You're the boss. You're bigger than her, and you have leverage. Siberians are excellent at playing you, if you let them.
If it were me, I'd just keep walking home, and the dog would have no choice. But this is a new dog, a new relationship you're forming, so here are your options:
1. From in front of her, pop the leash toward you, tell her "Let's Go!" in a happy voice. Do that all the way into the house, if you have to. Praise her for moving forward. Give her a biscuit when you get inside. She'll soon learn that going into the house gets her a cookie.
Siberians are suckers for cookies.
2. If #1 doesn't work quickly enough, and/or you don't enjoy dragging her butt up the alley, get a prong collar, well-fitted by someone who knows what they're doing. Put it on her before your walk, and when it comes time to go home, repeat #1.
She will quickly learn that resisting isn't fun, but moving forward is.
3. Remember what I said. You have two legs. You're bigger than her. You're the boss. Respect is a huge thing to a Siberian. If they can dominate your relationship (i.e. by getting their way and making you bend to their will), they will.
ADD: I doubt you'll hurt her neck. But if this really concerns you, get a prong collar. You won't have to pull hard to get your point across.
And it sounds like you need a better, "high-value" treat. Use something that she only gets in this situation, like a piece of hot dog or cheddar cheese.