Chihuahua Addict
2013-05-09 01:02:00 UTC
I have a 2 year old, 5 1/2 pound Chihuahua named Scooby. He was recently diagnosed with Generalized Demondetic Mange. He's been to the vet and is already under a vets care for this. He has spots covering his entire left side. The right side and the rest of his body have No Spots at all. None of my other Chihuahuas are showing any signs at all of having any kind of mange. Yesterday, I took him to the vet again, the vet did a second skin scraping, (the first skin scraping Scooby had done a few days ago, showed nothing but the second one showed Mites. Yesterday, the vet also gave him a Medicated Bath and some Cortisone for the swelling and the itching. Scooby became very drowsy and slept most of the day and through the night, only getting up to go to the bathroom in the backyard under my supervision and just started to come out of it earlier this afternoon. I was told that was normal for a dog to be drowsy and he's acting like his normal feisty self again now.Tomorrow (Thursday) morning, my vet wants me to bring Scooby in for a Dip, I think he is using a product called Mitaban (Amitraz) Dip. The vet told me that it's extremely Toxic but very effective and that because Scooby is so small, he cannot use it full strength and will Dilute the dip. He has to have 4 treatments, I believe the vet said around 2 weeks apart for each treatment. He said if I don't have this done, that it will spread throughout his entire body and he doesn't believe any other treatment other than this, will help Scooby get rid of the Demondetic Mange. I don't want to do. Is this Dip safe enough? I have a great vet who has helped my dogs in more ways than one and I trust him, but because this Dip is so powerful, I'm terrified that Scooby will not react to it well and that he may have future problems, that this Dip may cause. I'm probably being paranoid, but I'd rather be paranoid, than not concerned. Does anyone who has used or had experience with Mitaban (Amitrax) Dip, know of any other options for treatment to avoid the dip, that I can ask my vet about tomorrow? How did the dogs that you used this dip on react to it? I asked the vet what caused this and he told me, that he thinks it's probably due to the stress that Scooby has been going through in the last few months with the 2 knee surgeries he had done. He said that Stress can be a cause of his problem. I just want to do the best and safest thing for Scooby. He's been through a more than enough already. I really want to try my best to avoid putting him through anymore trauma. The thing that scares me, is the fact that I've never owned a dog with this problem, so I am not familiar with a dog having this problem, I've never had to have any dips or anything done to any of my dogs for this problem and the thought of putting something the vet himself says is extremely Toxic on Scooby, scares me half to death, because I'm worried about how he will react to it, any long term problems and the fact that this Dip is so strong, it can keep him somewhat immobile for 3 days. That to me sounds like very powerful stuff. The vet said it has the effect of a dog just beginning to come off an Anesthetic, but the effects can last as long as 3 days. I'm taking him in early in the morning and Scooby will stay at the vet for a few hours under observation to keep an eye on any bad reactions. I pick him up in the afternoon sometime. When I take him to the vet for this Dip in the morning I will talk to him before the Dip is done, express my concerns to him and see what he says. Scooby eats Halo Spot Stew Wholesome Chicken. He doesn't eat any table food. Scooby just had 2 surgeries done recently. He had Grade 4 Luxating Patella in both knees. He had his left knee surgically repaired in September of 2012 and he had his right knee surgically repaired on March 8, 2013. I have not ever had a dog in the 48 years of owning them, with any kind of skin problems or mange. None of my other Chihuahuas have any spots, just Scooby. None of my Chihuahuas have ever had a flea problem or any kind of skin condition. For those of you that work in a vets office or have had a dog that has been dipped for Mange in Mitaban(Amitraz) and have some knowledge of this Dip, please answer. Do you think it would be safe to let the vet do the Mitaban Dip (Diluted) on him tomorrow, or do you think I should talk to the vet again about a different, safer type of treatment? What would you do if you had a tiny dog with this problem? I just want him to feel better, to stay safe and get rid of the Mange and I will do whatever it takes to make that happen. Thanks!
This is Scooby!