Actually many people cannot tell the difference between PLAY fighting and fighting.
Many of my dogs growl, bare their teeth, wrestle, grab each other by the necks and generally look aggressive, when in FACT it is only PLAY fighting.
All too often I have people walk past in the park looking horrified, or asking if they are fighting.
Watching dogs that play really rough and vocally (lots of growling and barking), it is easy for me to understand why people that do NOT have dogs that play this way, get confused.
It looks rough and out of control, but is not.
If we call them, they come immediately and HAPPILY, and switch back to what we all call "sane mode".
The rough play between our big dogs, is sometimes so loud, we cannot even talk over the noise.
Sat morning play on the oval after training, is their FAVOURITE day of the week!
They can hardly wait to get off lead and go a little crazy.
There is a group of 5 or 6 of us that all meet up each week, we have all been friends for years.
The big dogs generally know not to be to rough with the smaller dogs.
Sometimes I do have to tell my over enthusiastic b**ch to not try to wrestle the little dogs too roughly. They are not scared of her, and will greet her by jumping all over her, but if she gets to much, they can become a little worried and look to us for assistance. I correct her the SECOND this happens. She knows, when I say "Enough!" or "Ack!". To soften up a bit and play more gently.
There is nothing gentle about the way the 2 GDSs and 2 Dobes play with each though.
Our dogs when playing in public like this, have never ended up in a fight.
Have never injured each other.
Have never broken each others skin.
LOVE to wrestle and when tired, lie down with each other to rest (wrestling and chasy are exhausting).
Obviously, they never play this way with dogs they do not know.
In fact I would say they generally ignore any dogs walking past completely.
They are generally too engrosed in their own games.
Occasionally they may stop long enough for a brief sniff at most.
I would NEVER let my dog play with someone elses anyway, with out talking to the owners first, and assessing their dogs behaviour/signals.