would you agree that this is the most dangerous breed of dog?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
would you agree that this is the most dangerous breed of dog?
39 answers:
Highbread Dingbat
2010-03-13 05:05:02 UTC
Oh yeah, totally dangerous. Just look at how menacing this dog is
2010-03-13 05:05:49 UTC
.....I think humans are the most dangerous things a dog can encounter.

The human race wouldn't make or create something that could endanger their lives, these dogs are breed to be human friendly and no dog is bred to be aggressive.

All dogs bite...especially Chihuahua's...
2010-03-13 05:05:23 UTC
you have no idea what you are talking about.

i have had 2 and both were lovely dogs.

trouble is when idiots aquire them as trophy dogs and dont bother to train them.

i was bitten as an 8 year old by a labrador who wasnt trained you said, cant tar them with the same brush.

your attitude really winds me up because you have obviously never been near a dog similar to these beautiful creatures.
Rogue Bullies
2010-03-13 09:59:03 UTC
Your questions was really cracking me up as I was reading it. Oh and that picture you put up is a MINI bull terrier and is probably about 20 pounds. That huge dog is gonna kill someone LMAO!

I have no idea where you got this idea at. These dogs are wonderful family dogs. I own them along with a lot of people I know on here that even have family's and they are great! These dogs are very loving and clown like. They are so silly and will make you laugh all day! Human aggression is NOT a trait in the breed and has been bred out as so. They can however be animal aggressive if not trained and socialized right. Which MOST dogs are.

Bullies are just like any other dog. There are good examples of the breed and bad ones. They do need a firm owner who knows how to handle a bully breed as such, but they are no where dangerous! The dogs breed doesn't make it dangerous bad genetics/owners do. That goes for ANY dog. Bull terriers like the other bull and terrier breeds are not suppose to be human aggressive it was bred out as they worked very closely with humans in very intense and stressful situations.

Have you even met a bull terrier before? Was it a good example of the breed?

This is from the bull terrier breed standard. This is written as what the dog is suppose to be!

"Playful and clownish, the Bull Terrier is best described as a three year-old child in a dog suit. Given his muscular build, the Bull Terrier can appear unapproachable, but he is an exceedingly friendly dog, with a sweet and fun-loving disposition and popular in the obedience, agility and show rings. The Bull Terrier can be all white (markings on the head are permissible) or colored."

Hummm doesn't say dangerous. 3 year old in a dog suite is dangerous? Playful clownish behavior is dangerous? Exceedinly friendly?

They are real killers right? Not!

I have never even heard of one bull terrier attack in my life nor an aggression one.

EDIT: What are you talking about??? No one said they leave their children with their dog alone and no I wouldn't do that with ANY dog no matter what breed. The point is there isn't "a most dangerous dog" Its the owners and they way it was bred. That goes for ANY dog no matter what breed. Bull terriers are very human loving and I have never heard of a dangerous one or an attack by one. And the fact that the breed standard of the bull terrier says right on it "exceedinly friendly" makes your question just ridiculous.
2010-03-13 08:52:43 UTC
Educate yourself.

Bull Terriers were bred for Bull baiting (maybe that's what you're doing) not for attacking people.

There is a vast difference between aggression towards animals and aggression towards people.

No such thing as the most dangerous breed.

By the way, the correct name is Bull Terrier.
Cassie-Dane & Bully Breed lover
2010-03-13 08:33:58 UTC

thats a miniature bull terrier

and no, they are not the most dangerous breed of dog, they are wonderful dogs
2010-03-13 05:11:23 UTC
I honestly thought that they were nothig but clowns, I have never heard anything negative about them.
2010-03-13 05:47:52 UTC
I quote "most irresponsible people on the planet!!!"

What a load of bull! (no pun intended.) I'm sorry, but England Bull Terriers are not the most dangerous dog breed at all. In fact, there is no breed of dog that can be classed as the most dangerous, for there are bad cookies in every breed. You are right when you say it is the owner, but this is ALL THE TIME not a lot of the time. If a dog is treated well from birth, and loved and cared for as a dog, there is no possible way it can turn nasty. If a dog is a rescue, and no one is sure about where it has come from, and how it has been brought up, of course there is a chance it can turn on someone (not saying all rescue dogs are like this, and not trying to put anyone off of rescuing), but i think everything else you have said is just a load of crap, basically.

I would have no hesitation adopting an english bull terrier. They are gorgeous creatures, and are usually wonderful with children. The only exceptions are dogs that have not been brought up by the right owners, in the right kind of home. As the first answerer proved with the picture, how can you not love that beautiful, laid-back attitude?

