how do i clip my pitbulls ears my self ?
2013-12-03 08:54:29 UTC
i have a 5 week old pitbull puppy and i want her ears clipped, but i dont have money for a vet bill. how can i clip my puppys ears safely?
24 answers:
Mike, Kate, Piper and Porter :)
2013-12-03 09:00:26 UTC
There is no way for you to do it safely and humanely on your own. I never understood why anyone would do that but if you feel the need, it has to be done by the vet to ensure no infections and to also ensure that your pup receives proper pain medication. If you can't afford it, I think you should leave his ears as they are. best of luck to you and your new pup!
2016-12-13 00:13:48 UTC
Pitbull Ears Clipped
2016-10-05 04:42:05 UTC
Pitbulls With Cropped Ears
2015-03-19 05:40:11 UTC
The census is complete ! the majority who have posted replies to this question are retarded Idiots.I m late getting here but nonetheless It can be done such a low tech type of surgery is done often by vets thats never did it before either most time everything turns out fine other times no so good, I ve seen more that my fair share of Bad jobs done by the vets but have never seen a bad job done by a private owner, So whats all the stink about ? Idiots having no intellect believing such simple project cant be undertaken by and untrained laypersons.

For the record i have done many surgeries on Animals ranging from Pigs,dogs,cats,skunks and a few others Here is what i would advise you to do if you have a mind set to attempt this on your own 1st go to a University find there Supply store there you should find any number of Biology books pertaining to the animal in question also look a Biology kit, it will include the scalpel Then make a cardboard templet of the desired look and if i need explain more then maybe some of the remarks aren t so far off and its quite likely you really shouldnt be trying this on your own.The 1 thing i wont commit on is putting the dog to sleep because that an area does require a lil more than common sense and is really the only deciding factor when considering such things.
Nekkid Truth!
2013-12-03 09:17:33 UTC
you can't

1. You should not even have a 5 week old puppy.. it should be with its mother until at least 8 wees of age.

2. If you can't afford a vet, then you can't afford to keep a puppy. Its far more important that this puppy get the proper vaccines, deworming, etc..

3. Ear cropping can only be done by a vet.. it has to be done under anesthesia. Trying to do it yourself will be painful on the dog, and the puppy could easily bleed to death or suffer serious infection. Its also ILLEGAL to perform this on your puppy yourself. If you can't afford to pay for a proper cropping at the vet, then the ears do not get cropped.
2013-12-03 09:27:09 UTC
You start out by practising on your own ears. If you are not willing to do this, how on earth do you think you can do this to another creature?

Honestly, you don't need to clip the ears. Get a job and earn some money and get the parent of the pup

(I assume you own the parent since a pup should not be away from its mother at 5 weeks) spayed as soon as possible. The majority breed in the SPCA waiting for adoption are pitbulls.
2013-12-03 09:18:10 UTC
Ears are done by professionals. There is alot of blood supply in a dogs ears and it should NEVER be attempted at home! You'll end up with a vet bill if you try it yourself because they'll have to correct your mistakes AND save it's life. Pits look fine without cropped ears.
2015-07-31 05:00:12 UTC

how do i clip my pitbulls ears my self ?

i have a 5 week old pitbull puppy and i want her ears clipped, but i dont have money for a vet bill. how can i clip my puppys ears safely?
2013-12-03 11:59:07 UTC
YOU'RE NOT FIT TO OWN A DOG. Cropping a puppy's ears is cruel and completely unneccessary
2013-12-03 10:20:36 UTC
You can't w/o a lot of problems. The dog needs to be cropped by a professional vet - not the owner. You will end up with more damage and problems trying to do it yourself.

IMO you should leave the ears alone!
2013-12-03 09:07:48 UTC
1) You shouldn't have a f*cking dog if you CAN'T PAY THE VET BILL! DOGS HAVE THOSE!

2) Your 5 week old puppy should still be with her mother until 8-10 weeks of age. Why is she away from her mother?

3) Your puppy is too old and that would be considered mutilation. Should've had the vet do the unnecessary procedure when she was young enough.
2013-12-03 09:15:13 UTC
DONT. If you do it on your own without any professional veterinary help, your dog will get a very bad ear infection that could possibly go to his brain and eventually cause death.

Just take him to the vet....its really not that expensive. If you can't afford it, then re-home the dog,
2013-12-03 09:12:32 UTC
I hope you are a troll because otherwise you're a complete idiot. How about scooting down to the doctors and asking them to circumcise you without anesthesia?? If you can't afford to have it properly done with anesthesia then it is ILLEGAL and CRUEL and with any luck someone who cares will have the pup taken from you and your *** will be in jail. I have cropped dog but it was done properly with sedation.
2013-12-03 09:55:34 UTC
It would be extremely painful to cut off your dogs ear flaps.

There is no reason do do so, and it is illegal for you to perform surgery on your own animals.

If you want a pit bull with cropped ears - go rescue one from the shelter!
Scarred Decoy
2013-12-03 09:09:33 UTC
Welcome to the world of trolling and trying to get a rise out of "dog lovers"...

The first thing you will need is a very sharp knife with which you will slice in an "around" the head fashion on your dick. You will follow that by pouring about a pound of salt on that cut...both ways are meant to test the sharpness of the blade, ears are very tough, and the salt will make the blade stay sharp....

When you come to, let me know, I will tell you more about the procedure...
2013-12-03 10:27:17 UTC
Follow Scarred Decoy instructions. That's how it is done...
2013-12-03 14:45:01 UTC
FIVE WEEKS OLD YOU SHOULDNT EVEN HAVE IT YET. Its LOWLIFES LIKE YOU that got them BANNED HERE IN THE UK.i hope the SPCA read this site find out who you are, come and take it away and hopefully ban you from keeping ANY pets
2013-12-03 09:04:19 UTC
You don't. It's done under anesthesia by a veterinarian.
2013-12-03 09:19:06 UTC
You can't. Seriously. They will bleed like crazy. The pup will bleed to death. You need a vet to do it.
2013-12-03 09:04:24 UTC
um WTF is wrong with you??? you CANT do it on your own, leave the poor thing alone its to old now anyway to get it professionally done by a VET which clearly you are not one, you shouldn't even own a dog if you want to mutilate it by yourself and at that age. hope it gets taken away and brought to a good home
2013-12-03 09:12:41 UTC
You can't and they aren't suppose to be clipped anyway.
2013-12-03 10:10:57 UTC
You absolutely CANNOT DO IT YOURSELF! It's considered animal cruelty if you do it yourself. IF you cannot afford a vet to do it then DO NOT DO IT.
2013-12-03 10:04:13 UTC
dont it needs care with that and can get infection or almost anything could go wrong
2013-12-03 09:09:46 UTC
Isnt that illegal and cruel you fool.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.