your fearless solid-black-colored dog.

Dopey - This dwarf dog isn't the brightest dog on the block.

Douglas - Scottish - Deep water. An excellent name for any water-loving dog.

Drake - A male duck. This name would go well with your water loving breed of dog.

Drogo - The patron saint of shepherds. A wonderful male dog name for your German shepherd or any type of shepherd dog.

Druid - "Me and my doggie buddies like to gather 'round the trees."

Duke - A nobleman just below the rank of prince.

Dumbo - The elephant with big ears. He's the title character of a Disney movie. A great name for any pet dog with big ears.

Dustin - German - A proud warrior. This male dog won't back down.

Dusty - He's not the neatest dog in the world.

Dutch - This boy dog will make you pay for everything.

Dylan - Welsh - A man from the sea. Another splendid name for your water-loving dog.

srry if there are adds i copped this from a website and there are alot more heres the site

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.