Agro - aggravated, angry Male Jackaroo - male station hand Male
Arana - moon Female Jarrah - eucalyptus tree Male
Arvo - afternoon Male Jillaroo - female station hand Female
Aussie, Ozzie - Australian Female Joe Bloggs - Mr average citizen, John Doe Male
Barbie - barbecue Female Joey - baby kangkaroo Female
Barrack - root for, cheer Female Jumbuck - sheep Male
Billabong - Watering hole Male Kero - kerosene Male
Billy - metal can to boil tea over a fire Male Kiah - from the beautiful place Female
Biscuits - cookies Male Kit - A pack with your belongings Male
Bitzer - mongrel dog Male Lollies - Candy Female
Bizzo - business Male Mackers - McDonald's Male
Bloke - Man Male Mate - Friend Male
Blue - fight Male Matilda - Sleeping bag or roll Female
Bluey - blue Cattle dog Male Middy - 285 ml. beer glass Female
Bonzer - great Male Mozzie - Mosquito Female
Boomer - large male kangkaroo Male Nasho - National Service Male
Brizzie - Brisbane Male Nong - Idiot Male
Bundy - brand of rum Male Oz - Australia Female
Chewie - chewing gum Male Pash - long, passionate kiss Male
Chook - Chicken Male Pom, Pommy - Englishman Male
Chookie - chocolate Male Postie - postman Male
Chrissie - Christmas Female Prezzies - Presents Male
Cooee - long way off Female Ridgy-didge - genuine Male
Corroboree - Aborginal dance festival Male Rollie - homemade cigarette Male
Dag - Amusingly uncoordinated Male Roo - kangaroo Male
Dag - funny person Female Sheila - woman Female
Daks - Underpants Male Shonky - questionable deal Male
Didgeridoo - Aboriginal wind instrument Male Sooky - soft, tame Male
Digger - Australian soldier Male Squizz - look Male
Dilly bag - Small food bag or carry bag Male Stickybeak - Nosy person Male
Dinki-di - Something good from Australia Male Stubby - beer bottle Male
Dux - top of the class Male Swag - canvas bag for your belongings Male
Fair dinkum - Someone or something genuine Male Talia - near water Female
Fairy Floss - Cotton candy Male Tucker - food Male
Fred Nerk - Someone imaginary Male Ute - utility vehicle, pickup truck Male
Freo - Fremantle Male Vejjo - vegetarian Male
Happy as Larry - Very happy Male Woop Woop - long way from civilisation Male
Hooroo - goodbye Male Yobbo - redneck
Aaron shining light, high mountain, messenger
Adam earth, created by God
Adrian of the Adriatic
Aidan help, little fire
Alexander protector of mankind
Andrew manly, valiant, courageous
Angel heavenly messenger
Anthony priceless, flourishing, flower
Antonio priceless, flourishing, flower
Ashton east town in old English
Austin strong leader, trustworthy
Benjamin son of my right hand
Blake fair-haired, pallid
Brady from Bradley, broad meadow
Brandon fiery hill, sword
Brayden brave, broad
Brendan little raven
Brian strong
Bryce son of Rice, swift, quick-moving
Caden son of Cadan
Caleb bold, dog
Cameron bent nose
Carlos manly, strong
Carson son of Carr
Carter cart driver
Charles manly, strong
Charlie manly, strong
Chase hunter
Christian anointed, follows Christ
Christopher Christ-bearer
Cody assistant, a cushion, possessions
Cole coal, victory of the people
Colin youth, child, victor
Connor desire, wise aid, wolf-lover
Cooper cask, barrel maker
Daniel my judge is the Lord
David beloved one
Devin poet
Diego the supplanter
Dominic of the lord
Dylan sea god, son of the waves
Elijah Jehovah is god
Eric ever-powerful
Ethan strong, firm, constant
Evan young warrior, well-born
Gabriel God is my strength
Garrett gentle, enclosure; watchful
Gavin white hawk
Henry ruler of the home
Hunter hunter
Ian Modern Scottish form of John
Isaac he will laugh
Isaiah salvation of the Lord
Jack Derived from Jackin
Jackson son of Jack
Jacob held by the heel
Jaden from jade, precious stone
James supplanter
Jason healer
Jeremiah exalted of the Lord
Jesse wealthy
John God is merciful
Jonathan God gives
Jordan to descend, to flow
Jose God will increase
Joseph God will increase
Joshua Jehovah saves
Juan God is merciful
Julian youthful
Justin just, true
Kevin name of a river; from the narrow river
Kyle handsome, near the chapel, narrow, channel, strait
Landon long hill
Liam unwavering protector
Logan little hollow
Lucas bringer of light
Luis famed warrior
Luke bringer of light
Mason stoneworker
Matthew gift of God
Max the greatest
Michael who is like God
