What's wrong with owning a guard dog?
Jason St. Cloud
2009-08-18 13:25:41 UTC
Every time I see a question about someone wanting a guard dog the answers are always the same "get an alarm system." What the hell is so wrong with wanting to protect yourself? Breeds such as the Doberman were created strictly for protecting. My American Pit bull Terrier has been trained for personal protection and yesterday I asked a question about finding a boarding kennel for her and nearly all of the answers were "why would you want your dog to act like this" "you should be the one protecting your dog" "your irresponsible" and blah blah blah. People seem to think that a dog will naturally protect it's owner and that simply is not the case. When people think of guard dogs I'm pretty sure the image of snarling, lunging, foreboding creatures pops into their heads and they think this is how all guard/personal protection dogs act. Properly trained guard dogs are just as social and obedient as any other dog. What's wrong with owning a guard dog? Don't we all have a right to protect ourselves?
36 answers:
In God We Trust
2009-08-18 16:01:26 UTC
As long as its purpose is to protect you, there is nothing wrong with it. Peace!
Peter Griffin
2009-08-19 08:37:59 UTC
We have 2 dogs, a malamute (who'd lick a burgular and then show him where the jewelry and stuff is!) and a south african boerboel, 135lbs of muscle, who'd hand a burgular his A$$ if one tried to break in.

The thing about owning a guardian breed is that it isnt a good matchup for MOST dog owners! It requires firm nerves, firm alpha status, and most importantly, viewing the dog as a DOG, not as a human. The boerboel as a breed, as well as the malamute actually, are dominant and will try to test you for pack status. Most people will let them take over! They will let them become their master, and these people are often the ones we see with uncontrollable dogs who cant walk on lead, growl at feeding time, growl when you try to take their toys away, etc.

It takes a special owner/handler to own a dominant guardian, protection breed and the problem is that most people arent capable. As well, these breeds need to run, be exercised, and have room.... I dont know of too many effective guardian breeds that do well in apartments with no yards! So that combined with the fact that people in the city have more of a need for a guard dog than people in the country..... it isnt a good matchup.

Properly trained protection dogs can be very "effective manstoppers", but it takes training, dedication and discipline from the owners. 99% of owners wont take up the stick and the bite suit and start protection training... likewise 99% of owners wouldnt start Schutzhund training for their dogs.

So, in conclusion, nothing is wrong at all with owning a guard dog, the problem is when people do not know how to handle or train them, and they become destructive and aggressive. Once the temperament is shattered, watch out... because if you've even seen an aggressive South African Boerboel, you know how scary it is!

(I personally employ the boerboel as a family dog, he's not protection trained perse, but the breed is so good at guarding naturally, that I didnt feel the need to improve on his instincts. He barks when there is something or someone outside or at the door, and he wont let anyone on the property or in the house without my ok... that's enough for me, he doesnt need to know where to bite or a release command after biting... I let my 12 gauge Mossberg Shotgun do the biting! )

Books you might be interested in, 2 great reads!

Pit Bulls and Tenacious Guard Dogs.

Gladiator Dogs.

Both are By Dr. Carl Semencic.
2009-08-18 14:58:41 UTC
For the EXACT same reason why we don't help BYBs. If you are asking on HERE you have zero business even thinking about.

Guard/Protection dogs are not just trained they are BRED. You cannot take the average dog and train them into a balanced and proper guard dog. The average person asking on here more than likely cannot afford to training of a pup from working lines or an adult who has been rained all ready and are more than likely would have a trainer turn them down simply because they knew they would be putting a dangerous weapon into the hands of a complete and total idiot.

Look at how they word their questions half the time "How can I make my dog mean?" "How can I make my dog more aggressive" Then of course they say that's not what they meant or they didn't mean like jumping over the fence aggressive. Sorry but no just no.

A well bred well trained guard dog is a wonderful thing BUT they are not for everyone. They want to feel safe? Take some self defense courses taught by pros pref. those with military and law enforcement backgrounds.

I'm 5'4 and 115lb I don't need a dog to make me feel safe. I learned how to protect myself because guess what someone else or a dog is not ALWAYS going to be around.
2009-08-18 14:51:59 UTC
Nothing wrong with it at all. People have the wrong idea about protection dogs and some others think that dogs should not be trained for that work because they may get hurt in the performance of their duties...

