can I sue a breeder in WV- sorry not all details went through?
2016-11-11 09:02:53 UTC
sorry not all the details came through
here is the timeline
Oct 22- went to go pick up my new puppy Otis from Seminole Kennels purchase price $1500- deposit $300 pd in September $1200 at pick up
During out pickup we didn’t sign any paperwork she just said everything you need is in this envelope
Asked if we can see the other dogs said she No due to diseases
Feeding instructions were to use adult food Taste of the Wild
The breeder was 5 hrs away from my house-Went back to my mother in laws until Sunday noticing that he was very skinny
Oct 23,24- everything was fine
Oct 25th went to the vet for checkup Dr Conway noticed he was underweight and to start feeding him puppy food to gain weight – she also was concerned that his back teeth were not in told us to keep a watch on them
Oct 27th in the afternoon noticed diarrhea and vomiting just thought he got a bug. Getting concerned that evening dry heaving and diarrhea but still drinking water
Oct 28th got up in the morning ran around gave him a little to eat by 10am was getting sick again
I talked to one our clients and said it could be parvo
Call the vet left message about him getting sick. She called the house phone and advised Scott to bring him right over to the office.
I went on to the breeder’s website and saw a note on her page saying tragedy at Seminole- Contaminated Vaccine –“fact is we’ve lost some puppies due to the contaminated vaccine. Puppies tested positive for parvo, but of course they did, they just got the vaccine.
Fact is0 also that there has been a couple of puppies that became ill 2 weeks after they left Seminole (incubation period is 3-7 days for parvo) in good faith Seminole has reimbursed all of them.
Printed this out and took it right over to the vet and my husband was in with Otis and showed them the paper. They already had done the parvo test and it was positive (it came up positive right away)
Dr Conway advised to take him immediately to the emergency hospital and told us that we need to clean our house with bleach ect. We had another dog at home Murphy 3yrd old said he had all this shot and would probably be fine. Arrived at the hospital the tech met us outside and took him the isolation right away. Spoke to the DR and she advised us of what the procedure will be and what we needed to do to because this is a highly contagious disease. They had a good percentage of parvo puppies getting better. Told us that he would be in hospital for 3-5 days and gave us a quote from $3000-$5000 and we had to pay $3200 for deposit.
I spoke to the breeder that day and told her what was going on so said that there was no way he got it from there and doesn’t pay for vet bills. keep her in the loop of how he was feeling .
Monday I called her and told her everything that was going on and how much the vet. Said I was paying too much and send her the dr notes. Reiterated that she will not pay for vet bills but if something would happen she would reimburse me.
Sent the breeder a message on Wednesday that he had passed and gave her all the vet notes and bill which ended up to be $8100.
Told her there was no doubt in the Dr mind that he got it from the breeder incubation is 10-14 days.
He also had 2 parasites that he would have gotten from the breeders. Breeder denies everything.

October 7th she mailed me out the check for 1500.00 no vet bills reimbursements
Fourteen answers:
Julie D.
2016-11-11 09:20:06 UTC
If there was no health guarantee on your contract, then you won't be getting reimbursement other than the cost of the puppy. You can sue, but I seriously doubt that you'll win, if nothing more than for the fact that the ONLY vaccine that's required by law is the Rabies Vaccine and that isn't given until 16 weeks to 6 months of age. When YOU went to pick up your puppy, YOU asked if you could see the other dogs AND WERE TOLD NO DUE TO DISEASE. WHY in the HECK didn't you ask for your deposit back and LEAVE without a puppy because YOU WERE TOLD there was a disease on the property? Even if you would have left WITHOUT getting your deposit back, you would have only been out of $300.00 instead of the ENORMOUS Vet bill AND a dead puppy to top it off.

I'm very sorry that this all happened to you BUT you still MUST disinfect your home, your car, your property and ANYTHING that puppy came in contact with including your SHOES, because IF you were to go out and get another puppy that wasn't fully vaccinated, and I mean FULLY, that puppy would more than likely end up with Parvo too.

