Groomer shaved my Siberian Husky what the heck? What can we do? Will her coat grow back nice again?
2010-08-04 14:35:40 UTC
I have a beautiful Siberian Husky at my Dad's house. She has the most beautiful coat ever. Well he took her down to the groomer at the petstore (I won't say which one because its very popular) to get a bath, brush, and nail trim. Normally he baths and brushes her but she is a big baby when it comes to getting her nails trimmed so he just wanted them to do it all.

He specified the grooming as Bath, Brush, Nails.

He comes in to pick her up and she is shaved down to the skin, just a light layer of fur.

First of all Huskies should never be shaved.

Needless to say he was very unhappy and needless to say he had a few words with them. They swear up and down it was a mistake and the person who did the order was new. But they refuse to give a refund or anything. I don't care if the person was new, there is no excuse for this. It would be one thing maybe if she had a matted coat, but there were no mats in that coat.

I'm extremely upset that they would do that to my dog. Is there anything we can do? I figure at the least they owe him atleast a partial refund for this mess they caused.
Fifteen answers:
Rotten Rotts
2010-08-04 15:15:19 UTC
Ask for the store manager, if that does not work then ask for the district manager.

You should get a full refund don't settle for less. Explain that if the hair doesn't grow back properly then an attorney could be involved. Be polite but firm.
2010-08-04 14:46:20 UTC
Did your dad or you pay with a credit or debit card? If so, take it up with your credit agency or bank. I had a similar problem regarding a false charge to my debit card from a music website and they refused to refund me. When I entered a fraud complaint to Wells Fargo and then emailed said website to inform them I had done so they did a 180 and issued me "a rare exception to the no refund policy" and I had the money back in my account two days later. Sometimes you have to play hard ball.

Her coat should grow back just fine, though it may take several months to fully grow back out. In the mean time, have some stern words with the management of the company again and if they still refuse, call the police. They performed a service you did not ask, and as a grooming company they are well aware that they can potentially RUIN her coat that way. Frankly, I wouldn't trust a new guy who can't read an order form or follow instructions to not manage a hard shave that damages her hair follicles and prevents her coat from properly growing back.

If they still don't agree, consult with a lawyer, describe the situation, and ask where that fine line is between reporting bad business practices and slander/libel. Next, once you know how far you can go as far as naming their business and describing the situation, tell them you have done this much and you will be putting up posters and sending letters to the opinion page in your daily news paper. That will probably change their tune. The potential loss in business isn't worth the money they are stealing from you.

[Add] I somehow missed the part about it being a very popular groomer. If it's so very popular I'm assuming it's either a chain or part of a PetSmart store. If that's the case, pitch a fit to the store manager or regional manager.
2010-08-04 14:51:55 UTC
Her coat will grow back just fine. The only reason the coat wouldn't grow back is if they damaged the follicles, which a simple shave would not do. We used to shave one of our labs in the spring because he would get water stuck under his coat which would irritate his skin and cause a nasty purulent rash that we were worried about getting infected. The vet said it would be easiest if we just shaved him to allow that skin to dry out and heal, and since he was an outside dog that got regular trips to the creek to swim and train, it was easiest to dry shave him once in the spring. This worked very well for him, and his coat always came back just fine within a few weeks to a couple months.