Disagree if you may, but this is the truth. People like you are the ones who are giving all these sort of breeds a bad rep, and you just need to shut your mouth, no offence.
Teeah Cheeky Pup
2010-03-13 05:20:25 UTC
I have to agree with you there,

look at how scary this one is, when i saw this picture it stroked fear into my heart....!
2010-03-13 05:05:32 UTC
Over the last 10 years working as a nurse I have come across 4 serious dog attacks that have required surgery. 3 of the four attacks were committed by golden labrador retrievers. I'm not for a moment suggesting that labradors are innately dangerous dogs, but I think it raises the point that all dogs have the potential to turn on humans, whether it be for medical reasons (brain tumours affecting personality traits) or their upbringing.
Erica - }x{R.I.P. Baby Butterfly}x{
2010-03-13 07:28:14 UTC
Time for me to jump back up on my soap box.

There is no one certain DANGEROUS BREED. And NO dog will bite or attack for absolutley no reason, unless there is a medical condition (i.e. brain tumors, etc...) behind the attack. No healthy dog will ever bite for no reason, and I have yet to see an attack happen without some type of warning, as subtle as it may be, regardless of size or breed. There are POWERFUL breeds, that, if acquired by the wrong people, are dangerous. There are dangerous individual dogs that generally have irresponsible owners that don't deserve to own ANY dog, let alone a powerful breed.

That being said, no, I don't agree the EBT's are the most dangerous breed of dog. Like the American Pit Bull Terrier, the EBT has a horrible reputation because people either A.) Want to get these dogs for ALL the wrong reasons and don't bother to train or socialize them, B.) Get these dogs thinking they're cute, etc... and end up jumping in head first to a dog they hadn't expected, they get frustrated, and they give up altogether on the dog, or C.) They get an owner that sees them as a smaller dog, therefore thinks they don't NEED any training. You also have the opposite people that train them to be attack dogs, etc...

The EBT, as with most bully breeds, was not bred for HUMAN aggression. It was originally bred for animal aggression, NOT human aggression and there is a HUGE difference. We as people have either exploited this for our own benefit, have corupted it into human aggression, or lack the understanding required to harness this aggression and create a well balanced dog. It's human nature to take something and make it what we want, and that's not always a good thing. I personally don't think there's ANY dangerous dog breed. The most dangerous thing is, more often then not, the animal holding the leash.
2010-03-16 22:03:07 UTC
Just have to say, Only if you have owned a bully breed can you understand just how wrong the public is about these wonderful dogs. These dogs where bred for bring down unruly bulls in the fields. Not to attack and kill. That behavior is taught to them by people. I know you where not speaking of all bully breeds but, there all very much the same when it comes down to whether they are raised right. I myself have a Am Staff Terrier as a service dog. Bubba goes every where with me and is loved by all the people who see him at places like heb, the mall. Petie from Little Rascals was a bully.
2010-03-14 07:09:50 UTC
The Breed standard:

"General Appearance

Strongly built, muscular, well balanced and active with a keen, determined and intelligent expression.


Courageous, full of spirit, with a fun loving attitude. A unique feature is a downfaced, egg-shaped head. Irrespective of size dogs should look masculine and bitches feminine.


Of even temperament and amenable to discipline. Although obstinate is particularly good with people."

From the Bull Terrier Club:

"A Bull Terrier should be good natured, loving to all humans, tolerant of abuse to a point of stupidity, and although never completely trustworthy with other animals, should be of a fairly even disposition towards them.

Bull Terriers are a rambunctious breed so they must learn that they are the bottom of the family pecking-order. Kindness and love should be tempered with discipline and control. There should be no need to go through early ownership of a Bull Terrier with an iron fist, most will respond to a disapproving word, a tap on the table or the rattle of a newspaper."

From Bull Terrier Welfare:

By selective breeding most of the old fighting spirit has now been bred out although serious thought and consideration must be given to this point. Although exceptionally good with adults and children of all ages, the Bull Terrier should not be completely trusted with other animals and situations that could lead to trouble should be avoided"

Yep, definitely, the most dangerous dog on the planet|:

Number 1 Clown dog.
Peter Griffin
2010-03-15 05:11:35 UTC
Haha bull terrier..not at all..... Not if you know your way around Molosser breeds.

Have you ever heard of a Bully Kutta? Its a pakistani Mastiff solely bred and created for fighting.