They do not realize that is what certain breeds were created for and if they do get hurt, they fulfilled that purpose and gave their humans a chance to survive a deadly encounter.

As far as alarms and such, I am not sure when the last time you could use one while walking in the park was, so, that is an idiotic statement.

Some others talk about guns and shooting the dog, but, they have never had to break into someone's house in the dark and have never understood how silence is your friend when you do that, not a dog barking its butt off.

Still there are those that believe that properly trained protection dogs are dangerous and hard to handle and require some sort of special training that only few people can get...that is wrong as well, families all over the world enjoy the protection of these dogs, I know for certain that my kids love having a dog that will play with them but can be depended on to protect them and yes, a 7 year old can call the dog off.

As long as you are a mature brained adult, have the right money and know what you want and where you are getting it from, I think that you should be able to own a dog that will protect you with his life BECAUSE IT IS TRAINED TO DO SO, not because "it loves you".

As far as the idiot that claimed that Dobermans were created to "collect taxes"...dogs do not collect anything, they were created by Herr Louis Dobermann to PROTECT him while HE collected taxes.

Hope I helped!

ADD: MW&M...I believe that you may be confused about personal protection dogs and guard dogs...HUGE difference.

One is bred to guard places, weapons depots, yards, etc and it is his own judge, jury and executioner...the other is a SOCIAL dog that can be around anyone in the house, including kids and guests, a dog locked up somewhere would not offer any protection after all.

As far as Military dogs go, I am not surprised at all at your husband's statement as they are the most unstable, anti-social, poorly bred, worst trained dogs on the planet.

There are VERY few Military and Police dog trainers in the world that actually know what they are doing, trust me, I have dealt with them for 30 years.
Annette L
2009-08-18 15:54:39 UTC
There is nothing wrong with owning a guard dog. The only thing is some people are not smart enough to do the right thing. If you do not understand the breed completely and do not get the proper training then is becomes a total disaster and the dog suffers the consequences of its owner actions.
☆ Memphis Belle ☆
2009-08-18 15:17:30 UTC
Nothing if what you really have *is* a professionally trained family property protection dog, in the hands of someone who is capable of handling the breed.

All too many people fail to appreciate the simple fact that the average pet Doberman is NOT naturally protective, but is a good watchdog.

No professionally untrained breed of dog would reliably protect its owner, to believe otherwise would expose the owner to potential danger, while the dog protected its own behind or barked with nothing to back it up.

I have two pet Dobermans, but would not rely on them to protect me in the face of a real threat. A professionally trained family protection dog would engage an assailant & give its owner time to escape, a pet dog would not.
Dr. Dog
2009-08-18 20:16:06 UTC
I believe people who have guard dogs are irresponsible because they often train them to be agressive and when one day the mail man walks up and the dog thinks hes an intruder, he'll bite. Then you'd have to put the dog down and face a lawsuit. Like a previous answerer, the dog can easily be shot or taken down by other means by a bad person. Theres nothing wrong with it if you do it right, but it takes a lot of time money and effort to do it right.

Dr. Dog
Dog Trainer
2009-08-18 13:56:07 UTC
The problem is not a guard dog, it is the person who is responsible for the dog. Education is key for people to understand the difference between having a trained guard dog and a dog that attacks anyone approaching the dogs territory! Insurance companies have an hard time understanding that it is not a breed that is at risk for attacking, but the training the dog has. A dog is an animal, then dog, then breed. We need to train the animal/dog, and be responsible pet owners.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to protect yourself, but again wouldn't it be better if we didn't have to protect ourselves and our property........
2009-08-18 13:39:51 UTC
There is nothing wrong with owning a guard dog. What is required however is to have the proper control over these dogs, and when the owner lacks the knowledge and training, as well as the dog lacks the training, then there is a very real liability that comes with owning these dogs. Hey, you're preaching to the choir...I love these breeds...but I also know they can be dangerous if not handled properly. That's all I think people are trying to say to you, ignore the's just their opinions and they're entitled to them the same as you or I.
2009-08-18 14:27:41 UTC
Jason, you've been around this forum long enough to know who generally asks questions about guard dogs.

If you look at their history of former questions, they are usually such as, "My puppy won't stop biting and barking. How can I make him listen!"

