Why are there so many People the LOVE Pit Bulls and think they are so Safe?
2008-04-24 00:06:27 UTC
I just read this article after doing a very quick google search. In the article it states specifically

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently released a report that showed pit bulls were responsible for more dog bite-related attacks than any other breed during a 20-year period."

Here is a quote from the Owner of the dog..the very last line in the article..

"I was always one that said pits are fine and they're only mean if you train them to be that way," Garrison said. "This thing made a liar out of me."


Be sure to do you own search to see how safe these demonic animals are!

Here is the article for you to read...

Be sure to ETCH that picture in you mind.....
POOR POOR LITTLE CHILD!!!,0,7163330.story&h=126&w=95&sz=50&tbnid=TVE8B-RSmg8J:&tbnh=126&tbnw=95&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpit%2Bbull%2Battacks&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=1&ct=image&cd=1
Eighteen answers:
2008-04-24 00:22:25 UTC
I volunteered at a pound for three years. I was always around Pitts. My job was to walk the dogs. I walked as many as I could in a day but I never could reach all of them. When I first started there I would walk Pitts but, I noticed that they were more aggressive twords me and other dogs than the other dogs I walked. I ended up having to stop walking the adult Pitts because once I took them out of their cage they refused to go back in and would act like they would attack me if I put them back in. I know it would suck to have to be in a cage but I had no problem walking other dogs and putting them back in their cages. Pitts are naturally more aggressive I mean they were breed to fight. Now I don't think they Should kill them. I think they should find an island and let all the Pitts live as their ancestors lived.

People who say it is the owners fault are wrong.Yes owners have a role in it but,

dogs are born with good traits and bad ones. Just like humans. Most People can not change who they are and most dogs are the same. People and humans are who they were born. Everyone has problems and dogs have them to. Their are dangerous humans and dangerous dogs. You say this person is dog races you are just naive.
2008-04-24 02:32:27 UTC
The first thing that informed me of your ignorance is that you use the term "pit bull" which is actually a blanket term for several diffrent breeds. You are using a term you heard on tv or read in the news paper. DO YOUR RESEARCH

Also, you are trusting the word of the CDCP, so you must be informed and well researched! NOT! RESEARCH MORE

You say these animals are demonic, but you are steady discriminating.

The reason these dogs have gotten such a bad rap is because our government is racist, and African Americans generally gravitate towards these breeds and dog fighting. They would rather distinguish a race of dogs and call them the enemy, when really it is the dog owners fault.

ONCE AGAIN, DO YOU RESEARCH! But this time, try to not shop for the answer you want.

The person who says that they are naturally more aggressive than other dogs is way wrong. I've been bitten by Pekingese's, labs, and retrievers, but never by ANY Am Staff/ABPT.

What it really comes down to is how the dog is handled, and what freedoms he has. I don't think ANY dog should be allowed to roam the neighborhood alone, and I never walk my dogs without a leash. That's called responsibility.

I currently have my youngest dog in protection training, and my other two are very protective. The only way they would bite you is if you tried to come in my home uninvited or if you tried to injure me.

And personally, I expect that from my dogs.

I'm glad other people are telling you to get your head out of the mass media, perhaps you can gain some real knowledge.

Get first hand preference, talk to a vet, volunteer your time. Its much more worthwhile than Google and newspapers.
linda o
2008-04-24 00:23:26 UTC
OMG !! Its not the Dog its how they are raised and how they were breed. Of course there might be a nutty one in the mix just like with people does that mean all people are nutty? I have 2 American Pit Bulls and they are the sweetest because I raised them that way. Do they like cats no that is something no dog likes unless raised with them, but they love people. Should I leave them alone with a small child absolutely not nor should any dog be left with a small child. Dogs will get the pack mentality if more than one dog.They are animals HELLO, but really dont knock it until you have been around one thats been brought up right, they are the best dog I have ever owned I am 55yrs old. Stupid question do your home work. and also poodles and black labs bite just as much if not more. I was a mail carrier and was bite by other dogs I had a shepard mix charge and attack me knocked me to the ground and bite me 3 times that wasnt on the news.????
♥ ~Take A Chance~ ♥
2008-04-24 00:15:28 UTC
PLEASE understand that its an un-experienced owner. NOT THE BREED. Your a dog racist. If you really knew anything about dogs you would know that any dog has the potential to be violent espically if not raised correctly.. Im guessing you MISSED the article stating that more people get bitten each year by Golden Retrivers then any other breed! I still love goldens.

