i think a properly bred protection breed MAY have instincts to protect.
i think the actual chances of an untrained protection breed protecting are slim to nil.
i think a poorly bred protection breed, or a breed who is NOT a protection breed will look to protect ITSELF- and if any of those are exhibiting "protection"-like behaviors, it's resource guarding, not actual protection. it's not "don't hurt my mommy!!" it's "that's my bltch- don't touch".
ScH isn't protection- and will likely "overtrain" a dog, so as to possibly render him confused in a real life PP situation.
ScH dogs are ScH dogs, and PP dogs are PP dogs- although some dogs can do both (kudos to both the breeder and the trainer)
my own dogs are territory guarders- and they should be, they are guard dogs. when inside THEIR area, and locked up, they will engage an intruder. two of them, once outside of that area, could care less about anything- they're not working anymore.
Dallas (APBT) surprises me every now and again. a teenager RAN at us (not to hurt us, trying to catch up to friends) and almost hit us, and Dallas jumped, and acted as if she was ready to play with him- she wagged herself so hard i thought she was going to fall over.
however, a few weeks ago, we were coming home from a walk at night, and one of the drunken revelers from the muster was stumbling along the sidewalk, mumbling to himself and swearing into a cell phone. she put her hair up on her back and snarled like the hound of the baskervilles. she wouldn't let him near her, me or her pups (who are 2 years old...) the funny thing is that Dally has been to many parties. drunken, raging, crazy parties. she's used to drunk people. she's played beer pong, she's licked people's faces when they fall out of their chair. but this one guy was walking in a belligerent way, and she picked up on it. but she's not a PP dog, and would only be protecting herself if she engaged. i just thought it was interesting that she knew the difference between this guy and all the other drunk people she's hugged.
dogs have sense, all right, but not in the way people think they do.