"How do I potty train my puppy"

"My dog is 9 months old, and he is afraid of everything. How do I make him a guard dog?"

Jason, these are people (often children) who haven't a clue as to how to train. They don't even know how do a google search. Who in their right mind would ask on THIS forum, how to train a guard dog!!!??

Training a protection dog requires years of hard study and experience. We sure can't tell a 13 year old how to train his pup so that he doesn't have to be afraid of the neighborhood thugs/bullies.

So, if they ask HERE, they will be told to "Get an alarm"..or ANYTHING, but the backyard methods of training (unsocializing/teasing/tormenting) an aggressive and biting dog.

This is not a do-yourself-children's project. Any training tips or recommendations posted here would be irresponsible and dangerous.
Meggzz *no longer on Y!A*
2009-08-18 13:43:36 UTC
Nothing, as long as the dog is loved and cared for like a family member, not as a lawn ornament that is only used to attack intruders.

"People seem to think that a dog will naturally protect it's owner and that simply is not the case."

*raises hand* My dog is living proof that that's not true. I took my dog out for his last potty break one night, and someone yelled and cussed near the fence at our back yard and threw a bottle over the fence. My dog barked, growled and lunged at the fence, scaring the man away. He was protecting me, and he was never trained to be a guard dog.

I just hate the people who say they want a Rottie for protection, then end up tying the dog to a tree in the front yard.

If your dog is trained, socialized, taken care of and loved like a family member, there's no problem with having a dog specially trained for guarding.

If someone really wants a fool-proof way of protecting themselves, get a gun.
Valerie H
2009-08-18 13:33:29 UTC
Personally, I don't think anything is wrong with owning a guard dog. An alarm system won't help much. You could be dead by the time the cops get there and the person could be long gone. Your not being irresponsible by owning a guard dog. Like you said a properly trained guard dog is obedient and social. Most likely more obedient then most dogs that are just pets. Some dogs do just naturally protect there owners but your right, that is not always the case.
livin life
2009-08-18 14:36:35 UTC
guard dogs can be well rounded dogs IF trained right and treated right, but I would never trust one with a child at home. All my dogs have been excellent dogs for protection just because they were protecting its family and territory. I feel if some intruder wants my stuff, he can have is not worth getting killed over a TV or computer. My Ruger works well as a deterrent too..
2009-08-18 13:39:41 UTC
Nothings wrong, its just when people train dogs JUST to be aggressive so they have a guard dog. If they're trained correctly, yeah, it's fine, but too many are trained at home with owners who have no clue at all.

I've personally got nothing against them, so long as the dog knows when to attack and when to be friendly. However, I don't think it's right to risk putting a dog's life on the line for your own protection..
2009-08-18 15:39:26 UTC
I'll be honest- I do not believe in owning a dog for protection alone- My dog is my dog First, I also appreciate the extra security he provides. I know if anyone came in my yard over a wall- they would loose their limbs.. But I mainly believe that dogs should be pets/ Part of the family- when you build a bond like that with a dog they WILL protect you without even thinking- It's Instincts
2009-08-18 13:40:04 UTC
"Properly trained guard dogs are just as social and obedient as any other dog. What's wrong with owning a guard dog"

People who know how to properly train their dogs to be guard dogs are not going to be asking about getting a guard dog on here.

Fact is, the ones that have to ask, have NO clue what they are doing and are better off learning Karate, getting an alarm system, gun and gun license, etc.

As one poster said, a guard dog is nothing against an assailant with a gun. One shot, and the dog is dead and very useless to protect.

The right trainers won't be the ones training your dogs. Good trainers teach PEOPLE how to train their OWN dogs.
2009-08-18 18:42:32 UTC
Um..What Greekman said..

And..KoAussie....You are WAYYYYYYYYYYY CONFUSED. The NUMBER 1 deterrent for all criminals is a dog. A trained protection dog is a MAJOR deterrent. I've had a load of idiots that talk about "drawing their gun" that when your thigh is being separated from your femur...NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Try it while puking because the dog has your neck, groin, arm, leg or won't even remember that you have a gun. Sure, if you are Mark Wahlberg...and this is the movie "Shooter"....or you're Chris Angel "Mind Freak", the dog will have you WAY before you know he's ya gonna shoot him???????????
2009-08-18 13:34:56 UTC
We do yeah, it's just that guard dogs were never primarily used for personal protection, it was usually used for protecting land.

