why do people focus fear on the pit bull?
2007-01-07 21:22:27 UTC
I have raised and taken care of pit bulls most of my life. They are not all inbred as suggested. Yes they are fighters by nature. But so are most people. You must show kindness to get kindness. Pits are from as far back as you can remember. They were the faithful dogs of the past. Because of their love to please they are condemned. Why not punish the people who cause the problem and leave the breed alone. Anything with teeth will bite. One of the worst biters I know is the chiwawa. Maybe we should band them also. Not all pits are bad as with mankind some have the wrong up bringing.
Thirteen answers:
2007-01-07 22:04:48 UTC
I'm sorry King TootinCom has not had the pleasure of owning a pit and just listens to the media. Yes, it is a tragedy when one attacks but we also need to consider why the dog attacked. Most likely the pit bull that attacked was owned by a person that uses them for drug protection or illegal dog fights. The poor dog was never socialized properly. A responsible pet owner will take all the necessary precautions. I own a 60 lb.lap dog that is a pit bull. Good question you raised. Why don't they do something to the owners that have trained the pits to be mean and brutal. The pit is a wonderful pet if handled and treated right. It is too bad it has to have the stigma it does and that bad owners have made such a bad name for this type of dog by training it to be mean. I had a snoodle dog that at the age of 13 snapped and bit my bare foot so I had to have stitches. It is not JUST a pit bull - any dog can be a danger, They are NOT born that way - mostly turned that way by ignorant people.
2007-01-07 22:14:32 UTC little chihuahua is a sweetie...not a barker or a biter :) REALLY gets me mad when people judge ALL Pit Bulls the same...I volunteer for a local Humane Society...and I go out of my way to find GOOD homes for friendly Pits...I live in Ohio..our local dog pound will put down ANY Pit Bull that is taken there. NO ONE can rescue one unless they have proof they OWN it. I went there a while back after there was a fighting ring's SO sad! Poor dogs..some of them were tore up pretty bad...and bleeding....and they would still lick your fingers and kiss you if you went by them...and because of some inhumane ***--- they were waiting to be put to sleep...and it's NOT fair! We NEED better laws to protect the animals...those who fight Pits...or ANY dog...should go to jail for a while and get a huge fine...and never be able to own a dog again! And people need to use common sense...don't EVER leave a baby or small child ALONE with any dog! Or just about any animal as far as that goes. More than dogs attack. By the way...I volunteer for a NO KILL humane society...and if anyone knows of a GOOD Pit Bull rescue group...PLEASE let me know! Thanks! I've never had a bad experience with a dog biting me except a LITTLE Miniture Schnauzer...and she was getting a shot at the time. And I do feel sorry for the people who get attacked by ANY breed of dog when they didn't provoke the dog. I do believe if a dog does attack when not should be evaluated by a vet...if no reason was found for the attack...then it should be put down.One more word on the dog pound...I go out of my way to make sure no Pits go there. The day I was there when they had the fighting dogs a cage alone, cold, and wet were 6 healthy ...cute Pit Bull puppies...I offered to take tham ALL...they were SIX WEEKS old...the dog catcher told me NO...they HAD to be put down! That is a bunch of crap! WE NEED BETTER LAWS!!!
2007-01-08 00:12:58 UTC
I agree. There is no such thing as a bad pit bull, only bad owners. A dogs behavior, ANY dog, is because of it's owner, and how it was raised. I work at a vet clinic, and i used to volunteer at the humane society, and i see a lot of pit bulls. They are absolutely one of the sweetest dog breeds i have ever met. I have never met an agressive pit bull. But i have been bit by many other dogs, including beagles and golden retrievers. The golden retriever that bit me attacked my face and left scars. But No One thinks of punishing ALL golden retirevers for what this one golden did to me. And i also don't agree with that. Just because this owner didn't properly socialize and train their dog, that doesn't mean that the rest of the golden retrievers are bad dogs... I feel that pit bulls are THE most misunderstood breed, and it makes me sad to think of all the pit bulls that are put down in shelters, and banned from certain areas just because of a name.
2007-01-07 21:56:47 UTC
This has always been a concern of mine as well. Although I have never owned a pitbull, I have always wondered why they are such a concern. The people that are concerned are always the ones who have never owned a pit bull and apparently are TERRIFIED of them. Pit bulls are one of the nicest and sweetest breeds I have seen from working at a pet store. That is, if they are brought up right. If they are around situations that would make them want to fight, they could possibly be fighters. You're right, anything with teeth can bite. But it's nobody's business to ban you from having a pit bull just because of their reputation from stupid, sick people making them fighting dogs. Don't worry about ridiculous rules from people who don't know the difference between a muscular, sweet loving pit bull and a miniature ankle biter chihuahua. ;)
2016-12-16 09:22:34 UTC
there is in undemanding terms one group it is to blame for why human beings worry the Pit Bull. That group is the media. The media in undemanding terms deems a canines attack to be newsworthy if it incorporates a Pit Bull attack thereby fueling the witch hunt against the breed. If a Lab or a Golden Retriever have been to attack, it does not make national information yet a Pit Bull attack does. somebody on right here proved my element, they pronounced they worry the Pit Bull because of the fact of all the stuff they have examine and how ninety% of canines assaults are Pit Bull appropriate. This person has offered into the media's tale even even with the indisputable fact that that's punctiliously fake. at the beginning, ninety% of canines assaults at the instant are not perpetrated by Pit Bulls. Secondly, Pit Bulls are blamed every time a mutt assaults somebody because of the fact they are an undemanding scapegoat. Take my chum who's a police officer working example, he informed me that they are informed every time a canines attack happens, the 1st question they are to ask is "replaced into it a Pit Bull?" this question leads the guy to pin the blame on the breed in the event that they are unfamiliar with what the canines extremely replaced into. additionally, the media, says Pit Bull every time that they don't understand what the canines breed replaced into. If somebody says "i don't understand what style of canines it replaced into" the media will only say Pit Bull because of the fact "unknown breed" does not sell newspapers. I have been given a statistic for you: that's envisioned that there are over 10 million registered and unregistered Pit Bull interior u . s . of america. There are on common approximately 11 Pit Bull maulings in step with 3 hundred and sixty 5 days interior the U.S. In different words, you have a nil.0000011% danger of being mauled by a Pit Bull. The media needs you to have faith that your possibilities of having mauled are distinctly much a hundred%. 0.0000011% danger does not sell information papers. ***40 seven human beings die each 3 hundred and sixty 5 days from lightning so are 4 situations extra in all probability to be killed by lightning then a Pit Bull. and surely, I fairly doubt that there are 10 million lightning occurrences in step with 3 hundred and sixty 5 days so your odds are in all probability extra like a hundred situations extra in all probability to die by lightning.*** upload: Pit Bulls have not got locking jaws. NO canines DOES. it is yet another element the media made up.
2007-01-07 23:53:50 UTC
Because the media reports any and all pit bull episodes. Also, this is the breed that is associated with underground dogfights.