Also If your buying a pit bull from a byb (back yard breeder) what do you expect!

Like I said OVER AND OVER, people should have to fill out an application and have an in home interview before purchasing a dog

You are an other prime examle of not knowing a breed before you judge. Try Judging the owners first buddy, that will give you a better out look on the dog.. trust me.

ADD: Im not crazy, your just acting like any NIEVE person would. You CLEARLY know NOTHING about dogs. if you did then you would know some breeds are stronger then others obviously. Grow up and do some RESEARCH before you attack a specific breed that you know NOTHING about.

And in your profile you say your open minded.. please, give me a break, you want to be open minded but clearly your just another fool who belives anything they read.

ADD again : Im not aying that anyone should own a pitt bull, they require a lot of work (like any dog) as well as knowledge about the breed. A lot of people get them becuase they think they look cool and know nothing about them. That is why I think people should have to legally fill out a form and get approved for dogs. I have seen so many good dogs turn bad because of people who dont know how to train them. Pit bulls were bread to fit which is why only experienced owners should have them. they are hard to dominate and most peopl think that holding them down adn grabbing their necks is a good way, but in turn make them more agressive. The breed NEEDS experienced owners or they end up with a bad name, which is STUPID peoples fault. not the dogs
2008-04-24 00:26:17 UTC
Pit bulls do not have the strongest bite pressure or locking jaws

However, after researching the breed i've come to the conclusion that they need proper training and socialization at young ages and many don't get that, know matter how good of an owner they have.

That mixed with bad genetics from backyard breeds causes a lot of behaviral issues.

That's a movie about pit bulls that have saved their owners and countless other acts. they're not bad dogs.

I've heard about poms killing children, labs, gsd, etc

I've been attacked by mutts, shelties, and aussie shephards. Doesn't matter the breed any dog has the potential to be a danger, it just depends on the dog the individual.

This is like saying a race is bad, not one race is bad, but individuals are. Y'know?

If you watch the Dog Whisperer, he has a pit bull he uses a lot and the control and the calmness that dog has is amazing.
Red (UK)
2008-04-24 01:22:44 UTC
Pitbulls were bred to be bull agressive! then to be dog agressive. (when bull baiting was outlawed and dog fighting was the new fun sport) They have NEVER been bred to be people agressive.

Now they are often owned by macho idiots that train then to be mean, treat them badly and breed indiscriminately (can't neuter my macho bully!!) so the puppies get meaner due to stupidity.

A decent pitbull bred by a responsible breeder and owner by a kind and caring owner that trains it - is no more likely to bite than a terrier, a lab or a chihuahua - the damage they do when they bit is greater though - so their bites make the news and a hospital visit - most chi and yorkie bites go unreported.

In the Uk where they are banned (although we still have some!) we just hear about Rotties (the devil dog) if we ban those we'll get another breed in th eheadlines - the papers love a good 'horror story'.

From the News (to prove anydog can be a danger to kids) Dalmation given as a gift after the film 101 Dalmatians, savaged toddler.

Oh and PRECIOUS if photos prove it - check out this vicious dog

and this cute one (ear cropping can make any dog look mean)
anne b
2008-04-24 07:53:04 UTC
Okay, I don't even own a "pit bull" and I am disgusted with this whole question.

You need to go back to the drawing board and do a lot more research before you come on this forum and bash a category of dogs.

You do realize that there have been many reports done on dog bites by many different agencies. Not one of them gets the same data, so all of their research is flawed to begin with.

In addition, many dog bite investigations never determine the breed of dog, as there are tons of mixes out there.

The media adds to the frenzy by claiming that all dog attacks are pit related, even if they are not. They do have to sell papers, you know!

Then we have the bigoted and uninformed people who come on this forum and claim they have found "facts" that prove pits are dangerous and "demonic"? Come on! You are getting a little off the deep end with that one!

Furthermore, the "pit bull" isn't even a breed, so how you can claim that a study done on them is accurate is beyond me. The dogs that are identified as "pits" could be other breed mixes.

I have met three very dangerous dogs in my longer than yours life: a golden retriever, an old english sheepdog, and my own cattle dog.

Now lets talk about who is responsible for "pit" attacks. Yes, it is us. Humans. We can't lay the blame anywhere else, no matter what pathetic excuses we come up with (like demonic tendencies). So just like the lazy generations that have developed, we will use the dogs as scapegoats and put them all down, because we are too lazy to straighten up as a species and stop breeding aggressive dogs for our own macho egos. I am embarrassed to be a human on this planet when I read excuses like this.

