2009-08-26 11:58:07 UTC
I have three female dogs:
Smallest (10 year old Scottish Terrier
Medium (2 year old Beagle, but has been with us the longest)
Large (6 year old Rottweiler)
I try to reinforce their current pack positions, but I am really confused! Can anyone suggest how to tell the dogs pack order? It seems they take turns!
-The Beagle is the first one out the door yet she is the youngest.
-The Rott always eats first, the Scottie eats her food when I give it to her, and the beagle will eat after the other two dogs are done and she will finally walk in the room and eat.
-They all take turns at the big water bowl
-The Rott insists on greeting my husband first when he comes home.
-The Beagle greets me first when I come home.
-The Scottie always gets her preferred place to sit on the bed.
-The Scottie occasionally gets the Rotts favorite bone and will not relinquish it to either dog and both avoid her when she has the bone.
Also, the beagle & scottie, and the beagle & rottie will occasionally do what I call the "pack testing each other dance" yet I can't tell who wins! The beagle is NOT submissive and the Rott isn't necessarily dominant although she has snapped at the beagles head before when she got overly obnoxious. They just dance around, and look at each other occasionally, and then walk away. My Beagle always gets really rowdy afterwards...does she think she won?
When the Scottie & Beagle test each other the Scottie will snap at the beagle for being pushy, but it doesn't seem like there is a "winner" either, and the Scottie & Rott just give each other space.
Help please! I have no idea!