The breeder told you STRAIGHT out that she wouldn't reimburse you for any Vet bills, but would give you back the cost of the pup. She DID do that. She also claims that the vaccines were contaminated. I call BS on that. Either she didn't give the pups ANY vaccines OR she's had the Parvovirus on her property before AND SHE never disinfected HER OWN PROPERTY, but instead chose to breed without ANY concern for the health of the pups she bred OR the grief that she'd put on any buyers. The breeder you chose is THE SCUM OF THE EARTH. and that's a FACT.

Edit: To tell you the truth, I don't even think you have a case when it comes to suing her. She told you she'd give you your money back for the price of the pup, and you got it back, so there is nothing to sue her for.
Elaine M
2016-11-11 11:10:12 UTC
The vaccine takes almost 2 weeks to be integrated by the body, a dog exposed to parvo would not be able to utilize the vaccination given him.

You can easily ask the breeder for the phone number of their vet, and then verify if the puppy WAS actually vaccinated.

You may be out of the money, sorry. You can try taking it to small claim's court but it'd have to be filed and done in the breeder's state. Talk to a lawyer, the first 1/2 hour consult should be free.
2016-11-11 09:48:36 UTC
You bought from a shady puppy miller. I'm sorry this happened. You need to talk to a lawyer now but it will be expensive, too. It may be easier to cut your losses and resolve to only buy from reputable breeders found at either one of the many national or state breed clubs or You could have paid less for a far healthier puppy. Again, I'm sorry but I don't think there is much you mcan do without a good lawyer. Do NOT accept the offer of a replacement puppy from the breedertor you will only have more heartbreak and expenses.
2016-11-11 09:48:29 UTC
You can sue whoever you want, but you're not likely to win a dime. West Virginia has no "puppy lemon law" and you have no signed contract that was violated. Even if you did have a contract or there was a lemon law, it usually does not provide for reimbursement for vet bills exceeding the purchase price, and may require the puppy be returned to the breeder to claim that, or require it be treated by the breeder's choice of vet. Sounds like you've learned an expensive lesson to carefully vet breeders you purchase from in future and not to buy from puppy mills. Honestly, you're lucky they refunded your purchase price.
2016-11-11 10:47:16 UTC
Did the pup come with a health guarantee? If not, there's nothing that can be done.

BTW, the breeder is correct, you paid WAY too much in vet bills just to treat parvo. An ER vet was not needed for this. If you get a new pup, I suggest getting a new vet as Dr. Conway should have treated the parvo and not sent you to an ER vet.
2016-11-11 18:08:10 UTC
What did your contract say in regarding to health guarantees. Sounds like your timeline you did everything in a reasonable amount of time (vet check, etc.) You have documentation on what your vet said. I hope you printed out what was on her website regarding the vaccine/parvo. Hopefully this has not been deleted.

Take this all to a lawyer and see if you have a case to at least get part of your vet bills reimbursed. Good luck.

I did look up Seminole kennels - if this is the one you got your dog from (she breeds mutts - poodle mixes) you may get nothing from her as she is a backyard breeder.
2016-11-11 09:39:54 UTC
Unless you are willing to settle for just the $1,500.00 back - don't cash that check. If you cash it .... it means you agree to the refund of only $1,500.00 she offered.

You should seek the council of an attorney in this matter. She told you over and over again they would not pay the vet bills for this sick puppy, so I doubt you have a case. But talk to an attorney, I know you hate to have to throw more money at this dead puppy.

I feel sorry that you learned about puppy mills this way. NO ONE who breeds mixed breeds are legitimate breeders. They prey on unknowing dog lovers who don't realize it is stupid to pay $1,500.00 for a mixed breed mongrel like you can find at any shelter. If these people don't care enough to guard the purity of the breeds, they don't give a crap about producing healthy pups .... just making a quick buck.

