DaBasset - BYBs kill dogs
2008-02-22 07:36:51 UTC
Every day we see many questions posted here by people who obviously don't have the first clue what they are doing, yet are breeding their pets. I mean basic stuff, like how long the dog will be pregnant for. Or when they need to call the vet. Many b*tches and their puppies suffer and die needlessly because of this ignorance.
So even though in an ideal world people would know about selection, health, history, purpose, pedigrees etc before even thinking about breeding their dogs, we know that there are people out there that are determined to breed Fluffy to the most convenient stud and treat themselves to "the miracle of birth", come hell or high water.
So what is the absolute minimum that pet owners should know BEFORE they put Fluffy with Buster and hope for the best?