my puppy, roxy died 7 months ago. she was so dear to me. Is it too soon to get another puppy?
2006-07-08 18:20:21 UTC
Roxy was a yorkie. she was killed by a pack of dogs. she was a very special dog. My grandmother doesnt want to get another dog, because you get so attached to them. I would really love to have another one. I really miss my little angel. please help me out <3
67 answers:
2006-07-21 14:10:40 UTC
Are you living with your Grandmother? If so it may be best to wait until you are own your own - you must always put your family first. If you are on your own I would highly recommend getting a replacement pet, life is much better when you have a dog at your side.
2006-07-08 18:29:58 UTC
I think that, for some people, waiting is better, and for others, getting a new puppy is better. It really depends on what kind of person you are, but psychologically-speaking, 7 months is a pretty ample amount of grieving time, and I think that if you are ready and willing to get another pup, then you should, as there are plenty of pups in the world that could use a good home, especially with a mom that could care about them as much as you cared about Roxy.

Just because you get a new pup does not mean you are forgetting Roxy or replacing her. I got my pup, Halle, exactly 3 weeks before my old retriever died, and I am SOOOOOOOOO glad I had my new pup to cheer me up. I am the type of person who would have been even worse had I NOT had another dog. My new pup just gave me an outlet for all the love and emotion I felt for my old dog, and that helped the lonliness a lot.

Either way, I wish you good luck, and I am very sorry for what happened to Roxy.
2006-07-22 15:38:16 UTC
Sorry about your puppy.

Yes, I think you should get another puppy. They are meant to get attached too. Go to the local animal shelter and rescue a cute little puppy. Getting another one will help you with your loss. You will never forget about Roxy, but another dog will help with the healing process.

Get a puppy in honor of Roxy. Look at that way. She would rather you get another one, especially a rescue that needs a loving home, rather than not having one at all.

Another puppy could make you very happy. Roxy made you happy while she was here, so now give another puppy a chance to do the same thing and vice versa.

Life must go on..................

Good luck
2006-07-08 20:34:19 UTC
The best friend I ever had had to be put to sleep 3 years ago. No, I didn't want to do it, but yes it had to be done Do I miss him? Yes!! to this day I miss him. It has taken 3 years to be able to look at his picture and not get tears in my eyes. I am a 58 year old man and anyone that thinks us older guys are tough to the bone.. think again. Yes if you think you are ready then get another puppy. Just remember though, you will never find a puppy just like the one you had. None can replace him, but... you will grow to love the new puppy just as much and the two of you will become friends for life. Good luck!
2006-07-22 16:26:37 UTC
I think you should go ahead and get another puppy. It will help ease your suffering over the loss of Roxy. This time, be sure to keep your puppy safe from other dogs whose owners obviously allow them to brutalize small dogs and puppies alike. You have my sympathy for your loss of your little angel Roxy.
2006-07-08 18:25:39 UTC
I would get another one as soon as you'd like. The grief is from loving Roxy; it shows you loved her dearly. Find another dog that needs a good home and give your love to it. You'll never forget Roxy; you'll cherish her in your heart and memory forever. And the new dog may help heal the hurt.
2006-07-09 06:17:35 UTC
If you are ready for a ew dog, go for it. Just remember, the new dog is not a replacement for the dog that died. It will be a completely different personality, type, ect.. Many people think the new dog will be like the old one, especially if the breed is the same. It's not. You need to be ready ro start fresh. Good Luck
2006-07-08 18:59:34 UTC
I think you should get another dog, especially if it will make you happier. Take a liitle time to think about what you want. Recently my chinchilla and my bird died so I know how the death of Roxy must feel. You can get your dog at the pound or wherever.
2006-07-20 15:27:30 UTC
consider wating a little while. do some reaserch . i could tell by your question that you live near a redzone arggrision place when it comes to dogs. try convining your grandma to get a mastiff or lab or boxer. and if large dogs are your style then get a small medium dog like me. i own a male puggle which is a pug / beagle mix. he is larger than a yorkie but smaller then a pinscher. hes the greatest dog to me. and he is no wimp. he trys to fight any dog. these dogs are great as lapdogs for girls and love to rough house with the boys. i think you should look up some info on my dog. renember he is a puggle a pug\beagle mix
*ღ♥۩ THEMIS ۩♥ღ*
2006-07-08 18:36:49 UTC
If you think you want to get another dog, then go ahead! You will never forget Roxy, and another dog will be a new chapter in your life, and will not replace the memories of her.
2006-07-08 18:23:23 UTC
You are the only one that really knows. If you're feeling guilty about getting another dog because you feel that it will dishonor Roxy, don't. So many homeless dogs need homes, and if you're willing to share yours, and provide this new dog with all it needs, then go for it.
2006-07-22 14:31:27 UTC
Dear, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Actually I think it is great that you want to share your love and life with a new puppy/dog. I don't think it is too soon. Please give it thought and get one at a pound or rescue, these little guys can give you so much more love then you would ever think possible.... they seem to be so greatful just to have a loving home and new owner. Good luck and happy hunting...
Cindy M
2006-07-18 16:07:40 UTC
I'm very sorry and I know exactly what your going through. I just lost my 12 yr. old Yorkie on June 24th to coyotes, I wasn't home, my daughter was watching him when it happened. I cry everyday still because he was so special. I just bought me another Yorkie puppy two days ago, I still miss my buddy and always will. Get another puppy, just remember that Yorkies FEAR NOTHING! that can be dangerous
2006-07-08 18:25:53 UTC
My husband ran over my 7 pound tiny toy poodle last August. I would get another dog tomorrow, but i want to travel a bit before I am tied down again to another animal. I had my dog for 14 years and she was like my last 'baby'. I miss her terribly. She was the best dog in the world. I say talk to your grandma and explain how you feel.
2006-07-08 18:51:10 UTC
When my schnauzer lucky passed away i felt i could never get another dog to replace him he was such a dear pet but i missed having that feeling of him around and i think it was 4 - 5 month later i got Drake i actually was not going to get another schnauzer but their such wonderful dogs and i guise it was meant to be because i found one just a mile or so from were i lived and when i went looking at them i knew i wanted a boy and their were i think 5, i actually closed my eyes and asked lucky to help me i wanted to get the right one and when i opened my their was this cute little boy just looking at me i knew he was the one, And as for drake i don't know were that name came from i always tell people Lucky must have named him and he has been my best bud for 9 years now.

