I can’t say I’ve ever heard of worms coming from table scraps. The worms would have to come from somewhere, and if you dog has them, you defiantly do. More likely that idea comes from dogs getting in to the garbage and eating the table scraps that have been left out and spoiled for a few days.
But there is a larger issue at stake here: Whether or not to feed puppies table scraps?
Ok, quickly, a few credentials: I’ve had dogs all my life (25 years): In that time I have competed in 4H showmanship and obedience for several years, raised 7 Canine Companions for Independence (CCI), 2 Leader Dogs for the Blind and am currently a pre-Vet. Med student. My mother is a champion dog breeder (Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog) and still teaches dog obedience classes.
That said: Feeing dogs table scraps is a bad idea! Here’s why…
First; dogs will learn that the food on your plate is meant for them. They will steal it right out from under your nose, and it won’t matter how much you yell at them. Puppies especially will consider this part of the game of ‘how much can I get away with’.
Secondly; human food is not good for dogs, especially puppies. They, like all babies, have special dietary requirements such as easily digestible foods and more nutrients. Human food is very hard for young animals to digest, so even though they love the flavor, there’s little value in it.
Lastly, as other have already stated, some human foods can be quite harmful: Chocolate, anything gummy, or small enough to choke on, etc. Though left off the list is a serious problem for dogs: Chicken bones. Chicken bones are hollow inside and have thin walls. When an animal crunches in to them, the bones split and crack, forming dozens of sharp, pointy objects that can easily get caught in the throat when swallowed, or do damage to the digestive tract if they are passed.
Please talk your mother in to keeping the food stuffs on her plate and get your new puppy, puppy chow.
Ps. under "sources" I have put a few useful websites about doggie health. There are plenty more, just look up "Dog food" and "table scraps".