Lady J
2012-02-23 14:13:52 UTC
1. He is 14 months old.
2. He was socialized very well as a puppy and used to play with strangers, dogs, cats, you name it!
3. He started showing his aggressive side after we went on a two week vacation at the end of January. Prior to that we had never boarded him.
4. He stayed at a great kennel facility for larger dogs and the kennel staff all said he did very well.
5. He is NEVER violent towards the family, only strangers and other animal.
6. We've been going to a trainer for the past nine months. The trainer thinks this is genetic and that the dog should be put down. My husband wants to try and fix this with the dog.
7. Our Vet cannot find any genetic, hormonal or physical issues with him.
8. There is no common thread to the aggression. He's this way with kids, men, women, big dogs, small dogs, cats, on the leash, off the leash, at the park, at training, in the car - it's everywhere and all the time!
9. Even though he is not aggressive towards me, I am very afraid of what he might do to others so it makes it really difficult for me to work with him.
10. I've contacted four area rescue groups and they all said they same thing: We do not accept aggressive dogs.
11. When he gets aggressive he stops listening to me, ignores cookies and treats and does not respond to the prong collar being yanked (even when yanked really hard)
I don't want to put him down if there's a hope that this behavior can be fixed but I'm really scared having him around strangers or other animals. We have a backyard, but I don't want to keep him away from the world and what happens if he gets loose? My husband believes the kennel/boarding experience changed him. If that's the case, how the world do you correct that? Help!!