So to answer your question you will know when it right and when it is i think you will have a little help with finding the right guy to not take his place but add to you heart.
2006-07-08 18:24:02 UTC
No, when you feel like you want a puppy, and you're ready to take responsibility for taking care of it, then go ahead and get one. You can always keep and honor the memory of roxy.
2006-07-22 14:14:53 UTC
you gave roxy a home n she loved you for that and she wouldn't want you who loved her to be sad and not be able to spread your love because she left too soon a lost puppy will never get turned down so granma can't say no if you walk in one day with a puppy. it will make you feel better faster that you helping someone instead of feelings sorry for yourself
2006-07-21 13:27:59 UTC
Yes you need another dog. Go to your local shelter and get a dog that needs and deserves someone like you to care for them.. don't buy while shelter animals die. You would be surprised of all the pure bred dogs that are in shelters. Take your grandmother with you to the shelter, I'm sure she would fall in love and take one home!!
2006-07-22 11:40:27 UTC
only your heart can tell you. Why not share all that love you have with another dog who is in need? Try not to stop loving..move on , even though it is difficult. I was told that having a pet was not healthy for me, because I become WAY too attached..well, evidently, the person who told me that, is afraid to love..go ahead, when you are ready..good luck
2006-07-08 18:26:31 UTC
i used to have a dog named roxy she was a basset hound. she got hit by a car. we were devastated but we got another dog within a year and her name is ginger. she is a golden retriever mixed with an eskimo spik and she is all white very pretty. we lover her to death. we have had her for about 7 or 8 years now
2006-07-20 15:45:17 UTC
It is never too early to rescue another dogs life and this new dog will defiantly help with the grieving process. So go out and touch another dogs life
2006-07-22 16:03:10 UTC
I'm so sorry for your loss...I just love dogs so much...It's time to get another to fill your void and bring more happiness to your life. You know how much joy and love they give to us. Depending on what type of dog you are looking for...there are rescue web sites...Just type in the dog breed...than type in rescue...and see where it takes you. Check out my 360 page and view my dog photo album....Just click on my avatar 360 page and then view photos on the upper right side. Good luck
2006-07-22 16:13:56 UTC
No way girl. It is never, ever! too soon to get another puppy. If you have the means and time to take care of the new-comer go ahead! They always are bundles of love ready to burst!

Mind you, they are not like boyfriends or girlfriends...
2006-07-15 18:42:33 UTC
i would get another one. it would keep your mind off of your old dog, which will help you come out of that sadness stage of your life. if i were you, i would talk to ur grandma...