Now, about that groomer. I would definitely go back and talk to the manager and firmly ask for a full refund. Don't get emotional and scream, but be firm and reasonable. If they are as good and popular as they are supposed to be, then they should realize the value of a happy customer and give at least a partial refund or store credit. If you have to, play the "I'm going to tell all my friends about this" card because they really messed up and should do some service recovery to make it right.
2016-04-13 06:01:40 UTC
Hi, I wanted to tell you about my experience with the CurvyBust cream. I’m 24 years old and I’ve spent pretty much my whole life wishing I had slightly larger breasts. I’m normally a size A, I’d love to be a size B, especially when I wear certain kinds of low cut tops. I have a good figure, and I like what I have, but every now and then I would like a little bit more. Even if I had the money, (which I don’t because I am a college student with loans to pay off), I would never consider going under the knife just to go up 1 cup size. So that’s been my dilemma. I found out about curvybust cream when I was flipping through (Yahoo Answers). To be honest with you, I’m not the type of girl who would consider spending money on a cream that promises to increase breast size. It just seems like an impossible thing to claim. But there were three reasons that I decided to go for it: 1) I contacted them via their website because I had a question about the cream being OK for sensitive skin (which it is, because it is made of natural botanical ingredients.) 2) I was really impressed by their customer service and willingness to explain everything to me. 3) They offered me a free 12 day supply with no obligation, (I just had to pay the shipping costs- I wasn’t too thrilled with that but it was still worth it to get the free product). Well, it’s actually working! There is a noticeable difference in the size of my breasts! It’s only been 10 days, and they say that the true final results won’t appear until about the 4-6 month time frame, but based on what I can see, (and what my boyfriend can feel…) there’s definitely a difference. My breasts are standing out more, and they are fuller and rounder. Sometimes I am able to go out without a bra, now I can’t. And I have a feeling that I might have to actually buy new bras if the growth continues. I’m looking forward to seeing how the next month goes. There might actually be a size B in my future! Woohoo!
2010-08-04 15:57:38 UTC
The coat will come back just fine, and maybe even better. As an assistant groomer, we have many heavily coated dogs come in that are so terribly matted underneath the outer coat that the only way we can bathe them is to shave them down. We always discuss this with the owner, and show them how bad the coat is before doing this and if they will not allow the shave we tell them to go elsewhere. So often owners of dogs that have a double coat think they are brushing correctly, but you need to get all the way through both layers of coat clear to the skin or the undercoat mats realy bad leaving us no alternative.
2010-08-04 14:44:48 UTC
They should give you at least a partial refund. I'd storm up there and demand it if they shaved my dog (she's also a double coated breed). I'm sure her coat will grow back, but it could take a few months. Meanwhile, keep her out of the sun when possible so she doesn't overheat and use sunblock when you have to go out.
Rayven ~ SCAdian girl
2010-08-04 14:39:59 UTC
If you can't go back today first thing in the morning call/go in and speak to the manager. With proper care and if she's on a good diet, her coat should come back in fine. Now would be the time to find a new groomer and/or learn how to do it yourself.

and yes there is no excuse for this to have been done OR for them to admit fault and refuse even partial refund.
2010-08-04 19:06:05 UTC
Partial refund? Full refund AND an apology! I would go speak with the manager. I wouldn't leave without a refund. Period, end of story. That's ridiculous- not only because it's not what you requested, but in this heat, it can be dangerous to shave a dog- it's like taking the radiator out of your car then driving in 90 degree heat.

My BFs mom, who is watching his (my) dog while we move did this to our dog. Shaved him- he looks ridiculous and I'm worried about him getting too hot in the sun.

I would certainly get the money back, no if ands or buts.
2010-08-04 14:47:33 UTC
If they admit it's a mistake, they need to refund you completely. No excuse for this. Call to speak to the manager. If you get no satisfaction, send them a certified letter stating your complaint, also saying a copy is also going to the Better Business Bureau in your area.

Sometimes people need a little push in the right direction to do the right thing. (But actually send the letter anyway to the BBB, that should be on file. Not so much about the shave as unfortunate as it is, but that they are refusing to make the situation right in any way.)

Let me guess, Petsmart or Petco?
2010-08-04 14:41:46 UTC
A popular pet store shaved my cat like a lion once even though I just wanted a bath and brush. I was really ticked off so I know where you are coming from. I freaked out at the groomer and the manager and they ended up refunding all my money. They even gave me free cat toys and free food, so they made it up to me. It took months for her hair to grow back, but it eventually did. She just looked funny for a while.
2010-08-04 14:41:40 UTC
Her coat will grow back, pretty quickly, actually. Don't worry about that.

Speak to their manager, and I have a feeling that this store is Petsmart.

But anyways, speak to the manager. If the manager doesn't do anything, or refuses the refund, speak to a higher person.

You can write a letter of complaint - believe it or not, many of these acually are read and answered.
2010-08-04 14:41:27 UTC
most places will not shave a husky unless it is matted, especially if he only paid for a bath/brush because that is alot of work for that kind of money. Chances are the coat will not grow in nice least not AS nice, this is one thing i alwasy caution people about when they want to shave a dog that is not meant to be will most likely ruin their coat...other then talking to the manager at the store (im assuming it was petco or petsmart and they do not want to loose money so they will usually work with you) there is not much else you can do...whats done is done.
2010-08-04 14:49:19 UTC
I am not a dog groomer BUT I have two huskies and we live where it is hot and have to shave them twice a year. Their coat grows back just as nice. It's just like hair when you get a hair cut. Our one girl actually has different markings in her fur when it grows back!! Sooo crazy. She was all white and the first time it grew back she had a cute black strip down her back. The second time a black strip down her tail. Too funny. Don't worry your dog will be just as gorgeous. I am suprised they shaved your dog because there is a big price difference between a bath and a major project. :)
2010-08-04 14:44:40 UTC
I had a retriever mix that the VET shaved. I worried about sun burn! the fur grew back before it got cold. you can complain to store manager. complain to corporate on line. never go back to the store
Chocolate Lemon
2010-08-04 14:47:15 UTC
o my goodness you should get a refund! they have to get you a refund if they did something you didnt ask for! dont let them take your money. That is ridiclious what a unfair shop

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.