While I cannot qualify "to the death" - I think its entirely possible that an untrained dog will fight and/or defend their owner in extreme conditions.
Its not something I would test, and I would never advocate people expect it from their dog, and I certainly do not go out looking for my dogs to protect me - but I won't say never.
Dogs are not capable of being selfish - that is a human flaw that comes from having an ego.
And yes, I have heard this happening in real life. But its in my brain - not in the archives, and since I cannot prove it (with a source) I will just have to stand to be corrected.
Um. Dogs most certainly are capable to being trained to defend against weapons. And they WILL fight. Of course a dog does not rationalize the danger or implications - it simply acts. Is every Doberman out there capable of it -no. Most are wimps - and most owners have such big egos they defeat their dogs from puppyhood and the dog is never encouraged to think on its own - let alone fight.
A little while ago a video was posted of a trainer with a sleeve on commanding his own dogs to bite him. (?) When I see videos here of games (sporting dogs) that people play with the dog literally trained to bite the handler on command I wonder what the heck the world has come to. This is perversion - it makes no sense, and it is certainly not training I would ever consider doing with my dog.
I don't need a dog to bite a ball or tug - that is not defending anything - and I certainly don't EVER want my dog to bite me - why people do it, or would advocate you train to do it is beyond me. I can certainly understand why THOSE dogs would not defend their owner- in fact, I am certain they would bite them in the stress of combat .
I watched that and officially gave up trying to figure people out here. Its like Religion - people kill each other in wars and they all claim GOD IS ON THEIR SIDE. How many sides does God have? Its the same with dogs. They ALL have the cadbury secret. Well, fine. If you say so.
I can almost know what people are going to say here before I read it. Anyway, no doubt I'm wasting my time, but interesting sidebar...the TV show "Weird or What" featured a fascinating example of what people are capable of under stress. A guy weighing in around 114lb looked out the window to see his uncle trapped under neath a car (the uncle was under the car repairing it when it collapsed on his chest).
The kid literally LIFTED this 3000 lb (or 2000 lb - it was an old chevy) car OFF the uncles chest - a lift of several inches.
They did all kinds of tests on this kid afterwards and nothing could explain his unexplained strength. It was simply impossible - the laws of physics were against it - yet it was witnessed, and there was no doubt it happened.
So why then are people so opposed to the possibility that in extreme duress, a handler can muster the mojo to summon whatever it is inside his dog to fight? Sure, the majority of us are cowards and what we send out is what we get back - cowardly dogs. But there are exceptions - and dogs WILL follow you into battle ...if you have the guts to try.
End of soapbox. Bring on the TD.
>>>>Its raining like cats and dogs here, the snow is gone, no ski-jorring and I got Netflix free for a month so I'm going to waste my free time watching a movie :-)