2011-08-01 20:56:29 UTC
Well, when both my dad and I went to see my do afterwards, the dog started slowly wagging his tail, and looking at my dad almost as if to say "I'm sorry." and he bent his head down, and crawled over to my dad.. we have another dog as well, and when we brought her in, they played almost as normal as they always do.. the only difference is, my dog has been a little less playful with my dad.. see, our other dog started barking and my dad yells "No!" and our german shepherd starts running from my dad almost.. I'm scared that he's not going to forgive my dad, and I love the relationship those two have. I don't want anything to happen to that. Please tell me he didn't ruin it? Will my dog forgive him? Please say he will..
Also, please PLEASE PLEASE don't tell me how wrong it was that my dad did this, or even that we shouldn't have our dog or whatever. We love that dog, he's our whole world, and I don't want anything to happen to him. My dad has NEVER done this before, and I can't believe he did.. he UNDERSTANDS how wrong it was, and I promise you it's something that will never happen again. Just help me solve what I'm trying to solve. Thank you. ♥