Be careful what you wish for.
There is no legal definition of a puppy mill. Let me repeat, there is no legal definition of a puppy mill. Because of this, pushing commercials and legislation to end puppy mills is a dangerous sport. There are many hobby and sport breeders who keep many dogs, care for all of them well are scared to death by PETA and HUSA's pushing of "puppy mill" legislation because of this.
What you have to realize is that PETA and HUSA view pet ownership as a type of slavery. They don't want ANYONE having pets at all. They've gotten backing and financing from people by tugging on their heart strings and presenting this "puppy mill" picture and making everyone believe that every commercial breeder is a "puppy mill" where dogs are abused and mistreated.
This couldn't be further from the truth. Most commercial breeders have staff, onsite, caring for the dogs and pups 24/7. Which is actually more care than your average hobby and/or sport breeder can provide in most cases. You see it's not profitable to breed sick pups that are grossly deformed and have health problems that would have them dying off before they could get to a puppy store.
That's not to say that every commercial breeder is good. That's no more true than saying every hobby and/or sport breeder is good. You have good and bad on both sides.
Most states already have animal cruelty laws that would/should put the so called "puppy mills" out of business. But the problem is that these laws are not enforced. USDA has an entire section that's supposed to inspect commercial breeders and often times, it's just not being done. This is not a problem with the laws that are on the books, this is not a problem with people being unaware. It's a problem with the department in USDA either not being funded enough, having enough people working for them, or not caring to inspect and enforce the laws that are already on the books.
But make no mistake - backing PETA at all, is inviting them to push laws that will make your rights as a pet owner go away. These laws will shut down hobby and sport breeders making it more difficult to find well bred dogs from reputable breeders.
So please, before you go making any more posts like this one, get out, see the legislation PETA and HUSA is trying to pass and ask yourself just how that legislation will help abused dogs. Because most of it will not. What it will do is basically shut down the very people you think you'd be helping by getting the "puppy mills" closed down.
Educate yourself!