Anyone afraid to give a real correction... has never really trained their dog.
I say this all the time and get TDs out the whazoo... but, I will say it again.
There is NOTHING wrong with physical or immediate corrections. I use them, and they work. They work WELL. I own Pits. I do not have time to sit around and beg my dog to listen while he sits there and gets fat off of treats. I need my dogs to listen and to listen t instant I give a command... and I ensure that with an immediate correction. I do not wait until they decide to listen and them flood them with treats. They obey on MY terms or they are corrected for it and corrected until they have complied with my demands.
I want a dog that obeys when I tell it something.. I don't want a fat dog that disobeys because it knows it will recieve a snack if it corrects itself. THAT is called a dog outsmarting a human... and that just isnt right.
Lets use an every day case with all breeds: Jumping on people. Everyone sais to ignore the dog and it will stop jumping on you. NO. Odds are, it will continue to jump even after you turn around and it will keep jumping until you either remove the dog, or give an immediate correction. Now, is it not the goal to allow your dog to be present when people arrive to your home...?? If you take the dog away when it jumps... you are teaching it NOTHING. Only that when people come over.. he gets put up. Now, correct the jumping when it happens... THAT shows the dog the behavior is not acceptable and every time it happens... something he severly dislikes will happen.
I choose to use the knee to the chest, or the pinch collar. I find jerking the pinch when the dogs front feet come off the ground works wonders. And I usually only have to do this a few times. Needless to say, my dogs do not jump on people. And THAT is because of an immediate correction of the problem.
Lets take a breed specific issue (Pits): Yes, my dogs have gotten into fights. I quickly learned to how put a STOP to this. Not by separating them, but by making damn sure they would rather ignore each other than have happen to them what will if they choose to fight.. with a correction. Whether it need be a sever leash pop for making aggressive body language, an e-collar, or.. if they get into it... using any means necessary to get their attention. And I have knocked the holy hell out of them with tree limbs and various other objects.
And yes, I have smacked my dogs with my own hand before. And guess what... they have NEVER showed any aggression towards me or people, never snapped at me, never cower from me. Why? Because they know that they only recieve these corrections when they act on certain behaviors.
Obedience and compliance are not requested in my home, they are DEMANDED.
And guess what... my dogs still happily greet me at the door.
*** Head collars? Never used them. I prefer the choke or prong collars.