As with most pet issues, you can start by blaming the handlers. If an animal is not cared for, trained and handled correctly, it will become a problem.

I was recently chased by 3 pomeranians. I had gone to look at an item a lady had for sale and she said to just come in her yard and park, which I did. When I got halfway to the boat, these 3 came growling and racing off the porch. I ran to my car and literally dived in. They retreated and went in the house. I tried a second time, same results. Finally the lady came out. She had been unaware they'd gotten out, because someone hadn't latched a door securely. I have no doubt I would have been bitten had they got me, because they were protecting "their" premises. The only 2 dog bites I've ever had were from Jack Russell terriers. Once in awhile, the media will report other breeds that cause trouble, but they seem to love to target the pits.

I have 2. One is a half pit/boxer and he followed me out of a store that his foster mother owned. I felt it was destiny I should get him. The second one was found wandering on a street, she is full blood pit and was bred at an early age, by the looks of things. Both my dogs were immediately spayed/neutered. I could not stand the thought of baby pits ending up in the wrong hands.

I don't know if my dogs would ever "turn" on me, or anyone else. But I consider myself a responsible owner. I know that people have a natural fear of them, so they are always leashed and are not allowed to walk up to strangers. If someone wants to pat them, I let them, but they must come to me first, we don't push ourselves on people. My dogs are never in the yard alone. Too easy for them to dig out or jump -- my big dog jumped a 5 foot fence with ease one day. Of course they are not being trained to fight or do bad things, but they are naturally protective of my house. I live alone, so I am glad for their bark.

I couldn't have asked for better companions; I love them and someday I'll have to say goodbye which will kill me. But they are not for everyone, and people who own them, must be responsible. And I'd like to see them removed from the hands of what I consider "bad" owners; not be euthanized, but to be saved if at all possible.

