Bells was the only one to do the INTELLIGENT thing. I read 2 other people's fonts and they acted immaturely and hot headed. They're lucky they didn't get bitten. You NEVER train out of anger, when you start following your emotions in training it ceases to be training.
Bells had the right idea, to step away from the situation because she wasn't in position to correct the dog. She then put a prong and leash on him, and "baited" him into repeating the behavior. WAY TO USE A FUNCTIONAL ADULT HUMAN BRAIN!!! She used her human intelligence to problem solve. She picked her battles wisely and abandoned a futile attempt to correct the dog, and instead introduced another, similar situation that gave her perfect opportunity and capitalized on it. Bravo.
The hardest I've had to correct Han so far was just yesterday when he decided to chase a little stray mutt. He was fine until it decided to run up on him barking then run. I gave him a couple of chances to recall, he didn't, he was wearing a Dogtra 1900 with the rheostat dial, I flicked it all the way up and turned on the continuous stim, he turned back to me, drama over, lesson learned. Failure to recall is always unacceptable with my dogs.
Again Bells, good example how to do things right. I saw like I said, 2 answers where they should've done the same thing you did but failed to do so out of emotion. As far as popping Hooch on the butt I don't think that was inherently dangerous, but you said he did it again, so it was ineffective. A sharp leash correction would've went a lot longer. One GOOD correction is better than 100 tugging ones. I give few corrections, but the corrections I do give are swift, well timed, and unpleasant...just like they should be...and that's why I don't have to give many corrections.
-edit- Pinning a dog, or using a dominant dog collar to withhold air isn't a correction, it's a self-defense/emergency technique to stop a dangerous situation. It can teach a dog not to repeat the behavior but it still isn't a correction.
-re-edit- Again Felicia that wasn't a correction, that was defending yourself. The perfect example of how to get your face ripped off or hand de-gloved (skin forcefully pulled off of the flesh of your hand) what some of the other posters have said such as slapping a dog for biting at your hand. Any dog worth it's salt would accept your challenge and you'd be in the hospital with your feelings, ego AND body hurt.
Slapping a dog in that situation is NOT self-defense, it's a poorly planned, poorly thought out correction.
But, Felicia, you could've also baited her into the behavior again with a leash and training collar and REALLY corrected her and ended the behavior in a few training sessions. Avoidance training should never take more than 3 or 4 sessions because the corrections should be so harsh that the behavior goes extinct fairly rapidly.
8 TD's = 8 people who let their emotions run their training apparently, feel sorry for their animals that they don't deserve!
-edit- Nikko you have NO idea what you're talking about. The "dog" is an 11 month old puppy #1 (aka not finished training and probably better trained than anything you could ever produce). #2 the dog did stop after it was corrected, which is the purpose of the e-collar...control off leash. Also I didn't have to turn it all the way up, I CHOSE to. I chose to make not coming to me when called regardless of the distraction the worst thing he's ever his stage in training I didn't expect him to not break off. #3 a dog has to mess up for you to correct it in the first place. You don't know what the **** you're talking about...which is obvious because you think hanging a dog is a correction...which of course, it's not...which I just said for the 3rd time just now! Any time you want to compare your mutts to my dogs feel free to youtube a video. "What if it had been a busy highway"...why would I have an 11 month old on the side of a busy highway off leash? Why wouldn't I have been in a privately owned field training like I was? Why do you think you know my dog, or my training methods? Why don't you ask questions instead of pretending to know what you're talking about?
"With so many tools"...yeah the same tools your best friend who you just gave a shout out to (Greek) uses. We both use 1900NCPs exclusively. The next time you want to try to make me look stupid make sure you can do it without making yourself look stupid first. have a nice day :)
-edit- No Felicia I do not feel attacked by you you just voiced your opinion. Nikko was the one -trying- to start drama. Felicia I see exactly what you're saying but that worked for ONE dog. Try that with a REAL handler hard dog and you'd be dead if no one was home to help you. I work with 90lbs bruisers and they can kill you. You don't pick your battles you get KILLED or end up in the hospital. I remember when it was the thing to aggression head on. But after puberty and the testosterone drop (lol) I've come to realize that there are some battles you can't win. If your dog had been a 110 pound Rottie who said "OKAY FELICIA LET'S FIGHT THEN" you'd have gone to the hospital that day. You CAN NOT beat a 110lbs Rottie nor can I nor every criminal who thought they could and ended up in jail bruised, slobbered on, and stitched up with no pain meds (no narcotic pain relievers in huh?).
-edit- LOL Uncle Ed! SOME people have seen my other dogs, I think it's more fun to watch you and your middleaged friends with nothing better to do assume! Teehee! I don't play much but I love making you play my game! Haha! NOW! Put your heads together and think of something else collectively intelligent to say!