Time and patience. especially since you are trying to train two dogs at the same time. You would think that that would make it twice as difficult, but in reality it makes it bout 4 times as hard.
Just be patient and continue. You will get through this eventually.
EDIT: tried to answer your email, but it didn''t go through for some unknown reason. Here''s what I tried to send you;
Hi Kelly,
I have 14 dogs, 8 cats, 3 guinea hens, 2 peacocks, and a turkey. I surely know that it
can seem overwhelming at times. But you can get through this. I would just have to say
that you should give it more time and effort, if you can. Do you have someone that might
take one of your dogs off your hands for a while? That would help you to concentrate on
the other one.
Can you possibly afford to get two crates? Most dogs will not want to mess up their area
if they are confined to a small space. And, even if they do, it''s much easier to clean
afterwards. Craigslist usually has people selling crates fairly cheaply.
Sorry I can't be more help. But it''s not something that will change over night. I hope
you can make the best situation for yourself and your dogs.