I have a Shar Pei, and when we got her she was abused. She had been starved and was really timid around people, I noticed she is very aware when men come into the room. But that really isn't what I am here to talk about, on her vet papers it says she is a Shar Pei and she isn't the normal size for a Shar Pei. But I read up on Shar Pei's and there us such a thing as a Miniture Shar Pei. I also found out that on the papers from the vet and other documents, it will say that the dog is a Shar Pei. Not a miniture Shar Pei. But there are somethings about her that make me wonder about her breed. In a lot of the Shar Pei's I have seen they have a curved tail, her's is straight like a German Shepard and her coat is a lot thicker and longer than some other Shar Pei's. I have seen this type of coat on other Shar Pei's so it really doesn't worry me. But her tail isn't normal, she doesn't really like men, and is not quiet. But I read on miniture Sher Pei's it is actually a problem in there DNA when they are born some are born smaller. So I need to know if this sounds at all like a miniture Shar Pei. If it does I need to get her registered as a miniture Shar Pei.