Dog training provides your dog with important lessons. They can save his life and they can protect you, your family, your neighbors and your household items.
Sadly, many dogs end up at the local pound because they never learned how to adapt to life within human society. This is often because owners don't know proper dog training methods. When their dogs seem unable to make the transition, owners feel their only alternative is to let the dog go.
This doesn't have to be the case for you. All it takes is knowing the right dog training techniques that work, how to apply them effectively and where to look for help.
One of the first lessons is for you.
Make dog training fun and enjoyable for you and your dog. That way, neither of you will become stressed or frustrated. Remember that dogs pick up on your emotions, the energy you emit. If you become tense, your dog becomes upset too. In this state, he is confused and unable to learn.
It takes time for a dog to learn and retain what he's learned. He might succeed admirably on your first training session, but the next day he's just as likely to have forgotten it. He might seem to have it down for an entire week or more and then fall back into his old habits.
He has a lot to learn in his youth. Because a dog's natural instincts are far stronger than any training you might apply, it's easy for him to slip back at this early stage.
This is a normal part of dog training, but it's not impossible to overcome. Simply reassert the training as a refresher course. Don't think that he just can't learn, because he can. He proved it by getting it right the first time.
Puppies love to play and interact with humans. While this is fun to observe and experience, it can present a problem during training. For an especially exuberant puppy, make extra effort to calm him whenever he loses focus.
You can do this by helping him expel some of that energy. Chase him around the yard, toss the ball, play tug-of-war, and anything else that will drain him. After about 15-20 minutes, or when you see he's slowing down, take a 5-minute rest and then begin the dog training.
Keep your training sessions short, especially at the beginning. He'll learn much better if you keep each lesson to under 10 minutes. Take a break, an hour or so, and start again.
Here are 7 basic dog training tips that will make training fun for you and your dog.
1. Seek out trained professionals. They can shorten the learning curve for you and your pet by using only the most effective dog training methods. No guesswork, just results. Refer to any of the great dog training books that are available for proper techniques.
2. Use positive reinforcement during the dog training sessions. Negative reinforcement, such as hitting your dog, can bring the opposite results to what you're trying to achieve. As well, negative punishment can make your dog fearful and even aggressive.
3. Make it fun! Dog training doesn't have to be a grueling task. Dogs love to please their owners, so if the learning environment is relaxed and fun, your dog will learn much more easily.
4. Use small treat rewards to help make the training enjoyable. Choose a special treat to use only for the training process when your dog has completed a lesson correctly.
5. Choose appropriate training products. Speak to your dog trainer or pet store professionals for advice on the proper product for your specific needs. For basic training, you need the right collar and leash, which can be a clicker collar or one of the different types of harnesses.
6. Remember that it will take time for your dog to absorb and understand your dog training lessons. Allow him the time he needs but also remember to reinforce each lesson by using the same methods every time. This will help his retention.
7. Know when to change your teaching method. While you'll want to stick to one method, it must be one that actually works. Try different methods until you find one that gets the results you want, and then continue to use that method.
Once you see some results, you'll realize that dog training can be a rewarding experience.
You could consider it an art form or special talent reserved for people like you who have the envious ability to connect with their dogs on a unique level.
Done well, dog training is like poetry in motion.
Before You Spend MORE Money On Expensive Dog Trainers or Products,
Watch This Video First!
Discover the powerful dog training secrets to eliminate over 30+ common behavioral dog and puppy issues with step-by-step instructions from one of the world's most skilled dog trainers!