Anyone irresponsible enough to even leave a baby within reach of any breed of dog probably doesn't have a concept of proper training.
I can't believe you would quote any newspaper as fact. It's all sensationalism.
"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently released a report that showed pit bulls were responsible for more dog bite-related attacks than any other breed during a 20-year period."
... That statistic only includes reported bites. Obviously, a bite from a pitbull is going to cause more serious damage (and get much more serious news coverage) than a dog bite inflicted by a chihuahua.
On that note, I was mauled by a pomeranian who had a very stupid owner. No news reporters came to get my story, lol.
If you really care about research, try looking for statistics and information from .orgs and scientific journals. Googling something doesn't make you educated on it. It just gives you a lot of opinions.
In my vast experience working with dogs, both in veterinary and as a professional dog groomer, I have never witnessed a single bite inflicted by a pitbull.. Never even once. And they are popular where I live, as well.
I have personally witnessed NUMEROUS bites inflicted (and attacks where people narrowly escaped damage) by cocker spaniels, laborador retrievers, pomeranians, mini pins, dachsunds, chow-chows, shihtzus, lhasa apsos, west highland white terriers, malteses, yorkshire terriers, wheaton terriers, and several other pure and mixed-breeds.
"Be sure to do you own search to see how safe these demonic animals are!"
That is just about the most ignorant thing I have read in a while. How are you going to seriously call a species of animal "demonic"? Way to humanize the animal, firstly. Do you think that the pitbull who bit that child did it because they were "pure evil"? The only animal that would harm anything else for fun is a human being. You'd do well to remember that, unless you get a kick out of spreading false information and propaganda for the sake of drama.
Canis familiaris is an old term, just so nobody gets on me about that part for what I'm about to say ;)
Pitbulls have been classified as canis lupus. So have shih-tzus. So have pomeranians. All dogs are the same species. Some need more handling than others, because of their size or temperament, but they are all different mutations of the same animal. They are just dogs. They are not "demonic".
Pitbulls aren't "only mean if you train them to be that way". That much IS true... But ANY dog isn't going to be safe around people if it is not properly socialized and trained. You can't just expect an untrained dog to always be safe. Animals aren't ever 100% predictable, because they don't have the same "culture" as we do.
You think pitbulls are demonic? I worked in a hospital that was in conjunction with a rescue, and I would like to tell you about one of several very lovely dogs I met. Her name was PB (peanut butter) and she was a large tan pitbull. She was beaten so badly she had broken bones, was so neglected that she lost all of her fur to mange... and every single time I came in to see that dog, she wagged her tail at me. Even as she was suffering at the hands of humans like me, this dog trusted me and was affectionate to me when I was giving her uncomfortable chemical dips for her mange mites. Lucky for her, one of my coworkers had the space for a dog, and the money for her needs. She lived her life out with my friend, was able to be completely socialized and learned to trust humans again.
Would you be so forgiving? Obviously not, because you are ready to "demonize" an entire group of animals, because you read a sensationalistic news report about a baby who got bitten by a pit. Personally, I know it's the parents' fault for leaving a baby near any dog. Do you think that their would be such big news if it were a chihuahua? Of course not... I know plenty of people who are stupid enough to keep small children near pets and they get bites all the time, but nobody reports that to anyone.
Statistically, when you leave a small child with any animal, the greater danger is posed toward the animal. Maybe we should just ban children, being as they are so dangerous 0_o;
Think, please.