Step up and take responsibility for our errors as humans and stop blaming the innocent dogs.
2008-04-24 00:36:26 UTC
i just read article that you linked and its kinda funny you didnt mention the dogs owner died!!! and he had the dog for only a month. if memeory servesme correct.i dont blame the owner or the dog. i feel for the baby and the parents guilt for bringing the dog in. however i dont think having owned four pits prior tey would have done it if they thought it was dangerous. now its a bad situation for everyone involved but promoting this article and the fear of dogs is perhaps how the panic of this breed gets started. what you dont say when you quote the biting average is that the dog fighting ring is 4x's more popular today than 20 yrs ago. i think that knowledge is great but fear and creating panic and showing that pic!is unexceptable. the family is suffering how many people will now treat their dogs differently because of fear. its scary and sad but i dont believe judging a dog by his breed. i believe that all dogs are prone to bite but its an animal and you cant ask the dog. my heart goes out to that baby again!!!
2008-04-24 01:25:49 UTC
Sounds like someone needs to get a life! Any kind of dog can attack at any given type, APBT just gets a bad rap. Before them Rottweilers and Dobermans were the main target of people trashing they're breeds. They are very strong dogs but not every single one will attack. It truly is how they are raised. I'm also taking it that you havn't been around a lot of APBTs?? And are you really gonna let an article make you hate a breed of dog?Thats pathetic! Its too bad people don't hear the good stories about pits, and yes there is MANY. Sorry you made a totall *** outta yourself buddy!!!!!
Jane B
2008-04-24 03:40:35 UTC
breeding pit bulls by people who have no idea how, or what to look for in a good breeding animal is out of control in some areas producing unstable dogs. it's been going on with every breed that's been popular.

I've seen it with Cocker spaniels, chows, german shepards, Rotties and dobies. Is banning them the answer? No, the people who are doing this will just move on to the next breed of choice.

For a "college educated professonal", I'm surprised at your so called research. It's based on incomplete and bias information, I'd think you'd want to do a bit more research before coming up with the conclusion you have. It comes off as lazy, and from a person with an ax to grind.

As a good professor once told me, you can have your opinion, just don't try and pass it off as fact unless you have something solid to back it up, and you failed miserably.
cecilia b
2008-04-24 00:25:08 UTC
it's not the pitbulls fault the are owners are who made them like that and I have to agree with miss cream if you got a pitbull from byb or a puppy mill than thats a different story, but if you buy from a true reputable breeder that has put time into training her dogs and you keep on training the puppy right you will not have any problems like all the ones that have been happening.
Lil'Bits Mom
2008-04-24 00:30:42 UTC
if a person chooses to own and love a pit that's their choice, but i also feel they should be held responsible if the dog does bite. the same as they would be responsible if they left a loaded gun on the table. kids and pits don't mix. as a parent you are an idiot if risk your child.heck i own a peke that can snappy and i won't let her out of her crate if there is company. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY don't just brush it off saying oh no not my dog.
2008-04-24 00:31:16 UTC
Anyone irresponsible enough to even leave a baby within reach of any breed of dog probably doesn't have a concept of proper training.

I can't believe you would quote any newspaper as fact. It's all sensationalism.

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently released a report that showed pit bulls were responsible for more dog bite-related attacks than any other breed during a 20-year period."

... That statistic only includes reported bites. Obviously, a bite from a pitbull is going to cause more serious damage (and get much more serious news coverage) than a dog bite inflicted by a chihuahua.

On that note, I was mauled by a pomeranian who had a very stupid owner. No news reporters came to get my story, lol.

If you really care about research, try looking for statistics and information from .orgs and scientific journals. Googling something doesn't make you educated on it. It just gives you a lot of opinions.

In my vast experience working with dogs, both in veterinary and as a professional dog groomer, I have never witnessed a single bite inflicted by a pitbull.. Never even once. And they are popular where I live, as well.

I have personally witnessed NUMEROUS bites inflicted (and attacks where people narrowly escaped damage) by cocker spaniels, laborador retrievers, pomeranians, mini pins, dachsunds, chow-chows, shihtzus, lhasa apsos, west highland white terriers, malteses, yorkshire terriers, wheaton terriers, and several other pure and mixed-breeds.

"Be sure to do you own search to see how safe these demonic animals are!"

