The one with the glasses
2010-07-06 08:07:37 UTC
I know that puppies shouldn't bite, and we are working on training him not to nip and play like that, all puppies need to learn that but it takes time. My husband is a bit of a worrier, so he is going to the doctor's to get it looked at (there wasn't even broken skin). I am worried that because he has to tell the doctor what happened, and that technically it's a "dog bite", we will have to quarantine our puppy. If we have to, we have to, it's not that big a deal, it's the law. But my concern is that we have him booked to be neutered this week, and I don't want to put that off. We fully plan on neutering our puppy, and he is already 6 months old (last week), so I just don't know if this little play bite incident is going to affect our plans for his surgery this week.
Is a puppy bite taking under different consideration than a dog bite? I checked our city's website but all it says is "all dog bites must be reported". But people get bit by their puppies all the time while they are still learning, and no one reports that.