If the standard calls for it, than I would do it!!! It is a personal decision, but, in my opinion they do look better when docked.
Since they no longer do it in Europe you have Dobies and Rotts look like coonhounds...not for me, thank you.
As far as it being barbaric...please, give me a break, people here advocate taking out a dog's reproductive organs, but, a simple little snip of the tail is a criminal offense!!!!
Do as you please and whatever you will be happy to live with for the next 10-15 years. Good luck!!
ADD: isn't the hypocrisy of some people schocking? They advocate and condone all types of procedures that would make their lives easier, but, become total bunny huggers when the 1 second procedure of docking comes up...AMAZING!!!!
ADD AGAIN: Shanook...I am out of the dark ages, you need to see the light, if you can desex a dog for YOUR benefit so that he/she will not be able to reproduce and take all the responsibility out of your hands, a simple 1 second snip will not even be felt by afew days old dog. WAKE UP!!!