This is from

"While very intelligent and noble, this is an extremely aggressive breed, said to be virtually untrainable and handled only by the most experienced fighting enthusiasts. However, with proper socialization and appropriate training, the Bully Kutta can make an amenable companion for responsible and knowledgeable owners."

Just take a look at this "beast from the east" and then try to seriously tell me you think a Bull Terrier is more dangerous.
2010-03-13 11:54:57 UTC
Spoken just like a person who's never actually met a dog of this breed.

I've been working with dogs in jobs such as kennels, vet clinics, and training centers for over 12 years now. The places I have worked put me in a position to push dogs into doing a lot of things they don't necessarily want to do (such as holding still while we poke them with needles). I happen to like working with the "scary breeds" so I probably worked with them more often than most.

I have only had one dog really truly bite me with the intention of seriously hurting me. That dog was a black Labrador Retriever.

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but it would sure be nice if people started using at least a little reality in their decision making process. How in the hell can someone judge a dog if they don't even know one well enough to do it?
2010-03-13 05:11:29 UTC
Any dog can be dangerous regardless of breed. It just depends on how the dog was raised, how it was trained, and how socialized it is. There are only a few dogs in our clinic we refuse to work with unless sedated. One is a weimeriner, another a lab, and the last one a beagle. I've seen hundreds of weimeriners, labs, and beagles that are completely sweet and friendly, but these three dogs have never left their homes and are completely terrified to be here or near any new humans or dogs- because their owner made them that way.

If a person raises a dog in isolation- it's going to be aggressive. You teach a dog to bite- what do you think it's going to do?
*Dos Perros Mejicanos*
2010-03-13 19:00:10 UTC
No I wouldn't.

And just for you... That's a miniature BT. He can't cause much harm, can he? Looks like you threw here the quickest link you could find...

Bull Terriers are described as one of the friendliest dogs alive. They are loyal and friendly. The AKC says so and the AKC is right. ANY aggressive Bull Terrier you find - thowards people - is terribly wrong... Either from breeding, genetics, training - WHATEVER - a BT should NEVER show aggression thowards his owner or even strangers.... Why? They WEREN'T bred to be human aggressive for GOD'S SAKE!! They were bred to be ANIMAL aggressive... Why don't people get it.
Lacey UD, RE
2010-03-13 06:23:54 UTC
Breed doesn't matter. The most dangerous dogs are those who belong to ignorant owners who either don't train the dog or train it or train it to be aggressive because they want a big mean dog. Some of the worst ones are the little snappy dogs that are in people's arms. Think of how much damage that one of those would do if it were 50#
2010-03-14 18:14:53 UTC
one thing plus if you dont own or ever had one then you dont ever know what you are talkin about because not all bull dogs are dangerous the only that can hapen if the owner had abused, use for dog fighting or havent been train the dog prefect trainning. i dont believe want you said . because my brothers has 3 english bull terriers they never snap or attacked nobody else and either no children .
2010-03-13 09:28:37 UTC
No. How often have you heard of a trained guard dog attack anyone ?Sorry but it boils down to bad handling if a dog bites someone .All dogs are capable of inflicting serious harm , especially on children .The reports of dog bites in the UK seem grossly over hyped .Small dogs seem imo to be a lot more likely to bite than any of the bigger breeds ,cause if you have a large dog you are more aware of the potential to harm & train accordingly .Unless of course it is being used as a "status" dog with bigger balls than its owner ..
2010-03-13 05:53:21 UTC
For god sake!! There is no 'dangerous breed' is the owner thats the dangerous one!! I have an SBT who is 6 months and I also have a 2 year old daughter and they are fantastic together..we only got the dog 3 weeks ago off my friend and it took him few days to get sued 2 beign around my duaghter and now he is perfect, doesn't jump at her and when he's playign with her we sya 'gentle' and he just rolls around while she plays with him..he's gr8 when she feeds him treats as you tell him 'gentle' and he is soo gentle and slow at taking the treat and uses his tongue rather than his teeth..I trust him to be around my daughter..I am sick of people branding certain breeds..any dog can be violent and aggressive..just the other day a jack russell (who was off the lead) was barking at my SBT (on the lead) and was nipping his tail and my dog was just standing his ground! If you think its the dog who's the aggressive one then you shoudl be looking at the other end of the lead and is that person who is making them like that!
Infernal Disaster
2010-03-13 05:40:49 UTC
Posts like this remind me how ignorant some people are when it comes to dogs.

Inexperienced owners are dangerous, not dogs.

