2009-03-03 07:48:38 UTC
This is where I am so far: It's been about 4 days
I feed my male dog 1 chicken quarter a day, he loves it. He had some constipation issues, and then this morning pretty bad diarrhea. I am going to change it to two or three smaller meals a day. Does that sound like that is the issue and changing the meal number will help?
Secondly, my female hates chicken. She refused to eat it even when it was cooked before, so now switching her over has been of some difficulty. She loves the bones, so I try to leave meat on a thigh bone and give it to her that way... There isn't much meat on it at all or she'll refuse to eat it. Is it okay that she isn't eating that much meat compared to bone? She has been pooping regularly, but is it providing enough nutrition?
Lastly, is there anyone on here who wouldn't mind mentoring me through this early stage a little?