Please don't buy a dog from Epupz.
BYB's and puppy farmers use this site, and other sites like it, to sell dogs/puppies. Don't believe anyone who tries to convince you otherwise. Reputable breeders do not need to use these sites and will often have a waiting list.
Please read the following extract from and visit their website
"Puppy farms are large-scale breeding premises. The aim of puppy farms is to make money, no matter the cost to the dogs, who are kept in cramped and cruel conditions. The puppies are sold through pet shops, internet and newspaper ads.
Puppy farms in the UK have been found to have as many as 150 breeding dogs, most kept locked inside 24 hours a day, often in complete darkness. They are usually located on farms in barns, disused chicken houses garages or any disused outbuilding. The dogs are forced to eat, sleep and give birth in the same area they urinate and defecate; something they would never do given the choice.
Dogs on puppy farms are often neglected; matted coats, infected eyes and ears and rotten teeth are just a few of the painful conditions the dog suffer. When breeding dogs become too old and exhausted to continue producing puppies they are killed or discarded. The puppies also often have behavioral and psychological problems, such as aggression and fearfulness, because they are not exposed to the outside world".
If you specifically want a lhasa apso, then it's worth googling their breed rescue organisation.
If you want to buy from breeder, please select a reputable breeder.
BYB's and puppy farmers who need to sell on sites like Epupz rely on the gullible and will tell you what you want to hear.
The advert you mention shows the breeder has been registered with them since 16/10/2007. So this epupz advertiser has been breeding dogs for financial gain for almost 4 years. It is a typical excuse "we were going to keep him but my other dog is not getting along with him". The truth is probably something quite different. If the intention was to keep the dog for breeding purposes perhaps this dog has not passed health tests. However, some unreputable breeders don't bother to health test their dogs prior to breeding. Maybe the dog was sold/reserved and the new owner changed their mind. Don't get sucked in. All the breeder cares about is getting the £500.
Surprised to see the personal contact details of advertiser has been published on yahoo by one of it's members. Isn't this a breach of privacy? Anyway if you google the mobile no. given you will see this breeder also sells bichon frise.