Aggressive dogs are a result of inexperienced owners who get dogs without first understanding their traits, temperament and requirements or owners who encourage unacceptable aggression. They fail to socialize their dogs and/or establish a leadership role.

An strong alpha owner who understands their Dog's needs, temperament and chooses a breed best suited for their lifestyle, will have a safe dog.
2010-03-13 13:19:10 UTC
There is no breed called "English Bull Terrier".

If you are going to make unsubstantiated comments at least get the name of the poor animal you are libelling correct.
2010-03-13 05:38:37 UTC
American pit bulls are illegal in some cities and have killed and maimed many people nationally. But dogs of any breed can attack for no apparent reason. Ask any groomer---mine refuses to groom Scottish terriers and chow-chows because they bite for no reason. BTW, Scotties that appear on Christmas cards and look so cute have the biggest teeth compared with their size than any other breed and have an attitude to match.

That said, all terrier breeds are around for one reason---to fearlessly pursue and kill rodents. Humans breed dogs for certain jobs and they become extremely efficient. Then times change and people try to turn working dogs into house pets, and it doesn't always turn out well. Over-breeding tends to work the brains right out of a dog as well, so in some cases, dogs are not reliable intellectual examples of their breed.

As several others have stated, ALL dogs have the ability to hurt people if properly provoked. I don't trust ANY dog with me or mine just because it is a very risky to assume no one will get hurt. And because people are so cavelier about their "trustworthy" dogs and bad things happen, the dogs are blamed.
2010-03-13 05:31:24 UTC
No. The most dangerous breeds are the dogs with bad owners. I know plenty of Bully breed dogs, and all are big babies.

About the only thing they might do is slobber you to death.
Ello Guv
2010-03-13 05:05:29 UTC
I don't think so, I've come across a lot more dangerous Staffordshire Bull Terriers in my time than English Bull terriers. They are usually really soppy. I've known three owners of EBT and two of those dogs have had some sort of Brain Tumour that lead to erratic behaviour, maybe there is something in that.

When they are puppies they look like baby pigs lol

Bad owner looking for a status dog tend to go for satffies becuase EBT's are a lot more expensive, and there aren't that many breeders.
2010-03-13 05:05:22 UTC
no i dont think they are in the right hands they are great pets in the wrong hands then this is were you get all the trouble

my friend has 3 of these and are brought up round her young kids and they curl up with the kids of the sofa sleeping even with the kids jumping on them the dogs dont batter aan eye lid or growl at the kids

so no i think there poorly misread dogs

and yes very dangerous in the wrong hands
Milo Moo
2010-03-13 19:03:05 UTC
No I would not, the one owned by an idiot owner that wants a dog to make them look tough is the most dangerous.
2010-03-13 10:10:10 UTC
No. You couldn't possibly go any more wrong. English bulls are one of the nicest sweetest breed of dogs,they're only "dangerous" in the wrong hands.
2010-03-13 05:08:56 UTC
Ive known nice ones and nasty ones. Think it mainly depends on their genetics and also if they have sensible owners who have researched caring for the dog and training etc properly.
2010-03-13 05:05:38 UTC
No my brother had a very loving bull terrier that sadly died from a heart condition.
2010-03-13 05:08:31 UTC
you well out with this.

All of the EBTs i have encountered have been soppy as heck.

They arent making the breed or any breed illegal to own btw, it'll be a licence to won them instead (i think).
2010-03-13 05:05:03 UTC
i think an american pitbull terrier would be considered. but as an owner of a pit that has been raised correctly I trust him every bit with my 3 year old
Bells - Beach Bums
2010-03-13 08:21:48 UTC
Oh geez, go back and do some more research

They were bred to attack other ANIMALS...not HUMANS. BIG DIFFERENCE

Same thing as saying that beagles are the most dangerous breed cause they were bred to hunt and kill their prey...or any other hunting dog for that matter....
2010-03-13 14:26:59 UTC
they can be real nice if you train them to be and can be real evil if you train them to be but if your a normal person who takes care of ur dog its the most loving dog ever
madalynn H
2010-03-14 05:17:20 UTC
im a dog groomer and they are good dogs the ones to worried about are german Shepard's ive been attack 3 different times by german shepard's
2010-03-14 07:19:21 UTC
I've really got nothing to add that hasn't already been said, so I'll just post another picture.

Dangerous indeed xD
2010-03-13 07:12:52 UTC

Uh uh... Yeah, I can see.
2010-03-13 05:15:52 UTC
yes that is dangerous.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.