Guard dogs can also be a liability, people get them and think, yeah if anyone tries to get in they will stop them. What they don't realise is an effective guard dog has to have extensive training with a professional as they will usually not be pets but they will be working on guard all the time, it isn't like teaching your dog to fetch.

I don't need to go into the details of what happens when a person underestimates just how far these dogs will go to protect their property even from a complete stranger who means no harm.

Good trainers for guard dogs are few and far between, a lot of them work for the police, military and large companies with valuable stock and warehouses. They are usually not eager or point blank refuse to train dogs for the civilian population due to the huge number of things that can go wrong.

Dog being too aggressive

Dog not being controlled

Dog being allowed to run loose

People not treating their dog like a guard dog but as a pet

Not being able to cope with a constantly working dog, giving the dog up for adoption, the new owners have a fully trained guard dog on their hands and don't realise it until it attacks a visitor who shows up unexpectedly.

et cetc
2009-08-18 13:42:49 UTC
Its not wrong its just that, if you cant train it to be your guard dog thats an issue, most people get guard dogs but the thing is if you get too close to them they;ll become your companion and then they wont really guard will they? but i dont think having a guard dog is bad, i mean i have a rottweiler as a guard dog and he was great at what her did!
2009-08-18 13:37:19 UTC
To train a dog to be a guard dog costs up to $10,000 if not more. Those dogs have very unique personalities and are not great companion/family dogs. There is nothing wrong with owning one, but it takes an experienced owner.

You shouldnt have a dog to protect you...and Dobermans were created to help collect Taxes. Read up on your breeds.
Nikko,Loves GSD,Pekes
2009-08-18 16:22:55 UTC
My little Pekingese make more noise than my German Shepherd.So if anyone is not going to enter my home for fear of being known they better watch out for their ankles.My 10 alarm systems make more noise than anything you put your money into.No they are not guard/attack dogs but if you dare come here without me home..Watch out..

Any size dog will sound an alarm.
2009-08-18 14:40:05 UTC
Well, when my Daddy had worked off shore for twenty years, we had searched and found the perfect Doberman puppy. My Daddy had wanted us to have a good house dog and family dog to protect us while he was gone working off shore! The Doberman lived for fifteen years and was perfectly behaved, a great family dog, and a great guard dog too. I have very fond memories of this dog. It was a large Doberman, but we had a large back yard and also walked the dog often. I highly recommend this dog as a family dog and also an intelligent guard dog too. Great pet.
2009-08-19 10:14:00 UTC
We have a dog that we got for just love, but she will bark/warn us when she hears anyone coming. We praise her for just the warning, and then tell her to cool it when it's someone we know. We can still love and play with her, and train her the proper way. She just wants to protect us.
2009-08-18 19:54:51 UTC
my australian kelpie cross border collie is a great gaurd dog but we got her as a companion and a friend she just started protecting us there is nothing wrong with that i just dont like people who get dogs only for the purpose of protection and to scare people theres a man who lives near me who has a english mastiff and he sits there all days and if anyone walks past he goes my dog will bite you his strong his aggressive all proud because he has made his dog like that and it makes me so angry i just want to slap him or yell at him of course i cant because i have no right and im only 14 haha but just ignore people as long as you love and take care of your dog who cares what other people say
2009-08-18 13:39:17 UTC
there is a guard dog 2 houses down from me.

it's not a good thing, he jumps up to the fence and tries to bite you.

and one time my friend and i were sitting by my house and there was a little kid that walked up to the fence and we tried to tell her that he bites but it was to late, the dog bit her and she was bleeding quite badly. i'm surprised her parents didn't sue the people.

so what are you gonna do when everyone presses charges and they put your dog to sleep? get another dog?

and also what are you gonna do if someone just shoots your dog? you have no protection then, do you?

i know you don't like hearing this but ...

2009-08-18 14:39:54 UTC
Why don't you call up your Home Owner's Insurance there buddy and see if they cover you if you have a Doberman or an APBT or a German Shepherd or a Rottie.