my dog died last year, i couldnt stop thinking about him. i had to get another one. i still miss and love my old dog, but my new dog max, is so much fun and makes me happy when i think about my old dog. Lifes better with a good companion in your life. Try to get another dog! :)! hope i helped!
Mommy Pit
2006-07-09 06:22:46 UTC
It's not too soon. Take your grandmother to the pound to see the dogs that are available for adoption. I bet she will fall in love with one there.
Lisa T
2006-07-21 21:30:26 UTC
i would think that roxy would want you too move on! so get you another puppy and love him or her just as much if not more
2006-07-22 18:14:02 UTC
no way. youll never have a pup like roxy but you need to know that you did the best for her and now you can make a nother pup happier and healthier by giving him care.Good Luck
2006-07-18 12:04:16 UTC
Its never too soon to soothe a grieving heart with the company of a little four-legged sweetie who just wants to love and be loved in return.
country girl
2006-07-08 18:54:21 UTC
my dog dede died she was with me for 14 years 3 days later someone dumped off this starving dog at my house dede will always be in my heart she was special you are going to give a great home to a pet and it will be special too.
2006-07-08 18:24:39 UTC
Everyone grieves at a different pace. If you're ready to get another puppy, please do! You'll be glad you did. I know Roxy wouldn't want you to continue being sad and lonely.
2006-07-22 14:44:56 UTC
No it is not i gave myself about 4 months and then i got another dog and i love dogs sooooooooooooooo much my advice get a shih tzu!
elaine p
2006-07-21 14:17:10 UTC
go to the pound a few times and look at some of the dogs and see how you feel. you might find one you love. you be saving they lives
2006-07-22 17:47:07 UTC
Yes, get a new dog, but this time make a it a Brazillian Bull Mastif.
2006-07-22 10:31:08 UTC
No go to the local pound and save a puppy!!
2006-07-08 18:29:45 UTC
i think you should get another but i want you to know thta a s you go through life, and as you become older, you will live to see many people and animals die and it is a heart wrenching experience a s you have well indicated
valerie says roar™
2006-07-08 18:25:31 UTC
awww i'm so sorry.i hate hearing stories like that they make me cry.

but i would.cuz it seems like u have to get roxy out of ur mind.(i don't mean that in a bad way)

but i might also not....

but a new pupppy might cheer u up :]
2006-07-22 16:08:52 UTC
If you're ready for another little creature to love then go for it. Memories last forever, so it wont take her place in your heart
2006-07-20 03:37:05 UTC
If you live with your grandmother you have to go by her rules. She doesn't want another dog...
2006-07-20 19:22:31 UTC
I think its a good time to get a new puppy. You need one.
2006-07-22 12:25:45 UTC
if you feal like she is sytill alive then yea it's way to soon 2 get anouther puppy but if you forget about her all the time then no get anouther puppy
2006-07-08 18:26:27 UTC
no dogs are great they have unconditional love

just remember that if you get a new dog that it's personality will be different than your former pet
2006-07-08 18:22:25 UTC
Why don't you make it up to her by saving a dog from the pound?
2006-07-21 16:14:18 UTC
no u need to fill that place that roxy used to be
2006-07-20 05:55:25 UTC
awww....why didn't u get a law suit with the guy who owns the dogs??? there dachshund ran away and seven months to 10 months(can't remember sry!) I got a bichon frise baby boy named mickey....he's my little angel!!THAT'S SOOOOOO SAD!!!! *cries in corner*

2006-07-21 23:37:42 UTC
What would Roxy want you to do?
2006-07-08 18:26:40 UTC
only you can answer that. I know it sounds like a cliche, but you'll know when it's right. I like the idea of adopting from the pound.
2006-07-22 11:06:57 UTC
im sorry to hear about your lose it is time to buy another puppy. just because you have antoher pet does nto mean you love ro
2006-07-21 06:26:14 UTC
no, it's not too soon.just remember, this isn't roxy.the new dog will have it's own personality.don't expect him/ her to fill roxies shoes(so to speak).
2006-07-20 00:04:16 UTC
you'll know when the time is right,you'll really start to miss having something around,go get another.
2006-07-08 18:25:17 UTC
you should get another dog and make sure nothing happens to it
2006-07-22 13:16:03 UTC
I sure would get another puppy,
2006-07-08 18:23:32 UTC
If you feel the time is right and that will make you happy then go ahead.
2006-07-22 16:57:16 UTC
Get a new baby to love!
2006-07-18 10:51:23 UTC
no i lost my chickin 1 monthago to a fox .im gittin a new one soon
Lupin IV
2006-07-08 18:23:23 UTC
If you're thinking about getting a new pup then its time to get a new pup.
2006-07-21 05:05:07 UTC
maybe getting another puppy will cheer you up
2006-07-21 10:25:25 UTC
no but don't get another yorkie it will bring back to many memories!!!
2006-07-21 20:23:00 UTC
get another as soon as alot to get over roxy
2006-07-21 07:50:29 UTC
get another on it will help trust me i had a rabbit and ahorse and we got another one and i fill great now
2006-07-08 18:25:18 UTC
no not at all but dont rush into take your time and find one that you like
2006-07-22 03:10:59 UTC
i don't beleive it too soon if it will make you happy, life is too short to not be happy
2006-07-22 14:26:28 UTC
No get one today!
2006-07-22 14:32:34 UTC
2006-07-22 13:32:16 UTC
2006-07-10 16:02:48 UTC
2006-07-08 18:22:57 UTC
2006-07-08 18:21:40 UTC
not at all.

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