WHY you took delivery of a puppy when you KNEW that they had a disease outbreak on their premise is beyond me. The laws can not protect people from poor decisions.
2017-03-04 09:35:32 UTC
you can try, anyone can sue for whatever they wish, but there are never any guarantees as to whether you shall win or not.........

your first mistake was not getting any paperwork signed and agreed to by both parties, including a health guarantee, so basically you bought a dog "as is", so you're pretty much s.........o.........l......... lesson learned.........

at the very least papers* such as the following should have been signed by both parties and you should have been supplied with copies.........

and always read and understand every detail before signing anything......... if you don't understand or don't agree, then question it before signing.........

*contract should be done on the breeders

letterhead, or otherwise show breeders personal name, address,

phone number, and kennel name.........

important: these sample contracts do not necessarily contain all

provisions necessary to completely protect the parties to the

contract......... laws differ throughout the country; you are advised to

seek the advice of a lawyer in your state.........

on _______ day of ____________, 20 ___, the sum of $________ has been received from:

[insert buyer full name and address]

hereinafter referred to as the buyer......... this sum has been received as consideration for the purchase of the

__________ described as:

[insert complete description of _________]

conditions of sale

(1) both buyer and seller acknowledge that no representations, verbal or implied, have been made with

regard to said __________ future abilities.........

(2) seller warrants, to the proper of his/her ability, that said __________ is sound and free from disease.........

the buyer has the option to take puppy within 72 hours of purchase, at their own expense, to a

veterinarian of their choice......... if puppy is found not to be in good health, the buyer shall return the __________

to the seller immediately, and the seller shall either (1) replace the __________; (2) refund the purchase price;

or, (3) return it in good health within thirty (30) days......... the adverse health report must be in writing and

signed by a licensed veterinarian.........

(3) puppy is guaranteed until one year of age against genetic/congenital defects which would cause death

or the need to be humanely destroyed......... in such an unlikely case, a written veterinarian report, with

autopsy if necessary, must be submitted in writing and signed by a licensed veterinarian......... the puppy shall

be replaced or the purchase price shall be returned at the seller's sole discretion.........

(4) puppy is guaranteed to qualify for registration in a reputable kennel club

(5) if buyer is unable to keep said __________ for any reason, they shall contact the breeder to assist with

placement in another home......... under no circumstances shall buyer ever place this __________ in

an animal shelter, pound, or pet store of any type.........

(6) the buyer further agrees to register this __________ with a reputable kennel club at one year of age, and to have no

association with any conflicting organization or kennel club (relating to __________).........

refund policy

(1) if _________ does not qualify for registration with a reputable kennel club, the seller agrees to:

(a) replace the __________ with another puppy upon return of the original _________; or

(b) upon receipt of spay/neuter certificate for said _________, refund one-half of purchase price.........

(2) if the buyer spay/neuters said __________ voluntarily, the seller shall refund $_____________.........

this agreement represents the entire agreement between the buyer and seller......... no other agreements or

promises, verbal or implied, are included unless specifically stated in this written agreement.........


buyer seller

date date

sales contract

this sales contract is made this ________ day of _________________________________ 20____ between

_______________________________________......... hereinafter termed the

seller, and ________________________________________.........

address ________________________________________......... hereinafter

termed the buyer.........

the seller agrees to sell, for the purchase price of $_____________, and has this day delivered to the

buyer, a __________, hereinafter termed __________ female/male whelped on ____________, sired by

_______________________________________......... out of ___________________________,

described as ______________________________________, and certifies that said _________ is of sound body

and good health, free from communicable diseases to the proper of seller's knowledge, and current in

vaccinations and wormings.........

the seller guarantees that the ___________ is registerable with a reputable kennel club.........

