2010-08-04 14:35:40 UTC
He specified the grooming as Bath, Brush, Nails.
He comes in to pick her up and she is shaved down to the skin, just a light layer of fur.
First of all Huskies should never be shaved.
Needless to say he was very unhappy and needless to say he had a few words with them. They swear up and down it was a mistake and the person who did the order was new. But they refuse to give a refund or anything. I don't care if the person was new, there is no excuse for this. It would be one thing maybe if she had a matted coat, but there were no mats in that coat.
I'm extremely upset that they would do that to my dog. Is there anything we can do? I figure at the least they owe him atleast a partial refund for this mess they caused.