The Breed standard:
"General Appearance
Strongly built, muscular, well balanced and active with a keen, determined and intelligent expression.
Courageous, full of spirit, with a fun loving attitude. A unique feature is a downfaced, egg-shaped head. Irrespective of size dogs should look masculine and bitches feminine.
Of even temperament and amenable to discipline. Although obstinate is particularly good with people."
From the Bull Terrier Club:
"A Bull Terrier should be good natured, loving to all humans, tolerant of abuse to a point of stupidity, and although never completely trustworthy with other animals, should be of a fairly even disposition towards them.
Bull Terriers are a rambunctious breed so they must learn that they are the bottom of the family pecking-order. Kindness and love should be tempered with discipline and control. There should be no need to go through early ownership of a Bull Terrier with an iron fist, most will respond to a disapproving word, a tap on the table or the rattle of a newspaper."
From Bull Terrier Welfare:
By selective breeding most of the old fighting spirit has now been bred out although serious thought and consideration must be given to this point. Although exceptionally good with adults and children of all ages, the Bull Terrier should not be completely trusted with other animals and situations that could lead to trouble should be avoided"
Yep, definitely, the most dangerous dog on the planet|:
Number 1 Clown dog.