if the _________ is not registerable at one year of age, the seller agrees to replace the dog if returned, or

to refund one-half of the purchase price when proof of sterilization is received......... the buyer must notify the

seller in writing of the unregisterable condition, and include a reputable kennel club veterinarian certificate dated and

signed by a license veterinarian within 30 days after the __________ turns one year of age......... if the seller does

not receive notification within this period of time, this guarantee becomes null and void.........

the buyer agrees to offer the _________ to the seller for no more than the purchase price above if he

cannot keep the dog within one year of age......... after one year of age, the buyer agrees to notify the seller

if he cannot keep the dog for any reason during its lifetime, and a mutually agreeable plan shall be worked

out to place the _________ in another home.........

the buyer agrees that they shall never place this dog, or any of its offspring should it be used for breeding,

in any pet store or other public-sales situation, and that they shall not participate with this animal in any kennel

club or conflicting organization registry.........

the seller agrees to provide a $50.........00 spay/neuter refund upon the receipt of proof of sterilization by the

buyer, unless the puppy has been replaced or a refund has been given for unregisterability.........

witness our hands the day and year first written above.........

_______________________________________......... seller

_______________________________________......... buyer

you should have also received the following:

medical record

date whelped: ___________________________ sinot sure what to say about this ______________________________________

sugar: _________________ color: _____________ dam: ______________________________________

attending veterinarian:




tail docking/dew claw removal on: _______________________ health examination on: __________________

other medical treatment: ________________________________________.........




type/date 1) _______________________________________

2) _______________________________________

3) _______________________________________

4) _______________________________________


type/date 1) _______________________________________

2) _______________________________________

3) _______________________________________

4) _______________________________________

5) _______________________________________

6) _______________________________________






puppy guarantee

congratulations on the purchase of your newpuppy!! everything has been done

to insure that he/she gets the proper start possible......... the pup has been started on its

vaccination series, been checked for internal parasites, received treatment if

necessary and given lots of t.........l.........c.........

1) the puppy must be checked by a veterinarian of your choice within five working days......... should he find

the pup ill, or not as represented,a full refund of the purchase price shall be given upon the return of the


2) in the event the puppy does not pass registration at one year of age due to the following reasons....................................

heart murmur, undescended testicles, hernia, severely incorrect bite, abnormal

vision, abnormal hearing, generalized demodectic mange, genetic disease(s).............................................

a) upon the return of the ___________, you have a choice of a new puppy or a full refund of the

purchase price.........

b) if you keep the __________, half the purchase price shall be refunded upon receipt of proof that the

_________ has been altered (spayed/neutered).........

seller: buyer:

date: date:

pleease note: if, for any reason, at any time, you decide you cannot keep your __________, you may return it

to me......... i shall have it altered (at my expense) and place it in a suitable home.........
2016-11-11 09:05:43 UTC
You can sue whoever you want for whatever reason.

We are not lawyers, so we can't say if you have a case or not.

If you are wanting to sue someone, talk with a lawyer in your area about it.
2016-11-11 13:55:21 UTC

If no papers were signed, she did her part on refunding you.

Now you have to work out payment plans.
2016-11-11 09:23:03 UTC
Contact an attorney.
2016-11-12 07:19:45 UTC
You can try, anyone can sue for whatever they wish, but there are never any guarantees as to whether you will win or not.

Your first mistake was not getting any paperwork signed and agreed to by both parties, including a health guarantee, so basically you bought a dog "as is", so you're pretty much S.O.L. Lesson learned.

At the very least papers* such as the following should have been signed by both parties and you should have been supplied with copies.

And always read and understand every detail before signing anything. If you don't understand or don't agree, then question it before signing.

*Contract should be done on the Breeders

letterhead, or otherwise show Breeders personal name, address,

phone number, and kennel name.

IMPORTANT: These sample contracts do not necessarily contain all

provisions necessary to completely protect the parties to the

contract. Laws differ throughout the country; you are advised to

seek the advice of a lawyer in your state.

