2014-02-13 11:55:12 UTC
How do your dogs play with other dogs?
Do they ''box'' & use their paws a lot, bouncy/boisterous/excitable, jumping around? Do they like a game of chase, or to be chased? Are they gentle? Or do they just prefer not to play at all? What breed/s are your dog/s?
Extra question: what breeds do you dogs *seem* to prefer to play with. I know dogs don't see dogs for their breeds, but I'm talking more about certain breeds energy/play-styles.
My boy is a rough-player. He's a Dobe/Labrador. He loves rough-housing with other dogs, running around & having a game of chase. He doesn't mind whether he is being the chaser, or if he's being chased - he just loves playing all together. He uses his paws a lot & likes to ''box'', and throw punches - much like a Boxer, although many other breeds do this. He's a strong lad, so can only have these boxing matches with dogs his own size, although he'll give it a go with others. If they don't wanna play, he soon takes the hint & trots off to find a new playmate! He regularly plays with a Boxer & they get on incredibly well, due to their almost identical style of play - the Boxer loves growling/grumbling, too. If you weren't knowledgeable, you'd think they were fighting, but it's innocent play - just very rough and all over the place. He also plays very well with a Dobe - the Dobe is the first & only dog that has manage to knock him to the ground with his heavy punches. He loves the German Shepherds, Border Collies, Springers, Rottweilers & Staffies, and he has a special play-time with a Whippet, who never fails to outrun him.
No thumb-downs will be given by me! :-)
(Picture is him as a 4 month old puppy, with an 8 month old Whippet).