Miguel who is like God
Nathan gift of God
Nathaniel gift of God
Nicholas victorious people
Noah comfort, wanderer
Owen well born, warrior
Parker cultivated land
Patrick noble one
Richard powerful ruler, brave one
Riley valiant
Robert bright, famous
Ryan little king
Sam to hear
Samuel his name is God
Sean God's grace
Sebastian revered one
Seth appointed one
Steven crown
Thomas twin
Timothy honouring God
Trevor cautious
Tristan labourer, noisy one
Tyler tiler, roofer
Victor victor
Will valiant protector
William valiant protector
Wyatt little warrior, water
Xavier bright, new house
Zachary God remembers, renowned by God
Aaliyah high exalted, to ascend
Abby head of a monastery
Abigail a father's joy, head of a monastery
Alexa defender of mankind
Alexandra defender of mankind
Alexis defender of mankind
Alicia the truthful one
Allison light of the sun
Alyssa rational, logical
Amanda worthy of love, precious thing
Amber the symbol of courage, precious gemstone
Amelia work of the Lord, beloved, flatterer
Andrea courageous, feminine form of manly
Angelina Little angel
Anna grace, favour
Ariana very holy one
Arianna very holy one
Ashley ash tree
Ashlyn Combination of Ashley and the popular name suffix lyn
Audrey noble strength
Autumn name of the season
Ava Variant of Eve
Avery ruler of the elves
Bailey bailiff
Brianna Feminine form of Brian,meaning high, noble, strong
Brooke one who lived near a brook, stream
Brooklyn Combination of Brook and the popular name suffix lyn
Caroline strong, melody, song
Charlotte petite and feminine
Chloe blooming
Claire bright, shining, clear
Danielle my judge is the Lord
Destiny fate
Elizabeth God's oath
Ella beautiful fairy woman
Ellie light, mercy, variant of Eleanor
Emily industrious, eager
Emma whole, universal, all-embracing
Erin peace, western island
Evelyn lively, pleasant
Faith trust, faith
Gabriella God is my strength
Gabrielle God is my strength
Gianna god is gracious
Grace grace, blessing
Gracie grace, blessing
Hailey hero
Haley hero
Hannah grace of God
Isabel consecrated to God
Isabella consecrated to God
Jada wise
Jasmine gift from God, flower
Jayden variant of jade, green gemstone
Jenna white spirit, white cheeked, white wave
Jennifer white spirit, white cheeked, white wave
Jessica God's grace
Jocelyn happy, joyful
Jordan descendant, flowing down
Julia youthful, downy-haired, gentle, soft haired
Kaitlyn little darling
Kate from Katherine, pure
Katelyn pure
Katherine pure
Katie pure
Kayla crown of laurels
Kaylee bright, beautiful
Kendall ruler of the valley
Kennedy armoured head, misshapen head, helmeted chief
Kimberly land belonging to Cyneburg, royal fortress
Kylie boomerang
Lauren laurel leaves, fame, spirit, honour
Leah weary
Lillian Derived from latin lilium meaning lily
Lily Derived from latin lilium meaning lily
Mackenzie son of the wise leader
Madeline woman from Magdala, one who is elevated
Madison son of a mighty warrior, son of Maud
Makayla Variant of Michaela
Maria bitter
Marissa of the sea
Mary bitter
Maya divine creative force in everything
Megan mighty, strong able, pearl
Melanie dressed in black, dark
Melissa bee, honey
Mia mine
Michelle like God
Molly bitter
Morgan white sea, bright, dweller by the sea
Natalie birthday, child born at Christmas
Nicole victorious people
Olivia kind one, olive tree, peace
Paige young attendant
Peyton warrior's estate
Rachel little lamb, an ewe, one with purity
Reagan little king
Rebecca bound, tied
Riley valiant
Samantha listens well
Sarah princess
Savannah from the open plain
Shelby sheltered town
Sierra saw-tooth mountain range
Sophie wisdom
Stephanie crown
Sydney from city of St. Denis
Taylor Tailor
Trinity the holy three
Victoria victory
Zoe life Anastasia - famous Russian princess Female Nastassia - birthday Female
Annick - Gracious Female Nathasa Female
Arkadiy - Bold Male Nika - born on Sunday Female
Babushka - grandmother Female Oksana - glory be to God Female
Baikal - lake in Siberia Male Olga - holy Female
Bohdana - from god Male Raisa - rose Female
Bolshoi - Russian ballet Female Rasputin - Russian mystic Male
Boris - fight, battler Male Sacha - helper and defender of mankind Male
Cyzarine - royalty Male Sasha - form of Alexander Male
Elbrus -
mountain in southwestern Russia Male Sashenka -
