What breed/mix of dog do you have?
>Beagle-Boston Terrier Mix
How old is your dog?
>She turned 1 year old on March 22nd
Are you a first time owner or veteran dog owner?
>I grew up with a yorkie, but this is the first one I have owned. I'm a college student.
If you are a veteran dog owner How many years have you owned dogs in total?
> about 1 year
Did you get them from a breeder or adopt?
>Breeder (BYB). My boyfriend got my dog and he surprised me with her last May.
Any Craigslist puppy adoptions?
>No, but I look on there a lot.
What is your opinion on using Craigslist for adopting a dog?
>There are a lot of dogs up for rehoming. It's sad how many people want to just get rid of their pets.I would consider adopting from craigslist depending on the circumstances.
What do you think is better Adoption or reputable breeder?
>I think adoption is better. There are way too many mutts being killed in shelters because there are too many of them. I am not against breeding, though because without breeders we wouldn't have all of the carefully selected, mentally/physically sound examples of different breeds.
Veteran dog owner If you could say one thing to an new dog owner what would it be?
>Do your research before you get a dog. Adopt or buy from a very reputable breeder. Buy everything and be ready for your new dog before you get him/her.
Would you say you have learned anything from using YA dog section in the past?
If so, What have you learned?
>Yes, definitely! I have learned about BYB's (Back yard breeders), BSL (Breed Restriction), dog nutrition- which foods are good and which foods only appear to be good, how to get rid of fleas, etc.
What is one thing you would change if you had control over YA dog section for a day?
>The stars for questions would actually mean something- they would help your total points or something. I would make subcategories- dog nutrition, dog naming, breed guessing, etc. That way I can go to a section I want.