On _______ day of ____________, 20 ___, the sum of $________ has been received from:

[insert buyer full name and address]

hereinafter referred to as the Buyer. This sum has been received as consideration for the purchase of the

__________ described as:

[insert complete description of _________]

Conditions of Sale

(1) Both buyer and seller acknowledge that no representations, verbal or implied, have been made with

regard to said __________ future abilities.

(2) Seller warrants, to the best of his/her ability, that said __________ is sound and free from disease.

The buyer has the option to take puppy within 72 hours of purchase, at their own expense, to a

veterinarian of their choice. If puppy is found not to be in good health, the buyer will return the __________

to the seller immediately, and the seller will either (1) replace the __________; (2) refund the purchase price;

or, (3) return it in good health within thirty (30) days. The adverse health report must be in writing and

signed by a licensed veterinarian.

(3) Puppy is guaranteed until one year of age against genetic/congenital defects which would cause death

or the need to be humanely destroyed. In such an unlikely case, a written veterinarian report, with

autopsy if necessary, must be submitted in writing and signed by a licensed veterinarian. The puppy will

be replaced or the purchase price will be returned at the seller's sole discretion.

(4) Puppy is guaranteed to qualify for registration in a reputable Kennel Club

(5) If buyer is unable to keep said __________ for any reason, they will contact the breeder to assist with

placement in another home. Under no circumstances will buyer ever place this __________ in

an animal shelter, pound, or pet store of any type.

(6) The buyer further agrees to register this __________ with a reputable Kennel Club at one year of age, and to have no

association with any conflicting organization or kennel club (relating to __________).

Refund Policy

(1) If _________ does not qualify for registration with a reputable Kennel Club, the seller agrees to:

(a) Replace the __________ with another puppy upon return of the original _________; or

(b) Upon receipt of spay/neuter certificate for said _________, refund one-half of purchase price.

(2) If the buyer spay/neuters said __________ voluntarily, the seller will refund $_____________.

This agreement represents the entire agreement between the buyer and seller. No other agreements or

promises, verbal or implied, are included unless specifically stated in this written agreement.


Buyer Seller

Date Date


This sales contract is made this ________ day of _________________________________ 20____ between

_______________________________________... hereinafter termed THE

SELLER, and ________________________________________...

address ________________________________________... hereinafter

termed the BUYER.

THE SELLER AGREES to sell, for the purchase price of $_____________, and has this day delivered to the

BUYER, a __________, hereinafter termed __________ female/male whelped on ____________, sired by

_______________________________________... out of ___________________________,

described as ______________________________________, and certifies that said _________ is of sound body

and good health, free from communicable diseases to the best of seller's knowledge, and current in

vaccinations and wormings.

THE SELLER guarantees that the ___________ is registerable with a reputable Kennel Club.

If the _________ is not registerable at one year of age, THE SELLER agrees to replace the dog if returned, or

to refund one-half of the purchase price when proof of sterilization is received. The BUYER must notify the

SELLER in writing of the unregisterable condition, and include a reputable Kennel Club veterinarian certificate dated and

signed by a license veterinarian within 30 days after the __________ turns one year of age. If the SELLER does

not receive notification within this period of time, this guarantee becomes null and void.

THE BUYER AGREES to offer the _________ to the SELLER for no more than the purchase price above if he

cannot keep the dog within one year of age. After one year of age, THE BUYER AGREES to notify the SELLER

if he cannot keep the dog for any reason during its lifetime, and a mutually agreeable plan will be worked

out to place the _________ in another home.

THE BUYER AGREES that they will never place this dog, or any of its offspring should it be used for breeding,

in any pet store or other public-sales situation, and that they will not participate with this animal in any kennel

club or conflicting organization registry.

THE SELLER AGREES to provide a $50.00 spay/neuter refund upon the receipt of proof of sterilization by the

buyer, unless the puppy has been replaced or a refund has been given for unregisterability.