I think it's STUPID to rely solely on a dog for home protection.

and if the intruders have a weapon...such as a knife or you think that a dog will survive such a case?

sure i think it's PERFECTLY FINE to own a guard dog, so long as the dog AND owner is properly trained, but i think it is completely IGNORANT to rely completely on this animals for home protection.

in MANY states you can be SUED by a burglar if he is attacked and the burglar can win! why? because its considered assault w/a deadly weapon. now of course if you live in a state like i do...Texas, you can shoot a man just for stepping in your yard and call it self defense, but that wont fly up North. besides, MANY Home Owners Insurance companies either refuse coverage for owners of dogs deemed "vicious" or they have HUGE fees for liability coverage w/a dog on their "at risk" list.

it's bullshyt, but that's what it is.

So sure we have a right to protect ourselves, but i do not think using a dog as your soul protective measure for home security is responsible or reliable.

Obviously a security system IS a better idea. 1. it signals for help immediately, a dog cannot call 911 while you're being attacked.

2. it is a huge benefit for your home owners insurance premium and 3. it doesn't crap on the carpet or chew up your couch.

I myself have a dog that WILL protect us, he's done it before...but i also have a home security system because it is safer for my dog NOT to have to engage in a tussle w/an intruder!

My husband is a military police officer, and works w/K9s. I can tell you this much. as great as those dog are in protection and other fields they are NOT something my husband wants in the house w/small children, OR around regular neighbors. Guard dogs that live in a home and guard said home are "ON DUTY" 24/7, 365. Half the time you CANNOT have anyone come feed them while you are gone for the weekend...they wont allow ANYONE they dont know into the house, they CAN be a liability, and a harm to strangers, esp neighborhood children. if you are going to have one of these dogs you need to understand that you will have to be on duty just as much as your guard dog is....every waking moment and every sleeping moment of the day.

it's not a robot you can turn of and on at your whim. i think the idea of a guard dog is nice, but the reality of a FAR cry from what YOU seem to think it is.
Loki Wolfchild
2009-08-18 13:39:30 UTC
There is nothing wrong with owning a well-trained personal protection dog.

The problem is, most of the people asking questions here want to know how they can train their poorly-bred, weak-nerved dog to be a "guard dog" themselves.
2009-08-18 13:37:32 UTC
I wanna know the same thing. I think having a properly trained guard dog is better than an alarm system. No matter the breed, with the right trainer, the dog is just as sociable and loving as any other dog. I myself am looking to find myself the right dog and right trainer so when my fiance move into a home, we can get a guard dog. Stupid people just need to educate themselves.
2009-08-18 13:36:36 UTC
I had 2 german shepherds at one time but I didn't get them to specifically guard but they just did. No training but they were definitely what you would call guard dogs.
2009-08-18 15:04:04 UTC
You need to buy a dog because you want a companion, not a guard. Many guard dogs are neglected and end up in shelters, where they are euthanized.
Steffi Giraffe
2009-08-18 13:42:15 UTC
I would never have a dog to protect myself 1. because I think dogs should be companions (and my dog would probably try to get cuddles off a burglar) and 2. if the person had a gun the dog wouldn't be much of a match and would not be able to protect you whilst dead!!
2009-08-18 13:37:01 UTC
Me neather i have 4 dog and three of them are gard/famly dogs. 1 bullmastiff really nice sweet dog great for apartments and 2 german shepards they are awesom .
Randomly Ferrets
2009-08-18 13:33:57 UTC
There is nothing wrong with it. Except that in this day and age we have things BETTER than animals to protect ourselves...don't get me wrong, I own a Dobe, but I didn't buy her SPECIFICALLY to protect me.
2009-08-18 13:52:26 UTC
There you go dude. Now everyone is saying there is nothing wrong with it.


What did you expect? People tend to tell you what you want to hear, there were a few that stated there was nothing wrong with it then pointed out what was wrong with it?.?.?.?.

I think the one response that didn't say it was ok or not, just quoted you then made their own remarks was a good one, pick that for best answer.
2009-08-18 13:30:09 UTC
Do what you want....I think most peoples concern are people that have "attack" dogs and do not take the correct precautions or responsibility for them.
2009-08-18 13:31:20 UTC
A guard dog is a very ineffecient form of protection. One bullet from the criminal's gun and your "protection" is summarily dispatched and you have lost a beloved companion to boot.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.