That is just about the most ignorant thing I have read in a while. How are you going to seriously call a species of animal "demonic"? Way to humanize the animal, firstly. Do you think that the pitbull who bit that child did it because they were "pure evil"? The only animal that would harm anything else for fun is a human being. You'd do well to remember that, unless you get a kick out of spreading false information and propaganda for the sake of drama.

Canis familiaris is an old term, just so nobody gets on me about that part for what I'm about to say ;)

Pitbulls have been classified as canis lupus. So have shih-tzus. So have pomeranians. All dogs are the same species. Some need more handling than others, because of their size or temperament, but they are all different mutations of the same animal. They are just dogs. They are not "demonic".

Pitbulls aren't "only mean if you train them to be that way". That much IS true... But ANY dog isn't going to be safe around people if it is not properly socialized and trained. You can't just expect an untrained dog to always be safe. Animals aren't ever 100% predictable, because they don't have the same "culture" as we do.

You think pitbulls are demonic? I worked in a hospital that was in conjunction with a rescue, and I would like to tell you about one of several very lovely dogs I met. Her name was PB (peanut butter) and she was a large tan pitbull. She was beaten so badly she had broken bones, was so neglected that she lost all of her fur to mange... and every single time I came in to see that dog, she wagged her tail at me. Even as she was suffering at the hands of humans like me, this dog trusted me and was affectionate to me when I was giving her uncomfortable chemical dips for her mange mites. Lucky for her, one of my coworkers had the space for a dog, and the money for her needs. She lived her life out with my friend, was able to be completely socialized and learned to trust humans again.

Would you be so forgiving? Obviously not, because you are ready to "demonize" an entire group of animals, because you read a sensationalistic news report about a baby who got bitten by a pit. Personally, I know it's the parents' fault for leaving a baby near any dog. Do you think that their would be such big news if it were a chihuahua? Of course not... I know plenty of people who are stupid enough to keep small children near pets and they get bites all the time, but nobody reports that to anyone.

Statistically, when you leave a small child with any animal, the greater danger is posed toward the animal. Maybe we should just ban children, being as they are so dangerous 0_o;

Think, please.
2008-04-24 00:22:14 UTC
omgosh pit much to say....

1. the reason pit bulls are agrresive many people buy them to be a guard dog.and raise them to be agressive.

2.when u are afriad of a dog what does that do.makes the dog more donimate and makes them more aggresive twoared people buy pit bulls and are scared of them so the dog is aggresve tward them.

3.pit bulls are mis understood and because people dont take time to research and understand them they have to suffer from getting homes and being luved.

4.any dog you research there are many attack stories of that breed randomly attacking for no reason at all.even poms and chihuahas have killed babies by biting thier necks.when people think those dogs could not hurt a fly. =/

heres one story of a pom .

5.pit bulls when raised right in a happy healthy enviroment can be the most luving dogs ever.

6. i grew up with pit bulls and they are the most luving happy cuddly dogs i have ever had.

7 not one of them turned on me.i trusted them and they trusted me.

8. for every attack story there is 40 luving stories of a pit bull being so sweet and cuddly.

9. i had a multi poo that was more aggressive and bit me more then my pit bulls ever would,

so dont judge a animal befor u have a actual experience ...instead of listening to ur insurance company who says they are to dangerouse and bands them. =(

look at these pictures.

do these preciouse dogs look like they want to harm you?

this one was abused like many.when all he/she wanted was someone to luve him/her.

he/she was used for dog fighting.i almost cry everytime i se this pic. ='[



all that pup prob wanted was a good loving family when people always have to give them crap about how they are aggressive. ANY dog can be agressive.

read ceasers book.a prfessional dog trainer.he says same as m its how pit bulls are raised.not what breed they are.

so instead of you just searching for a pit bull attack story search a pomeranion,chihauhauh,german sheperd,search every dog breed there is there will be at least 30 attack do ALL your research befor judging.
2008-04-24 05:13:27 UTC
I had a pitt bull and i use to be like alot of people about pitts i use to think they are horrible dogs, but i got married and my husband loved them so we got one and she was the most loving dog and carinng dog inn the world...
2008-04-24 00:14:25 UTC
i love pits alot but that is true it will not stop me from getting anymore i have 13 pits right now and i have room for more but yes its very true im a pit owner and i agree

nikita p
2008-04-24 00:11:45 UTC
it is all how they r brought up man. if they have kids around them when they r puppys and stuff like that.
2008-04-24 00:10:26 UTC
People love pitbulls BECAUSE they are safe (for the owner....and not always!!)..ha ha....

Pitbulls are mean...its their nature, that's why they have the strongest jaw of all dogs!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.