WITNESS our hands the day and year first written above.

_______________________________________... SELLER

_______________________________________... BUYER

You should have also received the following:


Date Whelped: ___________________________ Sire: ______________________________________

Sex: _________________ Color: _____________ Dam: ______________________________________

Attending Veterinarian:




Tail docking/dew claw removal on: _______________________ Health examination on: __________________

Other medical treatment: ________________________________________...




Type/Date 1) _______________________________________

2) _______________________________________

3) _______________________________________

4) _______________________________________


Type/Date 1) _______________________________________

2) _______________________________________

3) _______________________________________

4) _______________________________________

5) _______________________________________

6) _______________________________________











1) The puppy must be checked by a veterinarian of your choice within five working days. Should he find

the pup ill, or not as represented,a full refund of the purchase price will be given upon the return of the


2) In the event the puppy does not pass registration at one year of age due to the following reasons....

Heart murmur, undescended testicles, hernia, severely incorrect bite, abnormal

vision, abnormal hearing, generalized demodectic mange, Genetic disease(s).....

A) Upon the return of the ___________, you have a choice of a new puppy or a full refund of the

purchase price.

B) If you keep the __________, half the purchase price will be refunded upon receipt of proof that the

_________ has been altered (spayed/neutered).



PLEASE NOTE: If, for any reason, at any time, you decide you cannot keep your __________, you may return it

to me. I will have it altered (at my expense) and place it in a suitable home.
2016-12-05 19:08:25 UTC
you can try, anyone can sue for whatever they wish, but there are never any guarantees as to whether you shall win or not...

your first mistake was not getting any paperwork signed and agreed to by both parties, including a health guarantee, so basically you bought a dog "as is", so you're pretty much s...o...l... lesson learned...

at the very least papers* such as the following should have been signed by both parties and you should have been supplied with copies...

and always read and understand every detail before signing anything... if you don't understand or don't agree, then question it before signing...

*contract should be done on the breeders

letterhead, or otherwise show breeders personal name, address,

phone number, and kennel name...

important: these sample contracts do not necessarily contain all

provisions necessary to completely protect the parties to the

contract... laws differ throughout the country; you are advised to

seek the advice of a lawyer in your state...

on _______ day of ____________, 20 ___, the sum of $________ has been received from:

[insert buyer full name and address]

hereinafter referred to as the buyer... this sum has been received as consideration for the purchase of the

__________ described as:

[insert complete description of _________]

conditions of sale

(1) both buyer and seller acknowledge that no representations, verbal or implied, have been made with

regard to said __________ future abilities...

(2) seller warrants, to the proper of his/her ability, that said __________ is sound and free from disease...

the buyer has the option to take puppy within 72 hours of purchase, at their own expense, to a

veterinarian of their choice... if puppy is found not to be in good health, the buyer shall return the __________

to the seller immediately, and the seller shall either (1) replace the __________; (2) refund the purchase price;

or, (3) return it in good health within thirty (30) days... the adverse health report must be in writing and

signed by a licensed veterinarian...

(3) puppy is guaranteed until one year of age against genetic/congenital defects which would cause death

or the need to be humanely destroyed... in such an unlikely case, a written veterinarian report, with

autopsy if necessary, must be submitted in writing and signed by a licensed veterinarian... the puppy shall

be replaced or the purchase price shall be returned at the seller's sole discretion...

(4) puppy is guaranteed to qualify for registration in a reputable kennel club

(5) if buyer is unable to keep said __________ for any reason, they shall contact the breeder to assist with

placement in another home... under no circumstances shall buyer ever place this __________ in

an animal shelter, pound, or pet store of any type...

(6) the buyer further agrees to register this __________ with a reputable kennel club at one year of age, and to have no

association with any conflicting organization or kennel club (relating to __________)...

refund policy

(1) if _________ does not qualify for registration with a reputable kennel club, the seller agrees to:

(a) replace the __________ with another puppy upon return of the original _________; or

(b) upon receipt of spay/neuter certificate for said _________, refund one-half of purchase price...

