My dog is a beagle/greyhound mix who is 4 years old. She is obsessed with drinking water. She will drink and drink and drink it until she burps it up. It can be from her water bowl, toilet, Christmas tree, puddles outside, … anything, even if I just watered a plant outside she will try to drink out of the planter! Most of the time it is just water she burps up, but occasionally it looks like vomit. She has been obsessed with drinking water since I got her when she was 6 months old. I used to be able to control her drinking a lot better and she would stop when I would tell her to, but now she is so obsessed that I have to pour a little water at a time into her bowl. For a while I was putting a tablespoon of apple cidar vinegar in her water bowl and that seems to help (I started that because I read it would help with pee killing the grass and it ended up doubling as helping with the water issue). Is there anything that I can do to try and break her of this??? She was at the vet back in Sept, but I did not actually speak with them. She had her check up and shots when I dropped her off to be boarded for the weekend. If she had some medical issue would they have caught it then or is there some sort test that has to be requested to be done for a problem like this? Thanks!