defender and helper of mankind Female
Fayina - free one Female Sezja - protector Male
Fjodor Male Sonia - wisdom Female
Galina - light Female Stasia - resurrection Female
Gasha - good Female Svetlana - star Female
Gavrie - man of God Male Tanya - fairy princess Female
Ilya - From Elijah Male Troika - group of three Male
Irina Female Vadim Male
Ivan - God is gracious Male Vania - God's gift Female
Jelena - shining light Female Vanya - gracious gift of God Female
Karelia - republic of Russia Female Vassily - great protector Male
Kiev - capital of the Ukraine Male Vladilen Male
Kisa - kitty Female Volga - Russian river Male
Kiska - pure Female Yakov - the supplanter, held by the heel Male
Kremlin - former seat of government Male Yerik - appointed by God Male
Ladoga - Russian lake Male Yeva - live-giving Female
Larissa - name of a city, mythical woman; cheerful one Female Zasha - people's defender Female
Marina - sea maiden Female Zilya - harvester Male
Nadie - form of Nadia Female
Red Legs" Greaves Scottish-Irish pirate
Allison, Robert English pirate
Anne Bonney (Anne Cormac) Irish Female pirate
Ansell, John English pirate
Anstis, Thomas English pirate
Archembeau (Archembo), Captain French pirate
Archer, John Rose English pirate
Auger, John English pirate
Axe, Samuel English pirate
Aylett, Captain English pirate
Bamfield, John English pirate
Barbarossa Brothers (Aruj and Khayrad'din) Greek/Turkish pirates
Barnes, Captain English pirate
Bartolomeo (el Portugués) Portuguese pirate
Bellamy, Charles English pirate
Bellamy, Samuel English pirate
Benito de Soto Portuguese pirate
Black Bart (Bartholomew Roberts) Welsh pirate
Black Beard (Edward Drummond - Teach or Thatch) English pirate
Black Bellamy (Samuel Bellamy) English pirate
Black Caesar African pirate
Blanc, Captain French pirate
Blauvelt (Blewfield), Abraham Dutch pirate
Blout, Captain French pirate
Bonnet, Stede English pirate
Bonney, Anne English pirate
Bournano, Captain French pirate
Bradley, Joseph English pirate
Bran (Brand), Captain English pirate
Brasiliano, Roche Dutch pirate
Brewster, Adam English pirate
Browne, James Scottish pirate
Bull, Dixey English pirate
Bunce, Phineas English pirate
Burgess, Samuel English pirate
Butler, Nathaniel English pirate
Calico Jack (Jack Rackham) English pirate
Camock, Sussex English pirate
Captain Benjamin Hornigold English pirate
Captain Charles Vane English pirate
Captain Christopher Mings English pirate
Captain Edward England English pirate
Captain Enrique Brower Dutch pirate
Captain George Booth English pirate
Captain George Lowther English pirate
Captain Henry Every (Avery) English pirate
Captain Jack Rackam English pirate
Captain Jackman English pirate
Captain James Kelley English pirate
Captain Jan de Bouff Dutch pirate
Captain John Bowen English pirate
Captain John Calles (Callis) English pirate
Captain John Morris English pirate
Captain John Nutt English pirate
Captain John Ward (Yussuf Rais) English pirate
Captain Lawrence Prince Dutch pirate
Captain Manuel Pardel Rivero Portuguese pirate
Captain Nathaniel Butler English pirate
Captain Peter Easton English pirate
Captain Richard Worley English pirate
Captain Simon Simonson - der Tantzer (the Dancer) Dutch pirate
Captain Thomas Anstis English pirate
Captain Thomas Paine English pirate
Captain Thomas Tew English pirate
Captain Tobias Bridge English pirate
Captain William Kidd Scottish pirate
Clarke, Thomas English pirate
Cocklyn, Thomas English pirate
Collier, Edward English pirate
Condent (Congdon, Conden), Edmund English pirate
Cook (Cooke), Edmund English pirate
Cook, John English pirate
Cottuy, Captain French pirate
Count Maurycy Beniowski (Baron Maurice de Benyowski) Polish pirate
Coxon, John English pirate
Cromwell, Thomas English pirate
Culliford, Robert English pirate
Cunningham, William English pirate
Dampier, William English pirate
Daniel, Captain French pirate
David Marteen Dutch pirate
Davis, Edward English pirate
Davis, Howell English pirate
Davis, John English pirate
De L'Isle, Captain French pirate
Deane, John English pirate
Delander, Robert English pirate
Dempster, Edward English pirate
Desmarais, Captain French pirate
Diabolitio [Little Devil] Cuban pirate
Dobson, Richard English pirate
Doglar, Jean French pirate