(2) if the buyer spay/neuters said __________ voluntarily, the seller shall refund $_____________...

this agreement represents the entire agreement between the buyer and seller... no other agreements or

promises, verbal or implied, are included unless specifically stated in this written agreement...


buyer seller

date date

sales contract

this sales contract is made this ________ day of _________________________________ 20____ between

_______________________________________......... hereinafter termed the

seller, and ________________________________________.........

address ________________________________________......... hereinafter

termed the buyer...

the seller agrees to sell, for the purchase price of $_____________, and has this day delivered to the

buyer, a __________, hereinafter termed __________ female/male whelped on ____________, sired by

_______________________________________......... out of ___________________________,

described as ______________________________________, and certifies that said _________ is of sound body

and good health, free from communicable diseases to the proper of seller's knowledge, and current in

vaccinations and wormings...

the seller guarantees that the ___________ is registerable with a reputable kennel club...

if the _________ is not registerable at one year of age, the seller agrees to replace the dog if returned, or

to refund one-half of the purchase price when proof of sterilization is received... the buyer must notify the

seller in writing of the unregisterable condition, and include a reputable kennel club veterinarian certificate dated and

signed by a license veterinarian within 30 days after the __________ turns one year of age... if the seller does

not receive notification within this period of time, this guarantee becomes null and void...

the buyer agrees to offer the _________ to the seller for no more than the purchase price above if he

cannot keep the dog within one year of age... after one year of age, the buyer agrees to notify the seller

if he cannot keep the dog for any reason during its lifetime, and a mutually agreeable plan shall be worked

out to place the _________ in another home...

the buyer agrees that they shall never place this dog, or any of its offspring should it be used for breeding,

in any pet store or other public-sales situation, and that they shall not participate with this animal in any kennel

club or conflicting organization registry...

the seller agrees to provide a $50...00 spay/neuter refund upon the receipt of proof of sterilization by the

buyer, unless the puppy has been replaced or a refund has been given for unregisterability...

witness our hands the day and year first written above...

_______________________________________......... seller

_______________________________________......... buyer

you should have also received the following:

medical record

date whelped: ___________________________ siNot sure what to say about this ______________________________________

sugar: _________________ color: _____________ dam: ______________________________________

attending veterinarian:




tail docking/dew claw removal on: _______________________ health examination on: __________________

other medical treatment: ________________________________________.........




type/date 1) _______________________________________

2) _______________________________________

3) _______________________________________

4) _______________________________________


type/date 1) _______________________________________

2) _______________________________________

3) _______________________________________

4) _______________________________________

5) _______________________________________

6) _______________________________________






puppy guarantee

congratulations on the purchase of your newpuppy!! everything has been done

to insure that he/she gets the proper start possible... the pup has been started on its

vaccination series, been checked for internal parasites, received treatment if

necessary and given lots of t...l...c...

1) the puppy must be checked by a veterinarian of your choice within five working days... should he find

the pup ill, or not as represented,a full refund of the purchase price shall be given upon the return of the


2) in the event the puppy does not pass registration at one year of age due to the following reasons............

heart murmur, undescended testicles, hernia, severely incorrect bite, abnormal

vision, abnormal hearing, generalized demodectic mange, genetic disease(s)...............

a) upon the return of the ___________, you have a choice of a new puppy or a full refund of the

purchase price...

b) if you keep the __________, half the purchase price shall be refunded upon receipt of proof that the

_________ has been altered (spayed/neutered)...

seller: buyer:

date: date:

pleease note: if, for any reason, at any time, you decide you cannot keep your __________, you may return it

to me... i shall have it altered (at my expense) and place it in a suitable home...
2016-11-11 22:30:08 UTC
take her to court .

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.