Candy...The sweetest of all female puppy names.
Calamity...Is she a disaster area. Call her Callie
Cairo...A top puppy name.
Calypso...An orchid, and a W. Indian song.
Camelot...Name your dog after a fabled land.
Caper...Loves to run, jump and play?
Caprice...A French dog name.
Caramel...For the girl with a soft centre.
Cara...An unusual puppy name.
Carmen...For a drama queen.
Casey...Celtic. Brave and vigilant.
Cassandra...Call her Cassy.
Celeste...Abandoned? Past unknown?
Chaka...Lion hunter.
Chantilly...French village renowned for its lace.
Chanyaka...Blackberry in russian.
Cherry...Suit a Setter.
Checkers...Black and white markings?
Chica...Likes to Flamenco!
Chloe...Young maiden.
Cho-Cho...Japanese for butterfly.
Chum...For your best friend.. Aaah
Chutney...Indian. A spicy, fruity mix.
Cinders...From Cinderella.
Cinnamon...Warm and spicy
Cleopatra...Cleo for short. Dangerously beautiful.
Clover...Lucky for you.A Cool dog name.
Coco...The sweet smell of Chanel.
Coffee...Dark and strong.
Cookie...Small and sweet.
Comet...From the latin. Means long hair.
Countess...Top notch lady.
Cranberry...Would suit a Red Setter.
Creole...A cute puppy name.
Crete...A small island close to Greece.
Cuddly...For the dog that loves to be stroked.
Custard...Yellow and yummy.
Cyclone...Wwwoow. Get out of her way!
Scarlett, Accalia, Akela, Cana, Kawaii, Segolia, Tala, Silver.
Callie and Reyna.