Duchesne, Captain French pirate
Dudley, Sir Robert English pirate
Elfrith, Daniel English pirate
England, Edward English pirate
Essex, Cornelius English pirate
Evans, John English pirate
Everson, Jacob Dutch pirate
Every, Henry (Long Ben) English pirate
Fenn, John English pirate
Fly, William English pirate
François le Clerc - Jambe de Bois (Peg Leg or Wooden Leg) French pirate
François, Pierre French pirate
Freeman, Captain English pirate
Gow, John (John Smith) English pirate
Grace O'Malley Irish pirate
Graff, Laurens De Dutch pirate
Grammont, Michel De French pirate
Grillo, Diego (El Mulato) African-Spanish
Hamlin, Jean French pirate
Hands, Israel English pirate
Harris, Charles English pirate
Harris, Peter English pirate
Hatsell, Captain English pirate
Hawkins, Sir Richard English pirate
Henriques the Englishman (Henry Johnson) Irish pirate
Herriot, David English pirate
Hoorn, Jan Janszoon van Dutch pirate
Hornigold, Benjamin English pirate
Howard, Thomas English pirate
Howell Davis Welsh pirate
Jackman, Captain English pirate
Jackson, William English pirate
Jennings, Henry English pirate
Jol, Cornelis Corneliszoon Dutch pirate
Kelly, James English pirate
Kennedy, Walter English pirate
Kidd, William Scottish pirate
La Bouche, Olivier French pirate
La Sage, Captain French pirate
La Veven (La Vivion), Captain French pirate
Lagarde, Captain French pirate
Le Basque, Michel French pirate
Le Grand, Pierre French pirate
Le Pain, Peter French pirate
Le Picard, Captain French pirate
Le Picard, Pierre French pirate
Le Vasseur, Jean French pirate
Lescuyer, Captain French pirate
Lessone, Captain French pirate
Lewis, Captain English pirate
Lewis, William English pirate
L'Olonnais, François (Jean David Nau) French pirate
Loncq, Hendrick Corneliszoon Dutch pirate
Low, Edward English pirate
Lowther, George English pirate
Lucas, John Dutch pirate
Lucifer, Hendrick Jacobszoon Dutch pirate
Macary, Captain French pirate
Mackett (Maggot), Thomas English pirate
Mansfield (Mansvelt), Edward Dutch pirate
Marteen, David Dutch pirate
Martel, John English pirate
Mary Read English Female pirate
May (Mues, Mace, Maze, Mason), William English pirate
McCarthy, Dennis Irish pirate
Middleton, David English pirate
Misson, Captain English pirate
Morgan, Edward English pirate
Morgan, Sir Henry English pirate
Morris, John English pirate
Neckere, Jonathan de Dutch pirate
Newport, Christopher English pirate
Norman, Richard English pirate
Oliver le Bouché - La Bous or La Buse (The Buzzard) French pirate
Pain, Thomas English pirate
Parker, William English pirate
Pays, Captain French pirate
Pell, Ignatius English pirate
Pennant, Jeffery English pirate
Phillips, John English pirate
Phillips, William English pirate
Pierre, Captain French pirate
Portugues, Bartholomew Portuguese pirate
Prince, Lawrence Dutch pirate
Quelch, John American pirate
Rackham, John (Calico Jack) English pirate
Reade, Mary English pirate
Redbeard (Barbarossa) Greek/Turkish pirate
Ringrose, Basil English pirate
Rivero Pardal, Manoel Portuguese pirate
Roberto Cofresí( Roberto Cofresí y Ramírez de Arellano) Puerto Rican pirate
Roberts, Bartholomew English pirate
Roche Brasiliano Dutch pirate
Rogers, Woodes English pirate
Rose, Jean French pirate
Rounsivil, George English pirate
Rous, William English pirate
Ruyters, Dierick Dutch pirate
Sales, Captain French pirate
Salter, Thomas English pirate
Sawkins, Richard English pirate
Schouten, Pirter Dutch pirate
Sharp, Bartholomew English pirate
Sir Henry Morgan Welsh pirate
Skyrme, James English pirate
Speirdyke, Bernard Claesen Dutch pirate
Spriggs, Francis English pirate
Stede Bonnet American "Gentleman" pirate
Stedman, Captain English pirate
Swan, Charles English pirate
Teach, Edward (Blackbeard) English pirate
Tew, Thomas English pirate
Tristian, Captain French pirate
van Horn, Nicholas Dutch pirate
Vane, Charles English pirate
Wafer, Lionel English pirate
Walden, John English pirate
Watling, John English pirate
Whetstone, Sir Thomas English pirate
Wijn (Klijn), Moise van Dutch pirate
William Dampier English pirate
Williams, Maurice English pirate
Williams, Paul English pirate
Winter, Christopher English pirate
Wright, Captain English pirate
Yanky, Captain Dutch pirate
Yeats, Captain English pirate