Detroit has a law I saw on Animal Planet, that when they confiscate pits, they automatically euthanize them. I think that this horrible. And yes, it included puppies and even the people who brought the pups in were crying, in an episode I saw. Many towns have banned them altogether.

All dogs deserve a chance, and should be evaluted individually.
2007-01-07 21:30:08 UTC
I blame the media. A pit bull attacks someone and its going to be on every news channel and in every newspaper, but when the loveable German Shepherd down the street attacks someone it's hardly ever mentioned.

Plus, largely its the wrong type of people who own pit bulls now. If they train them at all they train them to be meaner, thus helping feed the fear that pit bulls are the worlds most dangerous animal.

I grew up with a lovely pit bull named Mojo, who was my brothers dog. I've never known a sweeter dog. She had a littler of pups, and none of them survived, so then she became a "mom" to my cat at the time. She also put up with my little girl antics, and then with the antics of my niece as well. Never heard her so much as growl, most less show any signs of being a horrible killing machine.

The Labrador I currently own has shown more signs of aggression than Mojo ever did.
Kate T.
2007-01-08 05:06:51 UTC
because the pit bull has earned it I'm afraid . these dogs cost everyone in insurance fees . everytime a homeowner has an attack everyone ultimately ends up paying for it . I for one am tired of people singing the pit bull praises !!!! I guarantee you that if one of your supposidly sweet loving dogs tore your 4 yr olds face off you would be wanting to kill that sweet loving dog!!! These dogs were bred for fighting not for being pets !!! they have agressive genes and they are animals and have animal instincts cannot fight that . Yes granted ;other dogs do bite ,but do not do the damage that a pit does and that is the point the insurance companies are trying to make people understand.a chihuahua? has a chihuahua ever killed someone? I dont think so . give me a break that is like comparing a loaded gun to a water pistol . Please !!!!
2007-01-07 21:49:26 UTC
Pits are probably the most recognized when biting, because so many of those times it was biting, mutalating, or even killing a small child. They're most recognized because they are the most known for this type of situation. They're are not condemned because of their love to please, they're condemned because of their minds snapping and hurting children. I agree that the people that agg this sort of aggression on should be punished, but I also agree that pits should not be raised with kids. I have kids and I have had pits (raised as pups with the kids). They can be sweet and friendly, but that same sweet, friendly dog can be kaniving and untrustworthy.
patti duke
2007-01-07 21:28:55 UTC
Good for you, I'm pleased you see this breed makes you happy. I guess those people who have had negative experiences with Pit Bulls get all the media attention, just show the bad stuff. They are, after all, just another breed of dog.
2007-01-07 21:36:16 UTC
WHy dont you ask the insurance companies why they dont insure houses if the family owns a pit bull or rottweiler. Do you think they are biased? Yeah, by losing billions of dollars on pit bull victim lawsuits! They use STATISTICS plus loss potential.

By the way, What would you do if your pit bull attacked a small child? I have heard that it is impossible to get them of once they "snap". Indeed, often the pit turns on its owner when he tries to rescue the victim.
2007-01-07 22:04:11 UTC
because staying ignorant and not educating yourself is easier. it's easier for us to sit and watch the tv and believe it. because all news is true, they don't do it for ratings. but if you get up off your butt and go research it well then that would take an effort. it's easier to agree with what seems like the majority than stand up and fight for what you know to be true. we expect our education to be handed to us. this is why parents blame teachers for their kids doing poorly in school, not the parents and definatly not the child. nevermind the child comes home and sits and plays video games all night so the parent can have their time. we have become distant and lazy as a nation. and ok you were bit by a pitbull as a kid. you at least have some personal knowledge. but i was bit by a lab as a child. i still love my friend's lab. i was abused by a man once. but i still love my husband. it's up to the individual to decide how and what they believe. and it's just easier (because we're all about things being simple and fast anymore ) to agree than find out the truth and then decide on our own as to wether we agree or disagree. good for you. as a side not, it's chihuahua. and yes most of them are fear biters. but oh it's cute because they can't do any harm. BS.
2007-01-07 22:16:38 UTC
I am on your side. they say we hear about pitbulls agreeivness then we expect so we act afraid. so then pitbulls sense that and they act wierd and bite. i hate it that poeple think pitbulls are so aggresive when they can be so loving!!!

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